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I have RA and I am going back to school. crazy or what?

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I also have OA and degerative arthritis on my back. I have not

worked since March of 2002 and I have been going crazy doing nothing

except being a cab driver for my kids. And I am tired of that, so

my daughter talked me into going to college so I start on Monday.

I am very nervous to say the least. Everyone has offered to help,

but I don't know if I will be able to deal with the work and with

the pain. They have programs to assist disabled students so I will

have help from them.

I have been in alot of pain lately, last week I decided to clean the

kitchen and the livingroom and that was a big mistake, I over did it

and to make things worse, we had a get together with my family and

we were all talking and the subject changed to me having RA and one

of my sister started to make fun of me having RA, I did set her

straight, but its beyond me why some people feel they need to do

this, I know that my family doesn't beleive me, but they don't have

to act like total jerks. Anyways I was just letting out some hot


I am sorry this was so long. Hope everyone is having a better day

and I will pray for everyone to have better days. ~ROSA~

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Don't worry about going to college. When I lost my job that is what I

did, I never thought anything would come of it. Well was I wrong. I have

completely enjoyed going and it has been so rewarding and interesting.

a also takes classes and I think a few others on the list. This spring

I will graduate with an associate degree in history and a certificate in

historic preservation. Didn't even know what historic preservation was

when I took the first class, now it is a love of mine. I have made so many

friends. I worked with the people in disability office, so when things got

hard, they were there to help me. One thing I found helpful was to record

the classes, big help at test time. Just go for it, I think you will be

surprised at how well you do.

Lynn (MeMom)

more_nana wrote:

> I also have OA and degerative arthritis on my back. I have not

> worked since March of 2002 and I have been going crazy doing nothing

> except being a cab driver for my kids. And I am tired of that, so

> my daughter talked me into going to college so I start on Monday.

> I am very nervous to say the least. Everyone has offered to help,

> but I don't know if I will be able to deal with the work and with

> the pain. They have programs to assist disabled students so I will

> have help from them.

> I have been in alot of pain lately, last week I decided to clean the

> kitchen and the livingroom and that was a big mistake, I over did it

> and to make things worse, we had a get together with my family and

> we were all talking and the subject changed to me having RA and one

> of my sister started to make fun of me having RA, I did set her

> straight, but its beyond me why some people feel they need to do

> this, I know that my family doesn't beleive me, but they don't have

> to act like total jerks. Anyways I was just letting out some hot

> air.

> I am sorry this was so long. Hope everyone is having a better day

> and I will pray for everyone to have better days. ~ROSA~




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Don't worry about going to college. When I lost my job that is what I

did, I never thought anything would come of it. Well was I wrong. I have

completely enjoyed going and it has been so rewarding and interesting.

a also takes classes and I think a few others on the list. This spring

I will graduate with an associate degree in history and a certificate in

historic preservation. Didn't even know what historic preservation was

when I took the first class, now it is a love of mine. I have made so many

friends. I worked with the people in disability office, so when things got

hard, they were there to help me. One thing I found helpful was to record

the classes, big help at test time. Just go for it, I think you will be

surprised at how well you do.

Lynn (MeMom)

more_nana wrote:

> I also have OA and degerative arthritis on my back. I have not

> worked since March of 2002 and I have been going crazy doing nothing

> except being a cab driver for my kids. And I am tired of that, so

> my daughter talked me into going to college so I start on Monday.

> I am very nervous to say the least. Everyone has offered to help,

> but I don't know if I will be able to deal with the work and with

> the pain. They have programs to assist disabled students so I will

> have help from them.

> I have been in alot of pain lately, last week I decided to clean the

> kitchen and the livingroom and that was a big mistake, I over did it

> and to make things worse, we had a get together with my family and

> we were all talking and the subject changed to me having RA and one

> of my sister started to make fun of me having RA, I did set her

> straight, but its beyond me why some people feel they need to do

> this, I know that my family doesn't beleive me, but they don't have

> to act like total jerks. Anyways I was just letting out some hot

> air.

> I am sorry this was so long. Hope everyone is having a better day

> and I will pray for everyone to have better days. ~ROSA~




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I think you can do it and I think it's great. I believe we can do

whatever we set our minds too - RA or not. Well, we can't always

clean the kitchen AND the living room in one swoop, but we can do

lots of things we've never done before. It's good they have a

resource to assist you at the school. Just find a good place to rest

between classes. I assume you have something with wheels to bring

books and supplies with you? Some carts are heavy and they make it

hard to even pull, but there are also lots of light weight bags on

wheels that even fold up when you don't need them - those are great.

