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The latest catalog of products and services offered by

KovacekManagementServices is now available.

You may download it directly in Acrobat Format from


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20225 Danbury Lane

Harper Woods, MI 48225-1156

Fax: (313) 884 8510

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Services and Workshops

We offer a full line of consultative services and management

seminars. Workshop topics include Productivity, Quality Management,

Managed Care, Reimbursement, Basic Business Skills and more. We

offer a variety of consultative services from a quick “tune up” to

helping you with specific needs such as improving productivity to more

extensive relationships such as managing your entire department.

Call for more information or to schedule an onsite workshop or


Managing Physical Rehabilitation in a Managed Care Environment

By R. Kovacek, MSA, PT and Kathleen A. “Jake” Jakubiak

Kovacek, PT

If you are working with managed care organizations or want to be, this

book is an excellent reference on how to maintain and build these

relationships. You will learn how to assess where your clinic or

department stands with regards to managed care. This book will help

you learn how the managed care organization operates, the different kinds

of managed care, what is important to them and how your rehab facility

fits into their plans. More importantly, you will learn how you

will be reimbursed for your services and how working with the MCO will

benefit your practice.

You will learn how to prepare your clinic or department for

the challenges of managed care. You will learn what changes will be

needed to be made in how your business is conducted from both a clinical

and administrative perspective in order to survive in a managed care

contract. This book will provide you with clear descriptions of

clinical strategies to implement and management strategies such as how to

negotiate a contract, what type of information system you must maintain,

and how to work with case managers.

(mc98) …….. 250 page Hardcover Book …………… $49.95 + $6.05 (s/h)

Managerial and Supervisory Principles for Physical Therapists

by Larry Nosse, PT, PhD, Deborah Friberg, PT, MBA and R.

Kovacek, MSA, PT

Managerial and Supervisory Principles for Physical Therapists is your

best introduction to the business end of PT. We provide successful

business management techniques and technical insights that will help you

understand the changing role of physical therapy and physical therapists

in the future health care system. Excellent for students, new and

experienced managers and therapists. A special feature of this textbook

is a fully integrated, real life 14 part case study that will help you

apply the principles of management and supervision to your every day

professional life. Great for managers to use with staff for professional

development. $49.95

(NFK) …….. 350 page Hardcover Book …………… $49.95 + $6.05 (s/h)

Reimbursable Documentation in Rehabilitation: A Staff Workbook

By S. Lundy, MS, PT, PCS

If you are tired of receiving reimbursement rejections when you know your

patients received quality care and have benefited from therapy, then you

need this book. You will learn the benefits of good

documentation, not only for the insurance company, but also for the

patient and the therapist. Insurance companies often have

non-clinicians reviewing claims. Learn how to document so that the

non-therapist reviewer will understand why therapy was needed and the

positive effect therapy had on the patient. This workbook gives

clear, easy to use examples of how to document quickly and efficiently in

order to meet insurance requirements yet remain productive. In addition,

you will understand what needs to be included when documenting

properly. You will also review examples of good and bad

documentation and simple tools that can be applied to your everyday


(doc1) …….. Workbook …………………………… $49.95 + $6.05 (s/h)

Core Documents !!

Now you can have all the core Medicare and Medicaid HCFA documents

delivered directly to your door - as they are published!!

We are pleased to announce the availability of our regulatory screening


When you purchase Core Documents you will receive - on CD - all the

critical HCFA documents related to rehabilitation that have been

published since the passage of The Balanced Budget Act of 1997. You will

have all these documents in one convenient place - full text and figures

- fully printable and searchable.

(Core) …….. CD ROM (Win or Mac) …………… $49.95 + $6.05 (s/h)

(Qcore) ...... Quarterly updates on CD ROM .. $11.95 +$6.05 (s/h)

The JCAHO Desktop Consultant

By M. , PT

The Desktop Consultant was developed in response to a clear need for

managers and staff in physical medicine to have practical resources to

assist in preparation for JCAHO survey, to assist in improving

productivity through reduction in paperwork and to build confidence in

their ability to meet and exceed current accreditation standards.

The manual is packed with policies, procedures, evaluation and treatment

forms, educational needs assessments for staff, competency statements and

evaluations, orientation tools and practical suggestions for improving

documentation and compliance.

You will receive over 500 pages of ready to use policies and procedures,

treatment forms, job descriptions, competency checklists, self-paced

orientation materials and information about common issues on survey.

Authorization to duplicate these items for use within your own facility A

CD-ROM containing all documentation in Adobe Acrobat format. For easy

printing of forms. Free updates released for 1 year after purchase

(Jcaho) ………. Hardcover plus CD ROM ……………………$499.95 + $9.95 (s/h)

Home Therapy OASIS Assessment Forms

by H. Krulish, MHS, PT

HCFA required that Home Health Agencies incorporate OASIS data into

documentation for all disciplines. The integration of this data needs to

be done in a manner that creates a logical and clinically appropriate

information flow for the assessment. It should also facilitate efficient

data entry.

Although HCFA has provided sample clinical records that incorporate the

OASIS data set in the OASIS User's Manual, these are sample forms of

nursing assessments and ARE NOT discipline specific for rehabilitation


Home Therapy OASIS Assessment Forms provide a system for Physical

Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech-Language Pathology clinical

records that adequately incorporate the OASIS data set for all the

required data collection time points.

