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" ......It was almost as frustrating as the neurosurgeon that concluded that my

right leg goes numb because I wear my clothes too tight!..... "

Dennis: I'm sorry, I had to chuckle at this.... Back (eons ago) when I was 18,

I started getting terrible pains just above my waist in the back on the right

side. In those days you did not go to doctors for every little thing, however,

when I was 19 decided to go to the Naval hospital during one of the pain

sessions. Under the old system, you went in and were taken in the order you

came in...no appointments and waited and waited....... When I was there over 8

hours and the pain subsided, I went home without being seen and put up with the

pain whenever it would reoccur. By the time I was 23, the pains began to get

severe, especially after such things as a barbeque...start at around 3 in the

morning and go until around 8 or so when I could go to work. Having no

insurance then, I finally, gave in and went to my mother's doctor. I went on a

morning I had spent about 10 hours or more in this severe pain but again it had

subsided. He examined me and gave me this sage advice....

" You are wearing your bras too tight. " Ok...he's the Dr and went to school and

I paid for that advice and quit wearing tight bras. Six months later I ended up

in the ER in such severe pain, I had to be taken in to the hospital. The pain

turned out to be a gall bladder with about 40 or more stones in it and I had

contracted Hepatitis from the poisons it had put out.

Tawny....my friend...you have been there for us when we needed it and now...we

are here if you need us. Don't let this reduce you and as has been said.....use

this experience as a beginning.

G....I have a dear friend that I introduced to another dear friend and

they ended up getting married 20 years ago. Each one had gone through a nasty

divorce.....a divorce that neither had seen coming but they both received the

shaft from the divorces. 's two children, a boy and a girl under 6 were

first left with him and he was ecstatic and a good single father. His ex became

greedy and took him back to court and received custody of the daughter...OK that

seems to sound right? No.... was ordered by the court to pay his wife

child support for the daughter even though she was in a great job making three

times what he was making and had remarried into a marriage of money and status

besides. She then proceeded to take the daughter out of state and was not

able to see her more than once or twice a year. Sometimes, the courts are not

fair at all. I would say to hold in there and things will get easier. There

were times, I wondered where my next dime was going

to come from to take care of my girls. I spent many years paying off Dr,

hospital, and special therapy bills that insurance didn't cover which didn't

help but never losing sight of the goal of giving the girls the best I could,

was the best thing I could ever have done. Keep a faith in a higher power and

maintain it daily...it will take you places you have never thought you could go.

And.....Tess... Yes, it is wonderful to see you posting and I, too, have missed

your poems. Patriot Day is coming up...it would be nice to see your poem again

on the captured soldier or a new one. I know writing your poetry is theraputic

for you and is also therapy for us. Thank you is not enough. I appriciate and

am very greatful that I am able to be on this end of your talent (you have

another talent here also....you can make everyone think the poetry was written

just for them).

I miss Allan's posts...anyone hear from him in awhile? Carol in Orlando is

another one...I don't know where Orlando is situated...Did she escape without

much or any damage from Charley?

Ok...I said it before today...I'm rambling again so need to close before this

note trundicates.

Another thing before closing.... A word of caution to everyone. This morning,

I put a small plastic bowl (microwave safe) w/ a cube of butter into the micro

for 8 seconds as I have done many a morning for years. I waited for a couple of

seconds before reaching in to get it after the buzzer sounded. As I brought it

out, I noticed the bottom of the bowl as black and though the bowl wasn't hot,

relealized immediately (nanoseconds) that it was danger. I threw it back toward

the top of the stove (micro is over the stove)and as I did so the bottom

exploded spraying carmelized butter everywhere. Some landed on my great toe and

the two next to it on my right foot but if I hadn't thrown it, it would have

been worse. I yelled for my grandson as I took two steps over to the sink and

grabbed a container and quickly started throwing cold water onto my foot (after

considering lifting my foot and putting it into the sink for a steady

stream...yeah right). Richie came running and I reached

into the dishwasher and grabbed a large oval bowl and had him put crushed ice

in it and then water. I put my foot into that and stood in ice for over 20

minutes and then we took cubes and placed them in a freezer bag and wrapped it

around my foot and covered with a towel. Now 4 hours later, my foot shows no

evidence of the burn and has practically no pain. It was sure one heck of a

mess to clean up as there was carmelized butter all over the floor, front of the

stove and the kitchen counter. After, sitting with my foot up for 2 hours and

trying to relax after the shock, I noticed the front of the thicker cotton

blouse and my jean capris have the carmel all down the front. It had been much


Now I really must close for now...Take care, all. (((((HUGS)))))

Jan in AZ =^..^=

~ " If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you've made me smile, the

entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand. "

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