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Study finds most people don't know how much produce to eat

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Study finds most people don't know how much produce to eat

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) ‹ Despite years of public service campaigns ‹ and

lectures from Mom ‹ Americans still aren't eating even close to enough

fruits and vegetables, according to a recent study.

What's more, most people don't know how much produce they are supposed to


More than 85% of consumers are not eating the federally recommended minimum

of five servings of produce a day, according to an AC Nielsen poll of 2,472


And nearly 60% think eating one to four servings is enough for a healthy

diet; 20% said one or two servings is enough.

The government recommends two to four servings of fruit and three to five

servings of vegetables daily. Serving examples include three-fourths of a

cup of juice, a medium apple or a half-cup of chopped vegetables.

The government is updating those guidelines and is expected to raise the

recommended servings of produce early next year.

The poll, conducted on behalf of the Produce for Better Health Foundation, a

nonprofit nutrition education group, found that nearly half of those

questioned ate just one or two servings of produce a day.

Just 12% said they eat the suggested five or more servings.

Dr. Blackburn, associate director of Harvard Medical School's

nutrition division, said Americans' lack of nutrition knowledge is an urgent

crisis that contributes to disease and skyrocketing rates of obesity.

He also said he was surprised that even 12% eat the recommended servings.

" People overreport, even though it's a pathetic number. We would be ecstatic

if they (ate) what they say they did, " he said. " It's amazing how many

people go day in and day out with zero. "

According to the survey, 3% said they eat no produce.

The survey also suggests that blueberry and eggplant growers might want to

do some public relations work.

Asked which color produce they eat in a typical day, only 18% said blue and

purple; 85% said green; and 79% said yellow and orange.

The Produce for Better Health Foundation helps run the " 5 A Day for Better

Health " program, a public service campaign aimed at getting people to eat

more produce.


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