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In a message dated 08/19/1999 12:00:40 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

vilik@... writes:

<< I have a bad reaction to stevia >>

I've resd from several folks about stevia reactions. Check the labels. The

powdered form is frequently mixed with maltodextrin which is a product in

which there is MSG. I have terribel reaction to MSG. The liquids are

sometimes in an alcohol base of 18%...that's 36 proof! NOW brand does both

of these. There are cleaner brands! I have bad reactions to any MSG.

I used a liquid called SunnyDew that has only water as a carrier by

SunRider. It is tasty and harmless. There are other brands out there.


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To list:

Powdered Stevia that is just Stevia is also available when marked " Organic " .

SunRider stevia is just Stevia and Chrysanthemum flowers and it is good. So many

of us are really dedicated to getting actual food and not Monsanto. We are sick

in fact because of the chemical crap also known as, AKA, American multinational

business. And you know the seething anger that is running rampant through my

self as I write these words makes me never spend a penny on any multinational

business. If I keep my spending as local as I can I am doing the best thing

I can for myself and for everyone of you and for this precious planet. This is

Delbert's One Dollar!crevolution. Excuse me, sometimes I get carried away.

Delbert, the barbarian

LASHLIN@... wrote:

> From: LASHLIN@...


> In a message dated 08/19/1999 12:00:40 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

> vilik@... writes:


> << I have a bad reaction to stevia >>

> I've resd from several folks about stevia reactions. Check the labels. The

> powdered form is frequently mixed with maltodextrin which is a product in

> which there is MSG. I have terribel reaction to MSG. The liquids are

> sometimes in an alcohol base of 18%...that's 36 proof! NOW brand does both

> of these. There are cleaner brands! I have bad reactions to any MSG.

> I used a liquid called SunnyDew that has only water as a carrier by

> SunRider. It is tasty and harmless. There are other brands out there.

> Lash


> ---------------------------

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  • 2 years later...
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Sorry about that :o) Mistook ya for someone else :o( Well the WELCOMES are

here for ya :o) How are you doing today??? Did you survive the fourth???

Keep us posted :o)

((( Special Hugs )))


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e Sent

HAHAHAHA Helen, I think youve got the wrong Kathy. My id is Kat. Anyways, im

sure glad to be here. love, kat

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  • 3 months later...


Thank you for the info, another twist in my mom's case is she apparently has

hemochromatosis along with a milder than formerly thought AIH. Could one

cause the other? I know stress in her case was a major factor as she wasn't

taking any medication prior to this last acute flare-up.

Thanks again for your help.


[ ] Kat

> I sent a response to you under the heading Hi, from WV.... Kat

> I hope you opened it...anyway I'm sending the sites you asked for.

> jerry





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At the start of my diagnosis before AIH was confirmed my Iron level was through the roof. They also though that my problem could be hemachromatosis. The GI doc I see said he felt this was not correct because my LFT's were in the 1800 to 2000 range and he said this would abnormally elevate the iron levels. This was the case with me. As my LFT's came back into a more reasonable range the Iron level did too. Has anyone mentioned this to you and your MOM? It might be worth asking about.

Hope this info helps.

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Dear ,

I had the same situation as you. My iron

levels returned to normal when the LFT’s came down. When they do a biopsy

they do an iron stain for hemochromtosis. It came back negative for me so the

doctor felt that the high iron level was artifactual. That is, it was there but

only temporarily.

If Kate’s mother’s biopsy iron stain comes back positive it could point toward


Take care,

Re: [ ] Kat


At the start of my diagnosis before AIH was confirmed my Iron level was through

the roof. They also though that my problem could be

hemachromatosis. The GI doc I see said he felt this was not correct

because my LFT's were in the 1800 to 2000 range and he said this would

abnormally elevate the iron levels. This was the case with me. As

my LFT's came back into a more reasonable range the Iron level did too.

Has anyone mentioned this to you and your MOM? It might be worth asking


Hope this info helps.



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Kris, I think we are saying the same thing, I just don't know HOW to say it. I just know that I have been hurting for SO long around the liver that I just call it liver pain. It is easier for me to say that vrs anything else! AND, I don't go through procedures anymore unless I have FULL anesthetic. I had an upper and lower done this past summer and the ONLY way I would do it was if I was totally under. Just won't do it because of the discomfort. NOW...I have never had a biopsy "normally." I had it when I had my gall bladder removed in July of 01. That was when they discovered the AIH. So, I wouldn't know what to expect in a regular biopsy. I suppose I will have to have another one eventually, and will talk with the doctor and see what she recommends. She knows that I cannot tolerate the pain, so will probably put me under totally.



Re: [ ] Digest Number 2671


Have to say I disaggree on the pain. When we ultrasound cats I see a definate discomfort around the liver area. To do biopsies we always provide pain meds and sometimes full anesthesia. Anytime an organ is inflammed pain receptors are involved.


