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Question about Remicade

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Some of you know me, but there are many new members here now so I

will reintroduce myself. I live in Central Oregon (Prineville)and

have had RA for 17 1/2 years, I am 54 years old (sounds older when

you write it). I started out on plaquinel after the first year of

not moving to well and being told my RA factor was as high as it

could get. Since then I have been on Gold Shots (didn't notice a

difference), Methotrexate (which worked well for some time and then

started backing off, but worked with some of the other meds until I

had a lung problem). I have tried Remicade, Enbrel, Kineret, Humira,

Arava (twice) Sulfazaladine, I think you get the idea. My new rhuemy

( I really like him) put me on Remicade again acouple of weeks ago, I

had already had 5 infusions a few years back that didn't do any good,

but he was suprised that a high dose wasn't tried so that was the

plan. Had my first infusion on Nov. 17th, had no problem, went back

to see him on the first and then had an appointment directly after

for my 2nd infusion, he thought he could see some improvement in my

wrists, so headed on to the Infusion. They had just started the

infusion and my hips and lower back started aching, thinking if I

stood up it would go away I stood up and had to sit down again

because I wasn't very stable, the weird pain went right up my back

and neck and gave me a head ache. This went away when they turned

the machine off. My rhuemy came in and checked me, he said he didn't

think it was the Remicade so they started it again, it wasn't long

till I was wheezing so they stopped the infusion and gave me meds to

stop the reaction.

Has anyone ever had a weird pain like that with their remicade

infusions? I have never had allergic reactions to the meds, before.

This was really strange. I am not sure what is left for me, I guess

I will find out Monday.

He also suspects I have fibromialga (sp?) and I have type 2 diabetes,

which is under control now, Thank God! I feel like a drug store

sometimes. I guess I should be glad that there are those drugs!

Thanks for listening, from Central Oregon

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