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tawny stay strong. you can get through this too. i liked the thought about it

being a new beginning. you need to listen to the chicago tune " feelin

stronger everyday " . helps me get through many days. we are here for you. kathy

in il

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  • 2 months later...


I spoke to Tawny on the phone Tues and she is doing okay. Her phone

was turned off as was her internet - she is now getting cable

internet. The cable company turned her phone back on but she hasn't

been able to get the internet connected. She is in lots of

pain...her leg is bothering her- making it difficult to walk. She

has been running a fever and has a consistant cough every evening.

She said she goes all day with out coughing but then evening comes

and she can't stop.

Hopefully, she will get her internet connected today and be on here

to tell you herself how she is doing. If not, I will call her this

evening and tell her you are thinking of her.

God bless,


-- In , " bandit5125 " <bandit5125@y...>



> Has anyone heard from Tawny? Am getting worried about her.

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Thanks for letting us know Althea. That nightime coughing sounds like


I used to get constant bouts of bronchitis and at night when I lay down is

when it bothered me the most.

Hopefully she will be back with us shortly.



> Hi,

> I spoke to Tawny on the phone Tues and she is doing okay. Her phone

> was turned off as was her internet - she is now getting cable

> internet. The cable company turned her phone back on but she hasn't

> been able to get the internet connected. She is in lots of

> pain...her leg is bothering her- making it difficult to walk. She

> has been running a fever and has a consistant cough every evening.

> She said she goes all day with out coughing but then evening comes

> and she can't stop.

> Hopefully, she will get her internet connected today and be on here

> to tell you herself how she is doing. If not, I will call her this

> evening and tell her you are thinking of her.


> God bless,

> Althea

> -- In , " bandit5125 " <bandit5125@y...>

> wrote:

>> >

>> > Has anyone heard from Tawny? Am getting worried about her.







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  • 4 weeks later...

Tawny!!! Where are you? are you ok? Haven't heard from you in a

while and am worried about you. I mailed you a package today, so

hopefully you will get it in the next couple of days. I hope you are

well. Love yas! LouAnn

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LouAnn, I haven't been online for a few days, but I'm still here. I

just have been down not feeling well, but thanks for thinking about

me. I will be looking for your package, thanks so much Tawny

--- In , " bandit5125 " <bandit5125@y...>



> Tawny!!! Where are you? are you ok? Haven't heard from you in a

> while and am worried about you. I mailed you a package today, so

> hopefully you will get it in the next couple of days. I hope you


> well. Love yas! LouAnn

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  • 4 weeks later...


Just wanted to let you know the invitation is here for you in Arizona also if

you should decide to come this way. I have plenty of room.

This area is supposed to be one of the fastest growing areas of the U.S. and I

am out west of Phoenix where it seems like country yet has everything to offer

that a city does without having to put up with congestion. The cost of living

can't be beat! Jobs seem to be plentiful also.

I have grown to love it in just the few months I have been here since June...

It is also better for me for the FMS and arthritis.

At any rate, Tawny...wherever or what ever you do, you do know my prayers and

positive thoughts are with you.

Jan in AZ (formerly CA) =^..^=

~ " We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a

little of each other everywhere. " ~ ~ " If I could reach up and hold a star for

every time you've made me smile, the entire evening sky would be in the palm of

my hand. " ~

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Jan, you are such a dear lady to make this offer.




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((((((Jan))))))you are such a wonderful lady. Thanks so much for the

invite, I might just make a trip down one day, and see you. I have

heard that AZ is good for us, I could sure use a change in the

weather. I'm so glad that you like your new home. It's a lovely

place, and I have thought about moving there before.

I know that you are always here, and it's so nice to know. Thanks

for being such a friend to me, love Tawny

> Tawny:

> Just wanted to let you know the invitation is here for you in

Arizona also if you should decide to come this way. I have plenty of


> This area is supposed to be one of the fastest growing areas of the

U.S. and I am out west of Phoenix where it seems like country yet has

everything to offer that a city does without having to put up with

congestion. The cost of living can't be beat! Jobs seem to be

plentiful also.

> I have grown to love it in just the few months I have been here

since June... It is also better for me for the FMS and arthritis.

> At any rate, Tawny...wherever or what ever you do, you do know my

prayers and positive thoughts are with you.

> Jan in AZ (formerly CA) =^..^=




> ~ " We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go,

we take a little of each other everywhere. " ~ ~ " If I could reach up

and hold a star for every time you've made me smile, the entire

evening sky would be in the palm of my hand. " ~





















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