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reconstructive foot surgery

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> I am happy to report I had both feet reconstructed at the same time.

It was a 4 hour operation and in two days I was up walking with

special shoes and within a month I was walking in a way I had not been

able to do for years. My biggest thrill was getting out of my New

Balance runners and buying regular shoes. I also have a friend that

had one foot operated on this week and having the other one done Dec.

23 so am anxious to know how she makes out. She sent me an email

yesterday and her op was on Monday so she can't be feeling too bad.


> Hugs

> June



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ra sufferer, my feet were so bad, I could barely walk. Most of the pain came

from the bony protuberances coming through on the bottoms of my feet (like

walking on stones) all toes were misaligned, some on top of the other beside it.

The ortho operated across the bottom of my toes on top of the foot, cut out

about an inch or so of diseased bone etc. She put all the toes back in place,

straightened my feet, corrected the bunions and put pins in both big toes. My

feet are about two sizes smaller than previous and in the beginning, all my toes

wiggled when I shook my foot, it took about 6 mos for them to tighten up

completely but it did not bother me. I had the operation the end of November and

3 weeks later attended a party where I had to climb up about 15 stairs. It took

a while but I was able to manage (what I will do for a free dinner LOL)

Feel free to ask any questions if I can be of help.

I must say the ortho I had is known in Canada as " The Queen of Feet " and all she

does is operate on feet. I will be talking sometime this weekend to my friend

that just had her foot reconstructed and will get details on how her ortho did

her operation.



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