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Re: Re: Fw: Don't buy Muslim Stamp - DISAGREEMENT

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Thanks Jennie. You said it beautifully. I agree.


> Just because the people who committed those terrorist acts claimed

> to be Muslim is no reason to support hatred of all Muslims. We have

> Christmas stamps and Hanukkah stamps, but somehow the Muslim's are

> not allowed a stamp? Hitler called himself a Christian.

> McVeigh received last rites before his execution. There have been

> plenty of wacko American's in our history. I am certain if I had

> the time and energy I could find 7 horrible acts committed by

> Christian Americans. Somehow we can disassociate ourselves with

> them but when someone who was raised in the Muslim faith falls in

> with a bad crowd and kills then they ALL MUST BE EVIL! And then we

> bomb Iraq and can't understand why there are groups in the Middle

> East and other areas of the world that hate all Americans? Hate

> begets hate.


> I am a Christian and I believe in peace, loving thy neighbor and

> acceptance and tolerance of people with different beliefs and

> backgrounds. Funny, but the vast majority of Muslims believe the

> same as me.


> This is nothing but a huge generalization about a culture that is

> being discriminated against. The Muslim faith does not support

> terrorism. And today there are Muslim men and woman (and many who

> are not but just LOOK Muslim), citizens of our fine country, many

> who were born here, who can't get jobs and support their families

> and fear leaving their homes all because of the acts of a very few.

> And this is in AMERICA where we claim to support FREEDOM.


> I say the act of " boycotting " this new stamp will have no effect on

> any Muslim or the post office. It's ridiculous. Who cares how many

> people buy the stamp? If there is a stamp honoring a famous

> historical American and nobody buys it, would it matter? So why

> would it matter if we don't buy this stamp? Really, I wouldn't

> expect a Christian to buy a Muslim stamp any more than I'd expect a

> Muslim to buy a Christmas stamp - but it doesn't mean Muslims are

> boycotting Christmas stamps. The whole thing makes me want to go

> out and a buy a boatload of Muslim holiday stamps. It's not like

> the proceeds are going to support terrorists or even a single

> Muslim. The proceeds supposedly pay for the operations of the US

> Postal Service - the organization who has been found to be

> inefficient and wasteful of goverment money. Hmmmm. Another debate

> to be addressed at a different time and place.


> Normally I ignore posts like this because I come here for RA

> support, not junk email. But this really pissed me off if you can't

> tell. I know I am likely starting a debate that has no place on

> this board, but I just couldn't let it go without some sort of

> response. This board is about SUPPORT, not hatred and ignorance.

> When we get emails like this, we need to THINK about the message it

> is really sending. That is what happened in Germany, people just

> followed Hitler and his preaching about hatred and fear of the Jews

> without THINKING about what that really meant - that it meant first

> discriminating against and then " removing " their friends and

> neighbors who were " different. "


> I am sure I offended someone, and I really don't want to do that. I

> just felt compelled to share my opinion on this since it was posted

> here.


> Jennie



> --- In ,



> >

> > REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of PanAm

> > Flight 103!

> >

> > REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the World

> > Trade Center in 1993!

> >

> > REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the Marine

> > barracks in Lebanon!

> >

> > REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the military

> > barracks in Saudi Arabia!

> >

> > REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the American ;

> > Embassies in Africa!

> >

> > REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the USS COLE!

> >

> > REMEMBER the MUSLIM attack on the Twin Towers on

> > 9/11/2001!

> >

> > REMEMBER all the AMERICAN lives that were

> > lost in those vicious MUSLIM attacks!

> >

> >

> >

> > Now the United States Postal Service REMEMBERS

> > and HONORS the

> > EID MUSLIM holiday season with a commemorative

> > first class

> > holiday postage stamp.

> >

> > REMEMBER to adamantly and vocally BOYCOTT this

> > stamp

> > when purchasing your stamps at the post office

> >

> > To use this stamp would be a slap in the face to

> > all those

> > AMERICANS who died at the hands of those whom

> > this stamp honors.

> >

> > REMEMBER to pass this along to every patriotic

> > AMERICAN you know.

> >







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I must say I agree with you. I thought about this appeal not to buy the stamp a

number of times yesterday as I went about my day.

