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Re: /Kathi

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Hi Kathi

I wasn't sure Walmart would take it back either until I took it

back. I figured it didn't hurt to try and since Xenadrine is so

expensive and I only used it for a couple days I would try to see if

they would accept the return. I talked to the lady at customer

service and she said as long as you have your receipt they will take

just about anything back. She said she has had people return

makeup , vitamins and all kind of things they have opened. I wonder

if Walmart can return it to those companies for refunds?

I am fair skinned but have never had a problem tanning - I turn a

nice golden color in the summer - so I freaked out when I had this

big welping red rash from it. Nothing has ever made me sun sensative

before so I'm not too sure which ingrediant it was.

By the way I just wanted to say Congrats on all the progress you

have made! I hardly ever post here but I do try to visit the club a

couple times a week to see how everyone is doing and for the great

advice. I am not currently doign BFL by the book but I have been

working out with weights 3 x's a week and doing cardio 3-4 x's a

week , watching what I eat and am happy to say I've lost 20 pounds

since May. Checking in on the club has helped keep me in check.

Take Care

> > > > > Has anyone tried the ephedra free Xenadrine? I was


> > of

> > > > > trying it but after all of the frightning things with the

> > regular

> > > > > Xenadrine I am hesitant to try anything. I read Devyn's


> > > about

> > > > > her husband seeing a lot of people in the ER due to


> > when

> > > he

> > > > > did his ER rotation. I am wondering if there are ANY


> > > > > ingredients in the ephedra free Xenadrine or if they are


> > > saying

> > > > > it is soooooo much safer since it doesn't have the ephedra?

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  • 10 months later...
Guest guest

Thanks .....well said..kudos////K

> Dixie, Kathi was not negatively criticizing you nor disagreeing with

> you. She was lamenting the fact that the OxyContin that she

mentioned in

> her reply to your " Unsure of Myself " post sparked a tiny fire here.

> Kathi was just using your name and alluding to the post as a point


> reference.





> I'll tell you where to go!


> Mayo Clinic in Rochester

> http://www.mayoclinic.org/rochester


> s Hopkins Medicine

> http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org



> [ ] Re: ..Thank you... Oxy

> >

> >

> > : I meant the drugs generally given for autoimmune

> > diseases....but it does'nt matter, at this point I am sorry I


> > suggested to Dixie the fact that if you are in pain, or tired,or

> > depressed or anything else you should voice this to your PCP,

> rheumy,

> > whatever....I was'nt even suggesting she try what I try as I


> > even have the same disease process going on, and did mention

that. I

> > have never asked for any drug, was not refferred to a pain


> for

> > that reason, but had several docs pushing me to go because of


> > and other tests, they said they knew I had to be in severe

pain. I

> > have never had a problem dealing with pain(had 3 kids ala


> > lol....and thought pain was something you just dealt


> was

> > quickly told by several doctors that NO ONE should have to, or


> > expected to live in chronic pain....and it really gets my goat


> > I hear addicted....most chronic pain folks are dependent not

> > addicted.....dependent to have a LIFE....it makes me angry that

> a

> > has to be afraid of saying something to a new doc, because she


> > be looked at as a possible drug seeker....I have much


> > your posts on all this.......and I truly feel even luckier at


> > point to have the docs I do.....my PCP starts every visit

with ...1.

> > Are you sleeping? 2.Are you taking your pain meds? Are they


> the

> > job? 3.Is there anything new going on that I should know? 4.

Are you

> > behaving?....which at this point when I laugh, he says good your

> > sense of humor is intact....my rheumy does about the same,

except he

> > always ends my visit with....Red, keeping fighting the brave

> > fight....I personally feel these are the questions that should


> > asked. I feel my PCP is my doc and friend....and I can ask him

> > anything, and if he disagrees he flat out tells me....NO..or how

> > about this instead or let me think about it because I don't


> but

> > I will find out. Why would any doc go into a field like


> > knowing that he/she would be seeing patients that deal with

pain on

> a

> > day to day basis, with treatments that have no guarentee's and


> be

> > willing to work with the patient through medicine and education


> > help relieve some of the pain? Don't we have the right to have


> > pain issue as well as disease addressed? When I read posts in


> > very group, that the pain or depression from the pain is so bad,

> > putting themselves out of misery is an option, it makes me sooo

> > angry. I am getting off the soap box now, and at this point will

> > leave this exhaustive subject up to you and a....and boy I


> > glad you guys are the moderators......as always thank you for


> > what you do....and I think I am going to go have a medicinal

> > wine....but then maybe I'll have to worry about being an


> > scuse the sarcasm there)......kathi in OK

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