(Oasis) ………. .............Hardcover ……………………$129.00 + $6.00 (s/h)

Geriatric Competency Assessment Program

By S. Lundy, MS, PT, PCS

This easy to use book is a cost effective way to comply with JCAHO’s age

specific competency requirements for rehabilitative therapists. We

provide a review of basic geriatric physical therapy knowledge. Also

included is an assessment tool to demonstrate objective measurements of

knowledge for staff that serve the elderly in their practice. This

competency assessment program is perfect for staff training or

self-study. Upon completion of the review, a competency assessment

tool is included to document minimal level knowledge in geriatric

specific issues. This helps you document successful staff

completion of this material to comply with JCAHO age specific

competencies for geriatrics. This program has been used by many

hospitals around the country and has successfully passed the scrutiny of

JCAHO reviewers.

(geri) ………. Workbook

…………………………$39.95 + $6.05 (s/h)

Pediatric Competency Assessment Program

By S. Lundy, MS, PT, PCS

This is the complement to the Geriatric Competency Assessment

Program. This book helps the therapist comply with JCAHO’s age

specific competencies for the pediatric population. You will be

provided with a review of physical therapy knowledge for treatment of the

pediatric patient including understanding normal growth and development,

management of pediatric patients and children’s health and safety.

We have included documentation forms and a professional development plan

for the continued improvement of staff competence in this area.

(peds) ……… Workbook

…………………………. $39.95 + $6.05 (s/h)

Rehabilitation Guidelines for Outpatient Physical Therapy

Produced by Therapeutic Associates, Inc.

You'll save time using these treatment protocols and rationales to help

you manage your clinical care. These guidelines will provide you

with a starting point to help you develop protocols for your clinic or

department. This will save you valuable time because you will

not have to write each and every portion of the protocols from

scratch. There are three volumes for each major area of the

musculoskeletal system.


… Volume

One ­ Lower Extremity ………

$185.00 + $9.95



… Volume

Two ­ Spine and TMJ ………….

$185.00 + $9.95



… Volume

Three ­ Upper Extremity ……..

$185.00 + $9.95 (s/h)


set of all three volumes only $510.00!

Therapy Referral Handbook

Written by Therapeutic Associates of Beaverton, Oregon, this is an

excellent tool to enhance the therapy knowledge of your referral

sources. The handbook is intended to be given to payors

or referral sources as a marketing reference. Referral sources and

payers do not always know when therapy is appropriate. This

handbook will help them use your services more effectively.

The Handbook lists " considerations for Referral " by anatomical

region plus treatment summaries for over 70 of your most commonly treated

diagnoses. given them to your customers to enhance referrals and


We are pleased that, when purchased in volume, we can modify the handbook

to include YOUR practice and Logo on the cover so that you can most

effectively enhance YOUR practice in the eyes of YOUR referrers.

(Refr) ......... Softcover .....................$39.95/Handbook +

$6.05 S/H - volume discounts and customized printing are available.

The Kovacek Recruitment System

By R. Kovacek, MSA, PT

This is a 60 minute audio tape with accompanying workbook.

You will learn techniques that will help you recruit and retain

staff. We examine what important characteristics the therapist is

looking for when they are job hunting. We show you how to attract

therapists and retain them so you will have more time to devote to

delivering quality care rather than finding staff. We provide

you with helpful hints and tools on how to motivate staff so they choose

to stay with you instead of looking for a new job.

(recr) …. . . . . . .. 60 min audiotape

………………………… $29.95 + $6.05


Managing Employees in Changing Times

By R. Kovacek, MSA, PT

As healthcare continues to evolve and change, you and your staff will

need to prepare to manage these changing times. This 75-minute

audiotape and workbook will get you and your ready to survive the

changing demands of delivering quality therapy.

(chng) . . . . . .… 75 min

audiotape ……………….………. $29.95 + $6.05


The Productive Therapist

By R. Kovacek, MSA, PT

Everyone feels that they are working hard. This 60-minute audiotape with

workbook examines the skills a therapist must possess to be efficient and

effective. The tape explores the skills that are both helpful and

harmful with regards to productivity. Learn how to motivate

therapists to want to produce more while helping them maintain their

individuality and continue to deliver quality care.

(prod) …….. 60 min audiotape …………………….. $19.95 + $4.05 (s/h)

Improving Productivity Without Sacrificing Quality in


By R. Kovacek, MSA, PT

This book helps you to learn and understand the impact of managed care on

productivity, quality and clinical effectiveness. You will examine

the various systems in your clinic or department to reduce

inefficiencies and improve quality. This book helps you learn new

skills and attitudes towards being responsible for productivity while

maintaining clinical quality. Tools are provided that will help you to

measure productivity and methods to motivate your staff to accept changes

in the way they deliver therapy. The entire staff will learn how to

act as a team to improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of your

business while maintaining a high standard of care.

(pq01) …….. Workbook …………………………. $19.95 + $4.05 (s/h)

To Order:

Email, call, fax or mail your order to:

KovacekManagementServices, Inc.

20225 Danbury Lane

Harper Woods, MI 48225




As always, your satisfaction is guaranteed

R. Kovacek, MSA, PT

Email Pkovacek@...

313 884-8920




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