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Debby..... you worry too much....

This also an offshoot of 's Law ...If you think its going to

hurt...it wil. A needle biopsy, done correctly should cause NO

pain....i've had 4 ...and nary a pinch. It ia important to be awake so

as to be still and hold your breath. Any involuntary movement can stray

the needle from its true course and perhaps even pucture a lung. I've

heard stories here about botched biopsies but I just find all of them a

tad hard to buy. Some had to be embellished as this procedure is

nothing..zip,zip, 5 seconds flat. I believe some people just want

something to hurt so they can swap war stories. Like many things pain is

sometimes a state of mind.

When it comes to a biopsy don't put it in your mind that it is going to

hurt because it won't Like I said... zip, zip.

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Jerry, thank you. I suppose my fear comes from a botched endoscopy. My

fear was so intense that even the anesthesiologist told my GI when they did

the procedures the last time that I never would have handled just the

regular sedation. As it was, the GI doing the procedure was unduly rough,

the nurses kept hitting me because I kept fighting the tube. The harder I

tried to scream, the " meaner " they became. Now, I realize they HAD to calm

me down. Much worse could have happened with the instruments in my stomach!

But this was because the doctor did NOT believe I had celiac sprue because I

am fat. His opinion was that fat people CANNOT have celiac. All of my

biopsies were positive!

However, it seems that after reading testimonials of many here, the liver

biopsies are much easier than endoscopies. Since I have nothing to compare

for a biopsy, perhaps, I will consent to no general and just the local. I

think the worst thing is the lying on your side for hours on end. Yet, when

I had my biopsy during surgery, they did not keep me on my side. I had no

pain from the biopsy then.....perhaps we don't have to lie on our sides all

that long! Just wondering.


Re: [ ] Kat

> Debby..... you worry too much....

> This also an offshoot of 's Law ...If you think its going to

> hurt...it wil. A needle biopsy, done correctly should cause NO







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Debby..I have to agree that you were treated very poorly...Doesn't sound

professional to me. When they give an endoscopy you are IVd a combo of

Versed (which is like valium with an amnesia producing agent) and

demoral.... a sweet drug indeed...pain killer. I don't see why they just

couldn't have increased the dosage a tad and wait for the effect. I

always go into a " twilight " sleep ....not fully aware of what was going

on around me.They also spray a numbing concoction in your mouth. They

don't want you fully knocked out as they need to make sure you keep

breathing and swallowing the tube. This does sound a bit botched. surely

they had other patients that have a hardtime with this...do they beat

all of them. To be fair you might have over=reacted some too. Relaxtion

is a big

plus. its easy to say but if you are to have a procedure you must accept

rather than fight it know that soon it wil be over and if the Versed is

administered correctly you won't remember it.

Instead of agonizing over what is going to surely hurt know that the

needle biopsy takes less than 10 seconds ... and its over just hold your

breath and zip its done. I think those who think its going to hurt makes

that thought come true because they tense up...relax and then snooze a

couple of hours. Quite honestly, the last time I didn't have to lay on

my left side afterwards. I just stayed lying down 2 hrs. I read the

paper and drifted off. I woke up having to go to the bathroom and the

nurse looked at my vital monitors and disconnected them and let me go.

When I came back she checked me, talked to the doc and told me I could

get up. I went to the cafeteria and ate. I had some other tests they

wanted to run the next day so they gave me room so that was the last

time I could eat food that day. After getting in the room and being

checked for vitals and what not I went out side and st around a

fountain, smoked a cigar and fed te pigeons. I had no pain what so ever

except a small bruise where the needle went in. It was no more so than

that of a blood draw and I didn't notice it.

t makes me angry that they were so insensitive to your weight...they are

there to treat people not comment on their body

size. What next.. pick on bald people?. Whats weight have to do with the



love jerry

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My son's first biopsy was Monday. We were very surprised how little pain

there was. The worst pain was getting the IV started. He felt completely

fine after. He was a little disappointed with the scar....it was too

small!!! When he took the bandage off you could hardly see where it was. He

was hoping to get lots of sympathy. We will not be afraid to get another one

if and when that time comes.

Re: [ ] Kat

> Debby..... you worry too much....

> This also an offshoot of 's Law ...If you think its going to

> hurt...it wil. A needle biopsy, done correctly should cause NO

> pain....i've had 4 ...and nary a pinch. It ia important to be awake so

> as to be still and hold your breath. Any involuntary movement can stray

> the needle from its true course and perhaps even pucture a lung. I've

> heard stories here about botched biopsies but I just find all of them a

> tad hard to buy. Some had to be embellished as this procedure is

> nothing..zip,zip, 5 seconds flat. I believe some people just want

> something to hurt so they can swap war stories. Like many things pain is

> sometimes a state of mind.

