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To Nan, in return for her sweet letter to me,from squarehead ken

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Greetings, Nan...I'm sorry it took so long to get back

to you...I've been having a really hard time lately,

and then ,my computer " got a cold " . It seems that I

just can't take the cold of the western North Carolina

Mountains like I used to.

In your letter, you mentioned that you might do

some research into how I could acquire a van I could

get my wheel chair into...this has seemed like one of

those impossible dreams for me...as I mentioned, I

spent more than 20 years driving a " big Truck " , and

the adjustment has been terribly hard on me. Most

days, I just sit alone in the house, and I'm not much

of a t.v.watcher, and after about the tenth time

reading a book, well, there's not much to do.

I hope I haven't offended you...if I have, please

accept my apologies...I'd really like it if I could be

your friend, and if you will still write to me...one

of the highlights of a day is to " open " and actually

see a letter addressed to me! You were so kind to

answer me, and I thank you!

I'm too broke to buy a van, and have resigned myself

to justliving in the house...there's not much help

available to us in the western part of the state....I

guess people think we're just a bunch of

hillbbbillies. Anyway, thank you so much for your

sweet letter!It made me feel " not so alone " , and even

if you can't find time or anything, to do research on

how I can get a van, will you still write to me? Thank

you, and God bless you, Nan. love, ken

--- <nanday_blue@...> wrote:


> Hi Ken,


> I am so sorry I am getting back to you so late!!! I

> have just been so ill lately. I am so sorry you

> have been so ill yourself! I know what it is like

> to sit there and want to talk to someone and then to

> sit there and not understand why this happened to

> you!!! And our poor husband's and wives!!!!! My

> prayer's go out to them because they didn't expect

> us to get sick either. So consider me you new

> sister ok?? My name is and my maiden name was

> Swedish!!

> LUNDBERG, how much more swede can you get than

> that!!

> I am 46 years old and have been married to my hubby

> (the love of my life) for less than two years.

> My first marriage I was much too young, I was 18

> and the best thing that came out of it was my

> daughter Corri who is giving us a granddaughter in

> April!! We live in Michigan on a small farm. I

> have RA, Sjogren's, fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism,

> and bipolarism. My bipolar has been in control for

> years though.

> I just got off the methotrexate that the

> Rheumatologis almost killed me on. I went into

> seizures and muscles and could not wake up. She did

> not know how to give it correctly.

> I go for a MRI on Thursday. I fall a lot. I have

> fallen own the steps a few times (basement) I lose

> my balance all the time. It scares me because both

> my parents have had 3 mini strokes.

> And about 4 years ago married to a very abusive 2nd

> husband he gave me two head injuries.

> One morning I was in the car with him when I just

> stopped breathing for no reason. I had taken no

> overdoses or no pills, he had to call life support

> on the road. I woke up on life support in the

> Intensive care unit. The injuries he gave me were

> at the back of my head. I could now be dealing with

> some small bleeders back there. UGH I am too young

> to deal with this and so are you and your wife!!!!!!


> Did they say you will regain the use of your legs???

> Do you get phisical therepists come to your house

> to help you?? See what the RA association of

> america can help you since it's a private agency and

> gets it money from the private sector. It may help

> you with a van :)


> I'll do some research for you ok?


> Sorry to talk you to death!!

> Ken you rest so you get better, and go into remisson

> ya hear????

> Hugs

> Nan


> JANE <janeatregis@...> wrote:




> >

> > Greting to you all. I am new to this

> site..Mye-name is

> > " squarehead " (I am Norwegian),and my name is Ken.

> > I am 52, and married to a wonderful woman, who

> tries

> > her best to be a support to me, but we have had a

> > " roke reversal " : I used to be the breadwinner, and

> she

> > stayed at home..not anymore. I am a twenty year

> > trucker, never had an accident, or a ticket, but

> last

> > October, I awoke, on a run to Pipestone, Mn. to

> hands

> > so swollen,they looked like sausages! I could

> hardly

> > bend my legs, and I called my honey, and asked her

> to

> > meet me in Knoxville, Tn. and take me to the

> > hospital.(I live in Asheville, N.C., and Ryder,

> who I

> > worked for, was located there.)

> > I spent days and days in the hospital, and they

> > diagnosed me with severe R.A., affecting nearly

> every

> > joint in my body.

> > My company, who I worked for, for many years

> just

> > up and abandoned me. What good is a trucker to

> them,

> > who can no longer drive?

> > When you're a ttrucker, you don't have much of

> a

> > social life, and very few chances to make friends,

> > bedause you are on the road all the time...so here

> I

> > sit, day after day,in my wheelchair, wishing I had

> > someone to talk with, someone who knows of the

> pain I

> > live with day after day. I give myself two

> injections

> > of Methotrexate every Tuesday,to total 80 units,

> and

> > an injections of Humira every Sat. On top of that,

> I

> > must take Folic acid, Mobic, and

> > antidepressents...this in addition to the Meds I

> must

> > take for high blood pressure.

> > The state was nice enough to see that they built

> a

> > thirty foot wheelchair ramp, and deck for me, and

> > provided a power wheelchair for me,because I have

> > " trigger finger " , and cannot use my hands well,

> > anymore. Unfortunatly, I have no way to get

> around,

> > because my disability checks aren't enough to buy

> a

> > van I can put the chair in.

> > So , here I sit. Is there anyone out there who

> will

> > e-mail me, anyone I can talk to, and be friends

> with?

> > Do any one of you feel inclined to be a friend

> to

> > me? God Bless you all, and may your hurting

> diminish!

> >

> > Love, ken

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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