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Marina--cooperation between doctors

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Hi Marina,

When I saw the rheumy last week, I asked her to contact the doctor in

Michigan who was administering Remicade to the other woman, and she

would not agree to do that. I don't know why, and she wouldn't say,

just kept avoiding the subject. I have thought of contacting that

doctor myself, and also asking my pain doc to contact her. The pain

doc works at the hospital, so he could possibly administer it, but

then again he might not know how to monitor me. We have no

rheumatologists in town. This town is funny, too, as the doctors

have divided themselves into two competing factions, one surgeon even

opened his own mini-hospital! And the argument is all over

insurance! So I agree with you about the demons. On top of it all,

the management of our hospital is now under fire as we have lost

several very top doctors recently and people want to know why.

Say, I just realized that the noun form of your name is " a safe

harbor. " You certainly do live up to that description. The sermon

in church yesterday was all about hope, and seemed to be directed at

me. We had communion, and we always sing the hymn " Seek ye first "

which contains the words " knock and the door shall be opened, seek

and ye shall find, ask and it shall be given. " How appropriate!

Thanks again,


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Judi, I know what you are saying about the war of the physicians!!

We are having the same issue here. Several of our surgeons opened

up their own surgery center because the hospital refused to get them

the things they wanted. They had their chance. They were warned by

the docs that they would leave. The hospital didn't believe them so

they did build their center and they did walk. We lost a lot of

good docs because of this. Well, they do come in to take care of in-

patients and to do some surgeries for those who aren't covered at

the center.

Don't give up on this, Judi. Maybe the pharmacutical would pay

for it. It would be a part of their research. I really hope you

get the answer you so desperately need. That's awful that she

refused to call the doc in Michigan. I wish they would keep their

politics between themselves and treat the patient properly without

those same politics getting in the way. I know the docs I work with

will refuse to do something, such as use a pain pump on surgical

patients where it is indicated, because they don't get paid for

doing it or some other reason. I tell them to just build a bridge

and get over it, this is what's best for this patient. They tell me

I don't do my work for free, I tell them with what I'm making it

might as well be!! So you hang in there, don't give up, and know

that I am pulling for you. I hope I have helped in some

way.....Blessed Be........Marina

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