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Teletubby land

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I met a friend from the internet.....actually we met on the internet, but she

was connected in a round about way to my family. We saw her the first time way

out in southwest MN. As we were driving to her house, I swear to gosh it looked

EXACTLY like Teletubby land. Rolling hills and those spinning windmill

thingies. So, being the mom that I am I began to scream LOOK LOOK we are in

Teletubby land. Well, at that time my girls were past Teletubby age, so they

were not impressed at all, but my son, he was. SO when we met myfriend I said

hey, you did not tell me you live in Teletubby land. If I remember right her

kids maybe were not yet watching teletubbies. She prolly thought I was a little


Well, when we were down S. IL this week, we were on Rte 51 and where there is an

exit for Paw Paw.....there is a teletubby spinnie things FARM- oh yes, someone

planted a gazillion of them! and they GREW, TONS of them.......just like

wildflowers! LOL. Actually hubby tried to count them and he got to 55 and got

confused. There are LOTS oft those windmill spinning things.

I heard they cost 1.8 million each to erect. (I prefer to think they grew


So- here we were not too long after the sun and moon stuff and much to my

delight, all these giant spinners all around us everywhere. LOL LOL. The kids

had fallen asleep out of boredom by then, so of course I HAD to scream and

yell...... LOOK LOOK.......LOL, darn my kids ignored me but their friend woke up

and hey SHE enjoyed them with me. LOL.

I have since found out my friend in MN- her husband might go work with them or

by them or something----gosh, that might take the magic out on me. LOL.

So if ya find yourself driving along 51-39 in ILL watch for Teletubbies around

Paw Paw exit. LOL.

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