Re: [ ] Re: Fw: Don't buy Muslim Stamp - DISAGREEMENT

Thanks Jennie. You said it beautifully. I agree.


> Just because the people who committed those terrorist acts claimed

> to be Muslim is no reason to support hatred of all Muslims. We have

> Christmas stamps and Hanukkah stamps, but somehow the Muslim's are

> not allowed a stamp? Hitler called himself a Christian.

> McVeigh received last rites before his execution. There have been

> plenty of wacko American's in our history. I am certain if I had

> the time and energy I could find 7 horrible acts committed by

> Christian Americans. Somehow we can disassociate ourselves with

> them but when someone who was raised in the Muslim faith falls in

> with a bad crowd and kills then they ALL MUST BE EVIL! And then we

> bomb Iraq and can't understand why there are groups in the Middle

> East and other areas of the world that hate all Americans? Hate

> begets hate.


> I am a Christian and I believe in peace, loving thy neighbor and

> acceptance and tolerance of people with different beliefs and

> backgrounds. Funny, but the vast majority of Muslims believe the

> same as me.


> This is nothing but a huge generalization about a culture that is

> being discriminated against. The Muslim faith does not support

> terrorism. And today there are Muslim men and woman (and many who

> are not but just LOOK Muslim), citizens of our fine country, many

> who were born here, who can't get jobs and support their families

> and fear leaving their homes all because of the acts of a very few.

> And this is in AMERICA where we claim to support FREEDOM.


> I say the act of " boycotting " this new stamp will have no effect on

> any Muslim or the post office. It's ridiculous. Who cares how many

> people buy the stamp? If there is a stamp honoring a famous

> historical American and nobody buys it, would it matter? So why

> would it matter if we don't buy this stamp? Really, I wouldn't

> expect a Christian to buy a Muslim stamp any more than I'd expect a

> Muslim to buy a Christmas stamp - but it doesn't mean Muslims are

> boycotting Christmas stamps. The whole thing makes me want to go

> out and a buy a boatload of Muslim holiday stamps. It's not like

> the proceeds are going to support terrorists or even a single

> Muslim. The proceeds supposedly pay for the operations of the US

> Postal Service - the organization who has been found to be

> inefficient and wasteful of goverment money. Hmmmm. Another debate

> to be addressed at a different time and place.


> Normally I ignore posts like this because I come here for RA

> support, not junk email. But this really pissed me off if you can't

> tell. I know I am likely starting a debate that has no place on

> this board, but I just couldn't let it go without some sort of

> response. This board is about SUPPORT, not hatred and ignorance.

> When we get emails like this, we need to THINK about the message it

> is really sending. That is what happened in Germany, people just

> followed Hitler and his preaching about hatred and fear of the Jews

> without THINKING about what that really meant - that it meant first

> discriminating against and then " removing " their friends and

> neighbors who were " different. "


> I am sure I offended someone, and I really don't want to do that. I

> just felt compelled to share my opinion on this since it was posted

> here.


> Jennie



> --- In ,



> >

> > REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of PanAm

> > Flight 103!

> >

> > REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the World

> > Trade Center in 1993!

> >

> > REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the Marine

> > barracks in Lebanon!

> >

> > REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the military

> > barracks in Saudi Arabia!

> >

> > REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the American ;

> > Embassies in Africa!

> >

> > REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the USS COLE!

> >

> > REMEMBER the MUSLIM attack on the Twin Towers on

> > 9/11/2001!

> >

> > REMEMBER all the AMERICAN lives that were

> > lost in those vicious MUSLIM attacks!

> >

> >

> >

> > Now the United States Postal Service REMEMBERS

> > and HONORS the

> > EID MUSLIM holiday season with a commemorative

> > first class

> > holiday postage stamp.

> >

> > REMEMBER to adamantly and vocally BOYCOTT this

> > stamp

> > when purchasing your stamps at the post office

> >

> > To use this stamp would be a slap in the face to

> > all those

> > AMERICANS who died at the hands of those whom

> > this stamp honors.

> >

> > REMEMBER to pass this along to every patriotic

> > AMERICAN you know.

> >







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