There are so many things you can do to pace yourself and make this

very managable. I hope you have a great first week of school.


> I also have OA and degerative arthritis on my back. I have not

> worked since March of 2002 and I have been going crazy doing


> except being a cab driver for my kids. And I am tired of that, so

> my daughter talked me into going to college so I start on Monday.

> I am very nervous to say the least. Everyone has offered to help,

> but I don't know if I will be able to deal with the work and with

> the pain. They have programs to assist disabled students so I will

> have help from them.

> I have been in alot of pain lately, last week I decided to clean


> kitchen and the livingroom and that was a big mistake, I over did


> and to make things worse, we had a get together with my family and

> we were all talking and the subject changed to me having RA and one

> of my sister started to make fun of me having RA, I did set her

> straight, but its beyond me why some people feel they need to do

> this, I know that my family doesn't beleive me, but they don't have

> to act like total jerks. Anyways I was just letting out some hot

> air.

> I am sorry this was so long. Hope everyone is having a better day

> and I will pray for everyone to have better days. ~ROSA~

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It's not crazy, , it's a fantastic idea. I wish you the best of

luck! What will you study?

Sorry that your family and your sister in particular don't understand

and aren't supportive. I hope that can change soon.

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] I have RA and I am going back to school. crazy or


> I also have OA and degerative arthritis on my back. I have not

> worked since March of 2002 and I have been going crazy doing nothing

> except being a cab driver for my kids. And I am tired of that, so

> my daughter talked me into going to college so I start on Monday.

> I am very nervous to say the least. Everyone has offered to help,

> but I don't know if I will be able to deal with the work and with

> the pain. They have programs to assist disabled students so I will

> have help from them.

> I have been in alot of pain lately, last week I decided to clean the

> kitchen and the livingroom and that was a big mistake, I over did it

> and to make things worse, we had a get together with my family and

> we were all talking and the subject changed to me having RA and one

> of my sister started to make fun of me having RA, I did set her

> straight, but its beyond me why some people feel they need to do

> this, I know that my family doesn't beleive me, but they don't have

> to act like total jerks. Anyways I was just letting out some hot

> air.

> I am sorry this was so long. Hope everyone is having a better day

> and I will pray for everyone to have better days. ~ROSA~

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First, I am so sorry about your sister. That was insensitive, but also

expected. The big problem with all these diseases (I have fibromyalgia) is that

people can't see them. But, I know how painful it is to deal with the little

slights and jabs. My doctor even does it and his wife has fibromyalgia.

I think lots of times people act like your sister because they are threatened by

the diseases. Part of it is that they can't see you suffering and therefore

forget, but another part I think is that they are very disturbed by the fact

that someone your age can be so ill. Especially if they are around your age

(whatever that is) they subconsciously fear for themselves.

Another motive characterizes my mother. She thinks I am supposed to be

available to her 24 hours a day. In her mind, I'm the one who is supposed to be

there to take care of her, not the other way around. She is afraid of her own

age and medical deterioration and she is really angry with me for being ill and

not being able to take care of her every whim.

While she knows I have fibromyalgia and talks about it, she really won't allow

herself to believe it and when I can't do something for her, she assumes it's

because I don't want to.

It's hard all around, I think.

Oh, on the subject of going to school. I think that's a great idea. Please

don't be afraid. After all, what happens if you make a bad grade? somebody

going to punish you?

I was a university professor before I got ill and I know I would bend over

backward to accommodate a student who had any sort of illness or handicap.

You might introduce yourself to your professors and tell them about your

illness. I hope you will find them helpful, if not, tell them to go to hell and

drop the class.

So much is afffected by attitude, you might find you actually feel better going

to school than before.

I do understand the anxiety t

h3.ough. 10000000000000000000000000007

woops. That was my little Burmese cat who is jumping up and down trying to get

me to take him outside.

He escaped from the fenced in area yesterday and the neighbor's cat jumped on

him. So, I have to go to supervise.

Anyway, I'm planning to go to law school at the ripe old age of

++++++53, and it is intimidating, especially when you're used to giving the

tests rather than taking them.

Good luck.

I'm sure you will enjoy it.

If there's anything I can do to help, let

I also have OA and degerative arthritis on my back. I have not

worked since March of 2002 and I have been going crazy doing nothing

except being a cab driver for my kids. And I am tired of that, so

my daughter talked me into going to college so I start on Monday.

I am very nervous to say the least. Everyone has offered to help,

but I don't know if I will be able to deal with the work and with

the pain. They have programs to assist disabled students so I will

have help from them.

