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Dog Days

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Oh Kara:

My heart goes out to you! How did the kids feel about this? We have a 12

yr. old Irish Wolfhound that is finding it hard to get around.......if anyone

knows anything about this breed, they are HUGE, and big dogs' legs tend to

give out.....we are lucky in the sense that this breed usually doesn't live

past 7 or 8 yrs. old, so we've had her longer than expected!

I dread the day we have to do this also!!

Hugs and Prayers,

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Tanner didn't blink (bawled when the cat who lived in our room and rarely

ever came out died). asks where he is. Lyndsey (10 y/o) took it

about like I did. Her music teacher called today and said she cried about

it at school, too. This sounds terrible, but it felt like when I told my

dad it was time to take mom home to die (ovarian cancer) and I made the

hospice arrangements. I knew it was the right thing to do, but it felt very

lonely and icky. I asked my friend how I could feel as bad for my dog and

she said " at least you knew Harley was always on your side " which was true.

On the one upside, Tucker (our young dog) is looking more trainable since he

and Harley aren't competing for my attention.




>My heart goes out to you! How did the kids feel about this? We have a 12

>yr. old Irish Wolfhound that is finding it hard to get around.......if


>knows anything about this breed, they are HUGE, and big dogs' legs tend to

>give out.....we are lucky in the sense that this breed usually doesn't live

>past 7 or 8 yrs. old, so we've had her longer than expected!


>I dread the day we have to do this also!!


>Hugs and Prayers,




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Soooooo sorry you had a miserable time! With our kids, as most of us know,

we never really can ascertain how they will act up during vacations, outings,

etc....... can be something else and can also stick his tongue out and

also do the " antlers " , as his teacher calls it......where you put your hands

up by the sides of your head and wave them?

I STILL say our kids' moods run in " cycles " ..... was a BEAR to get ready

for school.....did well in school, but just said " no " to everything at home

before school! This week, he is almost perfect!

Go figure.

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  • 3 years later...
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Dog Days of summer July 3-August 11

The dog days of summer occur during the hottest and muggoest part of the season.

The term is said to have originated during the ancient times. Back then people

looked into the night skies and connected the dots (stars). They saw images of

bears (Ursa Major and Ursa Minor) , twins (Gemini) a bull, (Taurus), and dogs

(Canis Major and Canis Minor)

The brightest star in Canis Major is Sirius. In the summer Sirius, the dog star

rises and sets with the sun. By late JUly, it is lined up with the sun and the

ancient Romans believed that its heat added to the heat of the sun, creating a

stretch of hot and sultry weather. They named this period of time from the 20

days before the lining up with the sun to 20 days after the dog days after the

dog star.

Spend the dog days of summer with a loved one by serving lemondae and animal

crackers and sharing these jokes.

What did the hungry dalmation say when he had a meal? That hits the spots.

What dogs are best for sending telegrams? Wire haired terriers

What do you get if you cross a dog with a rose? A collie-flower.

Why did the poor dog chase his tail? He wanted to make ends meet.

Where does a rottweiller sit in the movie theatre? Anywhere he wants to.

Why don't dogs make good dancers? Because they have 2 left feet.

When is a black dog not a black dog? when it's a greyhound.

I copied this from Total Home Health newsletter.

DId you know dogs are welcome is some public places? I cannot remember if it is

at petfriendly.com or petwelcome.com or just where, but I was surprised how many

internet sites have information about places you can take your dog. I am not

certain, but I think even White Sox baseball park- dogs might be allowed,

although they might need a ticket? LOL

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