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Re: happy New Year!

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Dear Alice,

I find myself continuously frustrated by my own inability to ground my

views on any philosophical bedrock - and, if one cannot do that, then

why bother? Absent certainty, there is only nihilism, and I can't

retain interest absent certainty. I'm having another go at Heidegger,

but can already see, as I thought I saw before, that he cannot (in

Being and Time) avoid, like the others, starting at the roof or

holding himself up by his own hair.

One not only must start with common sense, but it seems that one

cannot transcend it. Jung taught that, I think, but I don't like it.

On another note, am most pleased about Iowa results, and looking

forward to almost a year of my very favorite spectator sport.




> Where are all the men gone!!!


> Dan, 1 n 2 n Arthur - oh dear! We need u!!


> We old ladies are only a fraction of our grp n, as for me, my animus


> missing company! Mebbe it's football or travel or weather, but

please check in n

> say you are okay. I miss u!


> Burmeister has just rejoined and has something very

interesting to

> share!


> 2008 is going to be a wild ride, no doubt, so " fasten yr seatbelts " !


> love


> ao




> **************************************See AOL's top rated recipes

> (http://food.aol.com/top-rated-recipes?NCID=aoltop00030000000004)


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> >

> > Where are all the men gone!!!

> >

> > Dan, 1 n 2 n Arthur - oh dear! We need u!!

> >

> > We old ladies are only a fraction of our grp n, as for me, my animus

> is

> > missing company! Mebbe it's football or travel or weather, but

> please check in n

> > say you are okay. I miss u!

> >

> > Burmeister has just rejoined and has something very

> interesting to

> > share!

> >

> > 2008 is going to be a wild ride, no doubt, so " fasten yr seatbelts " !

> >

> > love

> >

> > ao

> >

> >

> >

> > **************************************See AOL's top rated recipes

> > (http://food.

> <http://food.aol.com/top-rated-recipes?NCID=aoltop00030000000004>

> aol.com/top-rated-recipes?NCID=aoltop00030000000004)

> >


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> Dear ,




> I haven't seen any relevant statistics for the US, but one of the major

> problems in the UK is that young people do not bother to vote, as

they see

> no point. More people of all ages vote in TV programmes like Big Brother

> than in general elections. I have to confess that I only vote

because I was

> raised to do my duty at all times, and such early conditioning is almost

> impossible to shake off - but I have long given up hope of making any

> difference. These days I just vote against my current MP (who is in

a very

> safe seat) for the sake of balance.

Dear fa,

In 2004 I voted against Senator McCain and for the libertarian

candidate, who got something like 1% of the vote, if memory serves.

This sort of thing, while arguably pointless, is satisfying, is it

not? :-)



American politics, however, appears to

> be taking a much more interesting turn, and I would love to have the


> to turn out for Obama, and possibly even campaign for him.




> fa


> " Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you. " CG Jung


> _____


> From: JUNG-FIRE [mailto:JUNG-FIRE ]

On Behalf

> Of Calhoun

> Sent: 04 January 2008 18:02


> Subject: RE: Re: happy New Year!




> fa, all,


> Some in the US aren't ready for a black President. But, the demographic

> trends have been trending away from the infamous southern strategy for

> sometime now.


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