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RESEARCH - Homocysteine and folate status in MTX-treated patients with RA

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I take a folic acid supplement - I did when I took the prednisone and estrogen

with the MTX. I am certain the folic acid is helpful - but this MTX and folic

acid - not MTX folic acid, prednisone and HRT. I think it is something RA

patients need to discuss with their doctors when discussing HRT with Drs..

Prednisone - long term use- and HRT can increase incident on their own. Just a


-------------- Original message ----------------------

From: " " <Matsumura_Clan@...>


> Rheumatology 2002; 41; 658-665


> " Homocysteine and folate status in methotrexate-treated patients with

> rheumatoid arthritis " :


> http://rheumatology.oupjournals.org/cgi/content/full/41/6/658






> I'll tell you where to go!


> Mayo Clinic in Rochester

> http://www.mayoclinic.org/rochester


> s Hopkins Medicine

> http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org






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I take a folic acid supplement - I did when I took the prednisone and estrogen

with the MTX. I am certain the folic acid is helpful - but this MTX and folic

acid - not MTX folic acid, prednisone and HRT. I think it is something RA

patients need to discuss with their doctors when discussing HRT with Drs..

Prednisone - long term use- and HRT can increase incident on their own. Just a


-------------- Original message ----------------------

From: " " <Matsumura_Clan@...>


> Rheumatology 2002; 41; 658-665


> " Homocysteine and folate status in methotrexate-treated patients with

> rheumatoid arthritis " :


> http://rheumatology.oupjournals.org/cgi/content/full/41/6/658






> I'll tell you where to go!


> Mayo Clinic in Rochester

> http://www.mayoclinic.org/rochester


> s Hopkins Medicine

> http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org






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Hello, !

My intent in posting current information on hormone replacement therapy

(HRT) and related issues is neither to endorse it nor condemn it and

certainly not to imply that making the decision whether to use it is

simple, especially for those with RA. There are many unknowns and no

easy answers.

As you point out, it is possible that HRT plus some drugs used to treat

RA may increase the likelihood of cardiovascular events. Yet, RA itself

is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease, presumably

because of the inflammation it produces. And there is some evidence that

HRT may reduce the inflammatory burden, improve BMD, and prevent

radiological progression in RA.

Too, each person may have other cardiovascular disease risk factors in

addition to her RA or medications - hypertension, smoking, obesity,

sedentary lifestyle, inheritance, to name a few.

Also adding complexity is that there is a variety of types of hormone

replacement therapies available and some may be safer, in terms of

cardiovascular event risk, than others.

Yes, there should be lots of questions and discussion on this topic

between patient and physician!

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


Re: [ ] RESEARCH - Homocysteine and folate status in

MTX-treated patients with RA


> I take a folic acid supplement - I did when I took the prednisone and

estrogen with the MTX. I am certain the folic acid is helpful - but this

MTX and folic acid - not MTX folic acid, prednisone and HRT. I think it

is something RA patients need to discuss with their doctors when

discussing HRT with Drs.. Prednisone - long term use- and HRT can

increase incident on their own. Just a thought.



> -------------- Original message ----------------------

> From: " " <Matsumura_Clan@...>

> >

> > Rheumatology 2002; 41; 658-665

> >

> > " Homocysteine and folate status in methotrexate-treated patients


> > rheumatoid arthritis " :

> >

> > http://rheumatology.oupjournals.org/cgi/content/full/41/6/658

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Hello, !

My intent in posting current information on hormone replacement therapy

(HRT) and related issues is neither to endorse it nor condemn it and

certainly not to imply that making the decision whether to use it is

simple, especially for those with RA. There are many unknowns and no

easy answers.

As you point out, it is possible that HRT plus some drugs used to treat

RA may increase the likelihood of cardiovascular events. Yet, RA itself

is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease, presumably

because of the inflammation it produces. And there is some evidence that

HRT may reduce the inflammatory burden, improve BMD, and prevent

radiological progression in RA.

Too, each person may have other cardiovascular disease risk factors in

addition to her RA or medications - hypertension, smoking, obesity,

sedentary lifestyle, inheritance, to name a few.

Also adding complexity is that there is a variety of types of hormone

replacement therapies available and some may be safer, in terms of

cardiovascular event risk, than others.

Yes, there should be lots of questions and discussion on this topic

between patient and physician!

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


Re: [ ] RESEARCH - Homocysteine and folate status in

MTX-treated patients with RA


> I take a folic acid supplement - I did when I took the prednisone and

estrogen with the MTX. I am certain the folic acid is helpful - but this

MTX and folic acid - not MTX folic acid, prednisone and HRT. I think it

is something RA patients need to discuss with their doctors when

discussing HRT with Drs.. Prednisone - long term use- and HRT can

increase incident on their own. Just a thought.