I have been in alot of pain lately, last week I decided to clean the

kitchen and the livingroom and that was a big mistake, I over did it

and to make things worse, we had a get together with my family and

we were all talking and the subject changed to me having RA and one

of my sister started to make fun of me having RA, I did set her

straight, but its beyond me why some people feel they need to do

this, I know that my family doesn't beleive me, but they don't have

to act like total jerks. Anyways I was just letting out some hot


I am sorry this was so long. Hope everyone is having a better day

and I will pray for everyone to have better days. ~ROSA~

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I don't think you're crazy! We went out to dinner last night with a

group of friends, and one of them commented that she saw me on a

ladder yesterday. She said " I don't understand how you expect us to

believe you're sick and need that cane when you can climb a ladder. "

I was helping my husband wash windows. He's not allowed on ladders

because of his Parkinson's, so I do all the ladder work. It's like

the blind leading the blind--she should have seen me trying to climb

that ladder, step by painful step, up and down. I don't stop doing

things because of this disease, I do them in spite of it. Yes, we

now have people help us with things, but often do them ourselves

anyway both because we don't have the money to pay people, and

because I still want to do things even if it hurts, rather than just

sit on the couch and be a broccoli. I've worked my whole life, and I

enjoy working. I've just learned to do it slower--we only washed the

living room window yesterday, today we'll do the kitchen and dining

room. Two years ago we would've done the whole house in one day!

Hurray for you going back to school! You are doing something to

enrich your mind and your soul and I think with the help offered you

will be able to cope. Just don't take on too much, and let your

instructors know when you're having a bad day. When my daughter was

pregnant with her triplets, her instructors were more than

understanding and often let her email them her assignments. Rock on!


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& - I went through law school after some of my first flares with

RA. I had incredible understanding doctors but it was a tough road to go- would

have been tough without the illness. My 25th law school class reunion is in

October. I would not discourage you - if I can be of any help - please let me

know. I am godmother to my roommate from law school's daughter. My goddaughter

is taking her LSAT's and applying to law school this year -she is a Sr. at

Creighton. I am 50 and somedays feel double that. I have considered going back

to grad school - to teach college. I see we may be doing this in reverse order.

LOL. We will grow from the experience. The key is learning to pace yourself,

love what you do and have plenty of support. Hey with this group we are all at

least a third of the way there.

Big Hugs,

> :


> First, I am so sorry about your sister. That was insensitive, but also

> expected. The big problem with all these diseases (I have fibromyalgia) is


> people can't see them. But, I know how painful it is to deal with the little

> slights and jabs. My doctor even does it and his wife has fibromyalgia.


> I think lots of times people act like your sister because they are threatened


> the diseases. Part of it is that they can't see you suffering and therefore

> forget, but another part I think is that they are very disturbed by the fact

> that someone your age can be so ill. Especially if they are around your age

> (whatever that is) they subconsciously fear for themselves.


> Another motive characterizes my mother. She thinks I am supposed to be

> available to her 24 hours a day. In her mind, I'm the one who is supposed to


> there to take care of her, not the other way around. She is afraid of her own

> age and medical deterioration and she is really angry with me for being ill


> not being able to take care of her every whim.


> While she knows I have fibromyalgia and talks about it, she really won't allow

> herself to believe it and when I can't do something for her, she assumes it's

> because I don't want to.


> It's hard all around, I think.


> Oh, on the subject of going to school. I think that's a great idea. Please

> don't be afraid. After all, what happens if you make a bad grade? somebody

> going to punish you?


> I was a university professor before I got ill and I know I would bend over

> backward to accommodate a student who had any sort of illness or handicap.


> You might introduce yourself to your professors and tell them about your

> illness. I hope you will find them helpful, if not, tell them to go to hell


> drop the class.


> So much is afffected by attitude, you might find you actually feel better


> to school than before.


> I do understand the anxiety t

> h3.ough. 10000000000000000000000000007


> woops. That was my little Burmese cat who is jumping up and down trying to


> me to take him outside.


> He escaped from the fenced in area yesterday and the neighbor's cat jumped on

> him. So, I have to go to supervise.


> Anyway, I'm planning to go to law school at the ripe old age of

> ++++++53, and it is intimidating, especially when you're used to giving the

> tests rather than taking them.


> Good luck.


> I'm sure you will enjoy it.


> If there's anything I can do to help, let




> I also have OA and degerative arthritis on my back. I have not

> worked since March of 2002 and I have been going crazy doing nothing

> except being a cab driver for my kids. And I am tired of that, so

> my daughter talked me into going to college so I start on Monday.