> When it comes to a biopsy don't put it in your mind that it is going to

> hurt because it won't Like I said... zip, zip.




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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Sooo sorry to hear your bad news, Kat. I know lots of members here will be

letting you know how to appeal. Keep the faith and one day your ship will

come in!


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  • 2 months later...
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" You have NO idea how lucky you are that you can't hear all this! "


You know, my husband said those same words today at Walmart. I made

a comment that shopping wasn't that bad today even tho I had no sound

and he said, " yea, you don't know how good you have it. " I about hit

the roof! Hearing ppl are so clueless what we go through as far has

socializing and such. I find it stressful so I didn't take his words

kindly :)

I did purchase some material to make some Cool Ties to sell this next

weekend at a Tractor Pull and Antique Show in town. I had about 10

made but when my best friend came last Thursday she ran off with 8 of

them (bought them)! LOL. I figured if she liked them I could sell

them fairly well and I'm not required to stay for the full event. I

figured a few hours of selling will do, pitch a table under the shade

with a coke in one hand and the calucaltor in the other :) LOL. Oh

and if anybody is wondering what these Cool Ties are they are bandana

sleeves I sew then fill with polymer granules that expand in water.

You soak the tie for about 30 minutes then tie it around your neck to

keep you cool. I love them!


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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hi, Kat!

Loved your hotel story of hubby being locked out! Happened to us once,

hubby had to get hotel security to get in the room! LOL ~ I know you are

frustrated, but give yourself a little more time to get voice distinction. I'm

at it for 8 months now and NOT getting as much as you are already! So you

KNOW it's gonna' get better for you! Just keep your " bionic ear " on and you


find yourself hearing more each day.

Good luck and hang in there!

:o) Jackie

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  • 2 years later...

In a message dated 11/12/2005 10:47:21 PM Eastern Standard Time,


From: KATL1957@...

Subject: Re: Re: leg numbness

and all those who have this symptom.

As I have told you I also have this symptom. My doc says its just

neurological symptoms from the lyme. I hate to post this but ah what the

hell, I've

also had trouble starting to urinate. It feels as though the entire lower


of me sometimes is so numb that I don't feel much of anything ......except


course ..PAIN. Very strange ! Once I get going I'm alright , but I have to

run water and REALLY concentrate some times

HELLO KAT, that could be other things, the urinating issue.... stones or

infection and as in my case, it was a uterine fibroid pressing on bladder

etc... something to consider... once i had the fibroid taken care of (U A E

procedure) the bladder issue was fixed.... if u r over 30 this could be a

possibility.... best 2 u, c in vt

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In a message dated 11/13/2005 2:02:03 AM Eastern Standard Time,


It just feels numb from my waist down including the

perineum (bottom) and left leg and foot. The pain in the left ankle and heel


just unbearable.


HELLO, have u been checked for sciatica


(http://www.spine-health.com/topics/cd/d_sciatica/sc01.html) your symptoms

sound like it..... best to u, c in vt

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  • 8 months later...
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Hi Kat,

Thank you so much for the congrats on the potty training. I'm so thankful that it was a success.

I found out about ABA when I read Maurices book " Let me hear your voice".

I know that here in the city I live there is a place called The Care Center funded by the state will train parents how to be their own ABA consultants and set up an ABA program in their own home. The thing is that the waiting list is years long and by years I'm not exaggerating. = ( We couldn't afford ABA either. My MIL and FIL wanted to have it and have supplied us with a fund for to get the therapy.

Floortime - I've heard great things about it but am really green about it. I just got Stanley Greenspan's book called "Engaging Autism" and it has some really great methods in it in my opinion. I checked the book out from the local library. Have you checked around the city for resources that offer ABA training for parents. I find out about a lot of resources offered at local Autism support groups, they're a wealth of information. Hope this can help you in some way.

warmest regards,


-- Re: is finally potty trained / Greenspan's Floortime

Our 4yo son still isn't potty trained and I would appreciate more information on "Floortime." This is the first time I've heard that expression (as educated we get about autism it seems there's always something else out there we don't know about :) ).We can't afford ABA and so know very little about it. Can someone recommend a way for us to learn more about it and/or how to do this ourselves?Congratulations, Luann!!!Kat

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Hi Kat,

Thank you so much for the congrats on the potty training. I'm so thankful that it was a success.

I found out about ABA when I read Maurices book " Let me hear your voice".

I know that here in the city I live there is a place called The Care Center funded by the state will train parents how to be their own ABA consultants and set up an ABA program in their own home. The thing is that the waiting list is years long and by years I'm not exaggerating. = ( We couldn't afford ABA either. My MIL and FIL wanted to have it and have supplied us with a fund for to get the therapy.

