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Off topic, fun IL events

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I do not yet know what is playing at the McHenry Drive Inn (I hope to have =

this in the morning, when my paper comes)

For a master list of IL county fairs-


Mendota Sweet corn festival

Aug 12-15


Saturday Aug 14---Arts and crafts fair, blood drive, music, youth parade, m=

agic show, extricationist (sounds interesting) Canine unit demonstration,

Sunday AUg 15- Fly in drive in breakfast, art and crafts fair, music, carni=

val, JESSE WHITE TUMBLERS (I think they are a free show) classic car show, S=

OUTH SHORE DRILL TEAM (MY VERY FAVORITE- look them up online- they give an i=

ncredible performance and the reason I am gonna try to go to this---- and I =

think it might be free)

Also Sunday- a parade and FREE SWEET CORN VIsit the website- use Mapquest- =

I am thinking it might be under 2 hours to get to Mendota, maybe even less, =

I doubt it is more than that, but I am hoping to go spend the weekend in a h=


Boone County Fair - Belvidere

Aug 10-15

Country Gold Show, Dacy AIr Show, GEORGE JONES SHOW, Trick Pony (music) and=

Demo Derby!

http://www.agr.state.il.us/fair/countyfair.php?cf=3 phone (815)544-2900

Wisconsin State Fair

Aug 5 till Aug 15

http://www.wistatefair.com/home/web2/entertainment/mainstage.htm Trace Adki=

nd, Josh , V100Jam 4 Peace, Oak Ridge Boys, Point of Grace, Rascal Fla=

tts, McComas, Village People, Amy Grant, Isaac , Bar-Kays, REO Sp=

eedwagon, Montgomery Gentry, Proctor,

Illinois State Fair

Aug 13- 22

http://www.agr.state.il.us/isf/gstand/default.htm (I heard they are not sel=

ling as many tickets as fast as they had hoped to??)

Clay AIken, Clint Black-Bill Engvall, Styx-Kansas, Horse racing, Cahrlie Da=

niels Band- Tritt, AVerage White Band-Micheal Mc, Daryl Hall & J=

ohn Oates, Illinois Symphoney, Truck and tractor pulls, Auto Races,

Winnebago COunty Fair

Aug 17-22


20 minutes west of Rockford. Harness Racing, Wall climbing, Midway, Draft h=

orse pull, carnival, antique tractor display, bull riding rodeo, Moto cross,=

pony rides, chainsaw carving auction, celebrity goat milking, Dierks Bentle=

y, Demo Derby.

Lakemoorfest (near Fox Lake and McHenry) Aug 13, 14 and 15

http://www.nwherald.com/CommunitySection/other/283073260484531.php This has=

fireworks Saturday nite- it is between McHenry and Rte 12 on Rte 120 Also h=

orseshoes, music, carnival, food, games, Volleyball, tug of war, basketball,=

See the newspaper article via the url I have above?

Be safe, have fun!!!!   Summer is ALMOST over (well the way the weather has=

been- gosh, I am not sure summer ever really started)

Ya never know what I mind find in tomorrows paper- check back, just in case=


~~~~~~~dreamer (Helene)

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