> I am very nervous to say the least. Everyone has offered to help,

> but I don't know if I will be able to deal with the work and with

> the pain. They have programs to assist disabled students so I will

> have help from them.

> I have been in alot of pain lately, last week I decided to clean the

> kitchen and the livingroom and that was a big mistake, I over did it

> and to make things worse, we had a get together with my family and

> we were all talking and the subject changed to me having RA and one

> of my sister started to make fun of me having RA, I did set her

> straight, but its beyond me why some people feel they need to do

> this, I know that my family doesn't beleive me, but they don't have

> to act like total jerks. Anyways I was just letting out some hot

> air.

> I am sorry this was so long. Hope everyone is having a better day

> and I will pray for everyone to have better days. ~ROSA~





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Thanks. What area of law did you wind up in? Oh, and what area are you

thinking about for grad school?

Re: [ ] I have RA and I am going back to school. crazy or


& - I went through law school after some of my first flares with

RA. I had incredible understanding doctors but it was a tough road to go- would

have been tough without the illness. My 25th law school class reunion is in

October. I would not discourage you - if I can be of any help - please let me

know. I am godmother to my roommate from law school's daughter. My goddaughter

is taking her LSAT's and applying to law school this year -she is a Sr. at

Creighton. I am 50 and somedays feel double that. I have considered going back

to grad school - to teach college. I see we may be doing this in reverse order.

LOL. We will grow from the experience. The key is learning to pace yourself,

love what you do and have plenty of support. Hey with this group we are all at

least a third of the way there.

Big Hugs,

> :


> First, I am so sorry about your sister. That was insensitive, but also

> expected. The big problem with all these diseases (I have fibromyalgia) is


> people can't see them. But, I know how painful it is to deal with the


> slights and jabs. My doctor even does it and his wife has fibromyalgia.


> I think lots of times people act like your sister because they are

threatened by

> the diseases. Part of it is that they can't see you suffering and therefore

> forget, but another part I think is that they are very disturbed by the fact

> that someone your age can be so ill. Especially if they are around your age

> (whatever that is) they subconsciously fear for themselves.


> Another motive characterizes my mother. She thinks I am supposed to be

> available to her 24 hours a day. In her mind, I'm the one who is supposed

to be

> there to take care of her, not the other way around. She is afraid of her


> age and medical deterioration and she is really angry with me for being ill


> not being able to take care of her every whim.


> While she knows I have fibromyalgia and talks about it, she really won't


> herself to believe it and when I can't do something for her, she assumes


> because I don't want to.


> It's hard all around, I think.


> Oh, on the subject of going to school. I think that's a great idea. Please

> don't be afraid. After all, what happens if you make a bad grade? somebody

> going to punish you?


> I was a university professor before I got ill and I know I would bend over

> backward to accommodate a student who had any sort of illness or handicap.


> You might introduce yourself to your professors and tell them about your

> illness. I hope you will find them helpful, if not, tell them to go to hell


> drop the class.


> So much is afffected by attitude, you might find you actually feel better


> to school than before.


> I do understand the anxiety t

> h3.ough. 10000000000000000000000000007


> woops. That was my little Burmese cat who is jumping up and down trying to


> me to take him outside.


> He escaped from the fenced in area yesterday and the neighbor's cat jumped


> him. So, I have to go to supervise.


> Anyway, I'm planning to go to law school at the ripe old age of

> ++++++53, and it is intimidating, especially when you're used to giving the

> tests rather than taking them.


> Good luck.


> I'm sure you will enjoy it.


> If there's anything I can do to help, let




> I also have OA and degerative arthritis on my back. I have not

> worked since March of 2002 and I have been going crazy doing nothing

> except being a cab driver for my kids. And I am tired of that, so

> my daughter talked me into going to college so I start on Monday.

> I am very nervous to say the least. Everyone has offered to help,

> but I don't know if I will be able to deal with the work and with

> the pain. They have programs to assist disabled students so I will

> have help from them.

> I have been in alot of pain lately, last week I decided to clean the

> kitchen and the livingroom and that was a big mistake, I over did it

> and to make things worse, we had a get together with my family and

> we were all talking and the subject changed to me having RA and one

> of my sister started to make fun of me having RA, I did set her

> straight, but its beyond me why some people feel they need to do

> this, I know that my family doesn't beleive me, but they don't have

> to act like total jerks. Anyways I was just letting out some hot

> air.