Floortime - I've heard great things about it but am really green about it. I just got Stanley Greenspan's book called "Engaging Autism" and it has some really great methods in it in my opinion. I checked the book out from the local library. Have you checked around the city for resources that offer ABA training for parents. I find out about a lot of resources offered at local Autism support groups, they're a wealth of information. Hope this can help you in some way.

warmest regards,


-- Re: is finally potty trained / Greenspan's Floortime

Our 4yo son still isn't potty trained and I would appreciate more information on "Floortime." This is the first time I've heard that expression (as educated we get about autism it seems there's always something else out there we don't know about :) ).We can't afford ABA and so know very little about it. Can someone recommend a way for us to learn more about it and/or how to do this ourselves?Congratulations, Luann!!!Kat

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Hi Kat I am doing floor time with my 34 months daughter through a graduate program at a local university here in my area Its a speech clinic that is being run by speech grad students and they charge a fraction of what it would have cost us otherwise i highly recommend that you check the big universities in your area and call their speech Pathology clinics for a similar program... those who would offer the courses will offer the services as well They started using ABLC i think it stands for Affect based Language curriculum (I am not 100% sure) as a play based floor time speech therapy sessions and they are training me every session on how to do it so i can carry the skill in our daily routine Floor time is great for HFA children because they understand cause and affect while i found that ABA is better for LFA in some cases If you tell me your area maybe i can do

some research and help you find a similar program to the one i am in and it will cost you much less write me off line if you wish NuhaLuann <poobigirl@...> wrote: Hi Kat, Thank you so much for the congrats on the potty training. I'm so thankful that it was a success.

I found out about ABA when I read Maurices book " Let me hear your voice". I know that here in the city I live there is a place called The Care Center funded by the state will train parents how to be their own ABA consultants and set up an ABA program in their own home. The thing is that the waiting list is years long and by years I'm not exaggerating. = ( We couldn't afford ABA either. My MIL and FIL wanted to have it and have supplied us with a fund for to get the therapy. Floortime - I've heard great things about it but am really green about it. I just got Stanley Greenspan's book called "Engaging Autism" and it has some really great methods in it in my opinion. I checked the book out from the local library. Have you checked around the city for resources that offer ABA training for parents. I find out about a lot of resources offered at local Autism

support groups, they're a wealth of information. Hope this can help you in some way. warmest regards, Luann -- Re: is finally potty trained / Greenspan's Floortime Our 4yo son still isn't potty trained and I would appreciate more information on "Floortime." This is the first time I've heard that expression

(as educated we get about autism it seems there's always something else out there we don't know about :) ).We can't afford ABA and so know very little about it. Can someone recommend a way for us to learn more about it and/or how to do this ourselves?Congratulations, Luann!!!Kat

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Hi Kat I am doing floor time with my 34 months daughter through a graduate program at a local university here in my area Its a speech clinic that is being run by speech grad students and they charge a fraction of what it would have cost us otherwise i highly recommend that you check the big universities in your area and call their speech Pathology clinics for a similar program... those who would offer the courses will offer the services as well They started using ABLC i think it stands for Affect based Language curriculum (I am not 100% sure) as a play based floor time speech therapy sessions and they are training me every session on how to do it so i can carry the skill in our daily routine Floor time is great for HFA children because they understand cause and affect while i found that ABA is better for LFA in some cases If you tell me your area maybe i can do

some research and help you find a similar program to the one i am in and it will cost you much less write me off line if you wish NuhaLuann <poobigirl@...> wrote: Hi Kat, Thank you so much for the congrats on the potty training. I'm so thankful that it was a success.

I found out about ABA when I read Maurices book " Let me hear your voice". I know that here in the city I live there is a place called The Care Center funded by the state will train parents how to be their own ABA consultants and set up an ABA program in their own home. The thing is that the waiting list is years long and by years I'm not exaggerating. = ( We couldn't afford ABA either. My MIL and FIL wanted to have it and have supplied us with a fund for to get the therapy. Floortime - I've heard great things about it but am really green about it. I just got Stanley Greenspan's book called "Engaging Autism" and it has some really great methods in it in my opinion. I checked the book out from the local library. Have you checked around the city for resources that offer ABA training for parents. I find out about a lot of resources offered at local Autism

support groups, they're a wealth of information. Hope this can help you in some way. warmest regards, Luann -- Re: is finally potty trained / Greenspan's Floortime Our 4yo son still isn't potty trained and I would appreciate more information on "Floortime." This is the first time I've heard that expression

(as educated we get about autism it seems there's always something else out there we don't know about :) ).We can't afford ABA and so know very little about it. Can someone recommend a way for us to learn more about it and/or how to do this ourselves?Congratulations, Luann!!!Kat

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