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Happy Holidays to All My Ruemy Family!!!!

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Hi Ya'll! Oh boy have we got it rough. Some of us. I just want to

take the time to let you all know that as I read your posts I stop

and pray for you right then and there. I can't help but feel for you

as I know exactly what you are going through. It's hard enough to

just have r/a but more on top of that. Lord have mercy! I say that

often and my friend who is no longer with us used to always say to

me, " He does " Tawny I hope you have better luck with the Dr. you are

going to see. I was put on nothing but celebrex 200mg. by this r/a

dr. I am not going back to her. I am so thankful for all the posts

as they are helpful and funny. Thank you Ken and Cat corner for the

laughs and info. I am praying that each and everyone of us will have

an enjoyable time with friends and family over the holidays. That

neither anger or depression will be a part of our days. I struggle

with depression and I tell you it sucks! I think this paxill is

making it worse. I have a story to share but I'll wait till after

the new year since maybe then I can laugh about it. It just happened

last week with my dr. Anyway....thank you all for taking the time to

share from your heart which I know helps all of us. WIshing you all

a very Merry Christmas And a very Happy New Year! And to my dear

r/a friend with the water problem. Yikes! I am so sorry to hear

about that. You did not need that. Nor my friend with no heat.

Double yikes!! It just gets to the 40's and I dress up like an

eskimo. LOL My daughter laughs at me and says mom we are not in

Siberia. Please stay warm. At Walgreens they sell these awesome

heatpads that come in a box of 3 and you place them on you where

ever you want. They are sooooo great. They really put out heat. I

love them. I wish they made a huge one that would wrap all around me

from head to toe. For now my heating pad will have to do only then

I'm confined to my bed. Take good care everybody and whine if you

need to. Just know that it isn't whining to me. It gives me the

opportunity to pray for you. bye for now! Love ya all! -Banana

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