> I am sorry this was so long. Hope everyone is having a better day

> and I will pray for everyone to have better days. ~ROSA~





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I supervise and practice in a poverty law program. Right now my practice is

supposed to be primarily fair housing ( housing discrimination) but seem to do a

lot of family and landlord tenant- and by my posts- some SSD. thinking of an

MDIV or an MFA in poetry - long story.

Hang in there.

> kAREN:


> Thanks. What area of law did you wind up in? Oh, and what area are you

> thinking about for grad school?



> Re: [ ] I have RA and I am going back to school. crazy or

> what?



> & - I went through law school after some of my first flares


> RA. I had incredible understanding doctors but it was a tough road to go-


> have been tough without the illness. My 25th law school class reunion is in

> October. I would not discourage you - if I can be of any help - please let me

> know. I am godmother to my roommate from law school's daughter. My goddaughter

> is taking her LSAT's and applying to law school this year -she is a Sr. at

> Creighton. I am 50 and somedays feel double that. I have considered going back

> to grad school - to teach college. I see we may be doing this in reverse


> LOL. We will grow from the experience. The key is learning to pace yourself,

> love what you do and have plenty of support. Hey with this group we are all at

> least a third of the way there.


> Big Hugs,



> > :

> >

> > First, I am so sorry about your sister. That was insensitive, but also

> > expected. The big problem with all these diseases (I have fibromyalgia)


> that

> > people can't see them. But, I know how painful it is to deal with the

> little

> > slights and jabs. My doctor even does it and his wife has fibromyalgia.

> >

> > I think lots of times people act like your sister because they are

> threatened by

> > the diseases. Part of it is that they can't see you suffering and


> > forget, but another part I think is that they are very disturbed by the


> > that someone your age can be so ill. Especially if they are around your


> > (whatever that is) they subconsciously fear for themselves.

> >

> > Another motive characterizes my mother. She thinks I am supposed to be

> > available to her 24 hours a day. In her mind, I'm the one who is supposed

> to be

> > there to take care of her, not the other way around. She is afraid of her

> own

> > age and medical deterioration and she is really angry with me for being


> and

> > not being able to take care of her every whim.

> >

> > While she knows I have fibromyalgia and talks about it, she really won't

> allow

> > herself to believe it and when I can't do something for her, she assumes

> it's

> > because I don't want to.

> >

> > It's hard all around, I think.

> >

> > Oh, on the subject of going to school. I think that's a great idea.


> > don't be afraid. After all, what happens if you make a bad grade?


> > going to punish you?

> >

> > I was a university professor before I got ill and I know I would bend over

> > backward to accommodate a student who had any sort of illness or handicap.

> >

> > You might introduce yourself to your professors and tell them about your

> > illness. I hope you will find them helpful, if not, tell them to go to


> and

> > drop the class.

> >

> > So much is afffected by attitude, you might find you actually feel better

> going

> > to school than before.

> >

> > I do understand the anxiety t

> > h3.ough. 10000000000000000000000000007

> >

> > woops. That was my little Burmese cat who is jumping up and down trying


> get

> > me to take him outside.

> >

> > He escaped from the fenced in area yesterday and the neighbor's cat jumped

> on

> > him. So, I have to go to supervise.

> >

> > Anyway, I'm planning to go to law school at the ripe old age of

> > ++++++53, and it is intimidating, especially when you're used to giving


> > tests rather than taking them.

> >

> > Good luck.

> >

> > I'm sure you will enjoy it.

> >

> > If there's anything I can do to help, let

> >

> >

> >

> > I also have OA and degerative arthritis on my back. I have not

> > worked since March of 2002 and I have been going crazy doing nothing

> > except being a cab driver for my kids. And I am tired of that, so

> > my daughter talked me into going to college so I start on Monday.

> > I am very nervous to say the least. Everyone has offered to help,

> > but I don't know if I will be able to deal with the work and with

> > the pain. They have programs to assist disabled students so I will

> > have help from them.

> > I have been in alot of pain lately, last week I decided to clean the

> > kitchen and the livingroom and that was a big mistake, I over did it

> > and to make things worse, we had a get together with my family and

> > we were all talking and the subject changed to me having RA and one

> > of my sister started to make fun of me having RA, I did set her

> > straight, but its beyond me why some people feel they need to do

> > this, I know that my family doesn't beleive me, but they don't have

> > to act like total jerks. Anyways I was just letting out some hot

> > air.

> > I am sorry this was so long. Hope everyone is having a better day

> > and I will pray for everyone to have better days. ~ROSA~

> >

> >

> >

> >

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