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Dixie/All Medical Info on Oxycontin

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Dear Ivy, please don't let your feeling be hurt. You are doing a wonderful

service by telling us things we need to know, whether anyone takes your advice

is beside the point. If you only help just one person by sharing information,

then it is all worthwhile. I, personally, read everything posted on benefits and

side affects of medications most of us take or have taken in the past.



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In a message dated 16/07/2004 09:53:39 Central Standard Time,

paula54@... writes:

> Oxycontin has been a miracle for so many people but the

> negative press fueled by the news media makes us all sound like addicts.


They also make prescribers sound like drug dealers. I am on a pain and

chemical dependency listserv because of my nursing, and there are many docs


the country being persecuted and losing everything they worked for their whole

lives because they were the only pain docs in the area who would treat their

patients adequately. Then the papers sensationalize it, i.e. " drug dealing

doc responsible for patient deaths " or whatever. It's awful. But, if you were

DEA, would it be easier to prosecute someone in the war on drugs who is right

in town and you know where to find him and seize his things? or chase a real

dealer who is hiding and hard to catch? Lots of money in seized assets from

docs, kinda makes it a slam dunk at times for the government. The whole thing

is messed up. And bottom line, the patients suffer as they lose they only doc

who was compassionate enough to stick his or her neck out. Really sad. The

more you read about this stuff, the more disillusioned you become.


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