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New rheumatologist

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Hi group,

Last Tuesday I drove to Seattle to see a new rheumatologist. She was

recommended to me by my primary doc. I liked her very well. A lot better than

my last one. Did a thorough medical history on me and then did an exam on me.

She said I look good for having RA for 12 years. She could not detect any

swelling, redness, or increased synovial fluid. She is going to continue on the

plan that my last rheumie had me on which is to continue to taper my Arava down.

I was on 2x/wk and now am going to one time per week. She did new set of x-rays

and labs on me. Don't know the results of these and have no worries that there

is anything wrong so will wait to see the results when I go back again in

January. She did say to me in the beginning when she came into the room that

she was there to help me in any way. She wants me comfortable and in no way

does she want to harm any organs. She also does not want me to be sick in any

way. She seemed more like a concerned friend than a doctor. It was an extreme

change from what I have had.

I do think I overdid it this weekend though. I had to supply some goodies for

an auction on Friday night and stood in my kitchen for about 7 hours baking and

preparing food and have been quite sore in my feet. Then on Saturday I had a

breakfast meeting here at my house and was up on my feet cooking and preparing

the table. On Saturday evening our family celebrated my mom's birthday here at

my house. Now if I am up on my feet for too long my feet just ache. Also, all

I wanted to do yesterday was just kind of lay around. Hopefully work won't be

too bad, but I know better than that. Currently a work day is 12 hours long

with one 1/2 hour lunch.

Talk to you all again.


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