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Re: Happy Holidays to All My Ruemy Family!!!!

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Thanks so much for your prayers, it means a great deal to me. We all

need a little push sometimes to keep going, and I'm one of them.

You have a wonderful holiday, and enjoy with your family and friends,




> Hi Ya'll! Oh boy have we got it rough. Some of us. I just want to

> take the time to let you all know that as I read your posts I stop

> and pray for you right then and there. I can't help but feel for


> as I know exactly what you are going through. It's hard enough to

> just have r/a but more on top of that. Lord have mercy! I say that

> often and my friend who is no longer with us used to always say to

> me, " He does " Tawny I hope you have better luck with the Dr. you


> going to see. I was put on nothing but celebrex 200mg. by this r/a

> dr. I am not going back to her. I am so thankful for all the posts

> as they are helpful and funny. Thank you Ken and Cat corner for the

> laughs and info. I am praying that each and everyone of us will


> an enjoyable time with friends and family over the holidays. That

> neither anger or depression will be a part of our days. I struggle

> with depression and I tell you it sucks! I think this paxill is

> making it worse. I have a story to share but I'll wait till after

> the new year since maybe then I can laugh about it. It just


> last week with my dr. Anyway....thank you all for taking the time


> share from your heart which I know helps all of us. WIshing you all

> a very Merry Christmas And a very Happy New Year! And to my dear

> r/a friend with the water problem. Yikes! I am so sorry to hear

> about that. You did not need that. Nor my friend with no heat.

> Double yikes!! It just gets to the 40's and I dress up like an

> eskimo. LOL My daughter laughs at me and says mom we are not in

> Siberia. Please stay warm. At Walgreens they sell these awesome

> heatpads that come in a box of 3 and you place them on you where

> ever you want. They are sooooo great. They really put out heat. I

> love them. I wish they made a huge one that would wrap all around


> from head to toe. For now my heating pad will have to do only then

> I'm confined to my bed. Take good care everybody and whine if you

> need to. Just know that it isn't whining to me. It gives me the

> opportunity to pray for you. bye for now! Love ya all! -Banana

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Thanks so much for your prayers, it means a great deal to me. We all

need a little push sometimes to keep going, and I'm one of them.

You have a wonderful holiday, and enjoy with your family and friends,




> Hi Ya'll! Oh boy have we got it rough. Some of us. I just want to

> take the time to let you all know that as I read your posts I stop

> and pray for you right then and there. I can't help but feel for


> as I know exactly what you are going through. It's hard enough to

> just have r/a but more on top of that. Lord have mercy! I say that

> often and my friend who is no longer with us used to always say to

> me, " He does " Tawny I hope you have better luck with the Dr. you


> going to see. I was put on nothing but celebrex 200mg. by this r/a

> dr. I am not going back to her. I am so thankful for all the posts

> as they are helpful and funny. Thank you Ken and Cat corner for the

> laughs and info. I am praying that each and everyone of us will


> an enjoyable time with friends and family over the holidays. That

> neither anger or depression will be a part of our days. I struggle

> with depression and I tell you it sucks! I think this paxill is

> making it worse. I have a story to share but I'll wait till after

> the new year since maybe then I can laugh about it. It just


> last week with my dr. Anyway....thank you all for taking the time


> share from your heart which I know helps all of us. WIshing you all

> a very Merry Christmas And a very Happy New Year! And to my dear

> r/a friend with the water problem. Yikes! I am so sorry to hear

> about that. You did not need that. Nor my friend with no heat.

> Double yikes!! It just gets to the 40's and I dress up like an

> eskimo. LOL My daughter laughs at me and says mom we are not in

> Siberia. Please stay warm. At Walgreens they sell these awesome

> heatpads that come in a box of 3 and you place them on you where

> ever you want. They are sooooo great. They really put out heat. I

> love them. I wish they made a huge one that would wrap all around


> from head to toe. For now my heating pad will have to do only then

> I'm confined to my bed. Take good care everybody and whine if you

> need to. Just know that it isn't whining to me. It gives me the

> opportunity to pray for you. bye for now! Love ya all! -Banana

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