> -------------- Original message ----------------------

> From: " " <Matsumura_Clan@...>

> >

> > Rheumatology 2002; 41; 658-665

> >

> > " Homocysteine and folate status in methotrexate-treated patients


> > rheumatoid arthritis " :

> >

> > http://rheumatology.oupjournals.org/cgi/content/full/41/6/658

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I appreciate the research. Too many people don't bother with folic acid and that

can be tragic. Oddly when I went on MTX - I was still fairly young- childbearing

age -the use of folic acid was explained with regard to decrease of incidence of

birth defects ( actually that is its purpose for general population and not just

RA) if I intended to have children- not the reduction of general mtx related

symptoms like potential clotting caused by the rise in homocysteine levels. This

explanation btw came from a rheumatologist who was also concerned about the

effect it might have on my fertility. I was single at the time and was more

concerned about mobility. (All those on the site who might be considering

children- don't panic- it isn't a given- just discuss with your docs. I

remember it was suggested being off the drug a period of time before attempting

to conceive.) My point was not to criticize or alarm. Many of the drugs we take

in combination can create problems we are not always told about. Docs also

debate the issues of cardiovascular concern- my family doc thinks family history

and things like smoking are far bigger worries- says her patients with RA are

often healthier cardiovascularly. There are no easy answers- and often these

studies are of necessity done almost in a vaccuum in order to determine which

drugs have what effect. I continue to take folic acid and mtx and now Remicade -

have prednisone down to 7.5mg a day - which is still too high. Am vigilant about

any signs of clots too. Keep up the good work- I come here not only for the

conversation but to keep up on the research. You do a great job in bringing it

to everyone.


--------- Re: [ ] RESEARCH - Homocysteine and folate status in

> MTX-treated patients with RA



> >

> > I take a folic acid supplement - I did when I took the prednisone and

> estrogen with the MTX. I am certain the folic acid is helpful - but this

> MTX and folic acid - not MTX folic acid, prednisone and HRT. I think it

> is something RA patients need to discuss with their doctors when

> discussing HRT with Drs.. Prednisone - long term use- and HRT can

> increase incident on their own. Just a thought.

> >

> >

> > -------------- Original message ----------------------

> > From: " " <Matsumura_Clan@...>

> > >

> > > Rheumatology 2002; 41; 658-665

> > >

> > > " Homocysteine and folate status in methotrexate-treated patients

> with

> > > rheumatoid arthritis " :

> > >

> > > http://rheumatology.oupjournals.org/cgi/content/full/41/6/658

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >





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I appreciate the research. Too many people don't bother with folic acid and that

can be tragic. Oddly when I went on MTX - I was still fairly young- childbearing

age -the use of folic acid was explained with regard to decrease of incidence of

birth defects ( actually that is its purpose for general population and not just

RA) if I intended to have children- not the reduction of general mtx related

symptoms like potential clotting caused by the rise in homocysteine levels. This

explanation btw came from a rheumatologist who was also concerned about the

effect it might have on my fertility. I was single at the time and was more

concerned about mobility. (All those on the site who might be considering

children- don't panic- it isn't a given- just discuss with your docs. I

remember it was suggested being off the drug a period of time before attempting

to conceive.) My point was not to criticize or alarm. Many of the drugs we take

in combination can create problems we are not always told about. Docs also

debate the issues of cardiovascular concern- my family doc thinks family history

and things like smoking are far bigger worries- says her patients with RA are

often healthier cardiovascularly. There are no easy answers- and often these

studies are of necessity done almost in a vaccuum in order to determine which

drugs have what effect. I continue to take folic acid and mtx and now Remicade -

have prednisone down to 7.5mg a day - which is still too high. Am vigilant about

any signs of clots too. Keep up the good work- I come here not only for the

conversation but to keep up on the research. You do a great job in bringing it

to everyone.


--------- Re: [ ] RESEARCH - Homocysteine and folate status in

> MTX-treated patients with RA



> >

> > I take a folic acid supplement - I did when I took the prednisone and

> estrogen with the MTX. I am certain the folic acid is helpful - but this

> MTX and folic acid - not MTX folic acid, prednisone and HRT. I think it

> is something RA patients need to discuss with their doctors when

> discussing HRT with Drs.. Prednisone - long term use- and HRT can

> increase incident on their own. Just a thought.

> >

> >

> > -------------- Original message ----------------------

> > From: " " <Matsumura_Clan@...>

> > >

> > > Rheumatology 2002; 41; 658-665

> > >

> > > " Homocysteine and folate status in methotrexate-treated patients

> with

> > > rheumatoid arthritis " :

> > >

> > > http://rheumatology.oupjournals.org/cgi/content/full/41/6/658

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >





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