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Re: Re: When you're not in remission? - Fatigue

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Have you asked your doctor about Provigil? It really, really helps with the

fatigue. It's not like ritalin or anything like that. Just takes the edge off

and makes you feel like you are alive again.


[ ] Re: When you're not in remission? - Fatigue

I hadn't ever realized my fatigue could be from the MTX until someone

posted about that here recently. I know I was in more pain before

MTX, and I thought that once the pain was more under control that I

then became more aware of the fatigue. But I see now it is a MTX

side effect. So who knows.

Being fatigued is certainly easier to handle than being swollen,

stiff and in pain. Although today I am just exhausted. I can't seem

to focus and I really, really need a nap. What do you think are the

odds that my 4 year old will want to go to bed early?


> > > The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), or sedimentation rate

> > (sed rate),

> > > is a measure of the settling of red blood cells in a tube of

> blood

> > during

> > > one hour. The rate is an indication of inflammation and


> > in many

> > > diseases. There are 3 methods that labs can use to measure


> > rate,

> > > Westergren's method, Wintrobe's method & Micro-sedimentation

> > (Landau)

> > > method. Westergren¹s is normally used in rheumatic disease

> > testing, but

> > > when results are given they specify which method was used


> > each

> > > produces a slightly different result.

> > >

> > > The remission you have while on drugs is drug-induced


> > This is

> > > different from spontaneous remission. In some people, RA may


> > milder and

> > > it might run a course of a year or two - particularly in


> > people,

> > > young kids - and will go into a spontaneous remission and not

> come

> > back.

> > > Most people are not that lucky, but in drug-induced remission,

> when

> > you stop

> > > the drug, then the disease creeps back.

> > > Pregnancy is known to cause spontaneous remission. I went into

> > remission

> > > during one pregnancy yet flared terribly in another.


> > I¹d take

> > > any kind of remission because it sure is glorious!

> > > a

> > >

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Here's the site for Provigil.


[ ] Re: When you're not in remission? - Fatigue

I hadn't ever realized my fatigue could be from the MTX until someone

posted about that here recently. I know I was in more pain before

MTX, and I thought that once the pain was more under control that I

then became more aware of the fatigue. But I see now it is a MTX

side effect. So who knows.

Being fatigued is certainly easier to handle than being swollen,

stiff and in pain. Although today I am just exhausted. I can't seem

to focus and I really, really need a nap. What do you think are the

odds that my 4 year old will want to go to bed early?


> > > The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), or sedimentation rate

> > (sed rate),

> > > is a measure of the settling of red blood cells in a tube of

> blood

> > during

> > > one hour. The rate is an indication of inflammation and


> > in many

> > > diseases. There are 3 methods that labs can use to measure


> > rate,

> > > Westergren's method, Wintrobe's method & Micro-sedimentation

> > (Landau)

> > > method. Westergren¹s is normally used in rheumatic disease

> > testing, but

> > > when results are given they specify which method was used


> > each

> > > produces a slightly different result.

> > >

> > > The remission you have while on drugs is drug-induced


> > This is

> > > different from spontaneous remission. In some people, RA may


> > milder and

> > > it might run a course of a year or two - particularly in


> > people,

> > > young kids - and will go into a spontaneous remission and not

> come

> > back.

> > > Most people are not that lucky, but in drug-induced remission,

> when

> > you stop

> > > the drug, then the disease creeps back.

> > > Pregnancy is known to cause spontaneous remission. I went into

> > remission

> > > during one pregnancy yet flared terribly in another.


> > I¹d take

> > > any kind of remission because it sure is glorious!

> > > a

> > >

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I never pay much attention to side effects because you will get the symptoms if

you read them! Even aspirin has side effects so you have to weigh the good with

the bad.


[ ] Re: When you're not in remission? -




> I hadn't ever realized my fatigue could be from the MTX until


> posted about that here recently. I know I was in more pain


> MTX, and I thought that once the pain was more under control

that I

> then became more aware of the fatigue. But I see now it is a


> side effect. So who knows.


> Being fatigued is certainly easier to handle than being


> stiff and in pain. Although today I am just exhausted. I

can't seem

> to focus and I really, really need a nap. What do you think

are the

> odds that my 4 year old will want to go to bed early?


> Jennie


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Yes, that is the reason I take it. I can get 12-15 hours sleep and wake up and

feel like I got no sleep at all. It's doesn't make me want to run races and I

can fall right to sleep at night. I took Dexedrine in the past and that kept me

awake for 2 days! Provigil really helps. Now even if I get 6 hours sleep I am

able to function very well. I still try to get plenty of sleep but before it

was like I was in a fog and after taking it I feel like the fog has lifted.


[ ] Re: When you're not in remission? - Fatigue

Becky, does the Provigil help even if you're getting enough sleep? I

feel like I sleep enough (now that I don't have to wake up every hour

anymore and unkink my knees), but I just get tired so much faster.

Like in the past, I could run 4 or 5 errands on a Saturday morning,

and now I'm dragging after 1 1/2.

> > > http://www.provigil.com/

> > >

> > > Here's the site for Provigil.

> > >

> > > Becky

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In a message dated 03/08/2004 15:14:40 Central Standard Time,

natesmom4@... writes:

> Have you asked your doctor about Provigil? It really, really helps with

> the fatigue. It's not like ritalin or anything like that. Just takes the


> off and makes you feel like you are alive again.


> Becky


My 17 year old son takes Provigil...he gets it off label for daytime

sleepiness secondary to depression, and ADD. It seems to really help him.


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