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Re: Hi all - Dad has level 4 THANX

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I joined a stage IV melanoma group cuz of my friend and had been asking abo=

ut alternatives and adjunctive therapies.....Noone has posted anything as us=

eful as this one that you posted here



- In , a54 <a54@s...> wrote:

> Althea,

> I believe laetrile is one of the most popular alternative treatments lega=


> available in Mexico.

> Here are some links on alternative cancer treatments. Maybe if you see t=


> name, you¹ll know which one dad is considering.


> Alternative Cancer Therapies

> http://www.mnwelldir.org/docs/cancer1/altthrpy2.htm#Laetrile

> http://www.cancure.org/choiceoftherapy.htm


> Here is an anti-malarial that is effective in cancer treatments:

> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve & db=PubMed & list=


> ds=11251172 & dopt=Abstract



> Adult Brain Tumors

> http://imsdd.meb.uni-bonn.de/cancer.gov/CDR0000062900.html


> I¹m so sorry for what your family is going through.

> a




> > which doesn't make too much sense to me. My step-mother said they

> > only saw the radiologist yesterday and a new appointment was made

> > for the oncologist for 2 weeks away. She was trying to get it moved

> > up when I called so the phone call was short.

> >

> > She said that the treatment they are opting for is similar to taking

> > a quinine pill that they take for malaria - it is a treatment out of

> > Mexico...now I am not sure if they are going to Mexico for this

> > treatment or if you do it here.

> >

> > Then she told me the treatment would be daily for 6 weeks...which

> > brings them real close to the Oct 1st date when the camp ground that

> > they are living in closes for the winter.

> >

> > I am not sure what is happening. I did a search to read about brain

> > cancers today and am more confused because I have so little

> > information as to what he actually has. All I know is that it is

> > inoperable and is level 4 cancerous.

> >

> > I am assuming it is inoperable because it is in the gray matter area

> > not because of size because when first discovered they called it a

> > small lesion on his brain.

> >

> > Assuming is bad though without all the facts.

> >

> > I looked at one of the tests for brain cancer and he doesn't have

> > any bad bad symptoms...he had some dizziness but doesn't anymore.

> > He has short-term memory failure but remembers things from years ago

> > that he hasn't thought of in years. He is able to take care of

> > himself except his major complaint is he can't make a phone call or

> > balance his checkbook.

> >

> > Sounds pretty good to me but I know he is scared. Just hearing the

> > word cancer has scared him pretty bad - let alone that it is brain

> > cancer.

> >

> > I am lost and trying to understand from a long distance. I sit here

> > and wonder what the next year will bring. I am not moving too well

> > the last couple days...gtting up early but not able to stand

> > straight till after lunch and then sitting waiting for a phone that

> > doesn't ring and afraid to call because I won't be able to talk to

> > my Dad...for one reason or another.

> >

> > I am again thankful for this support group where I can get some

> > answers and lots of prayers(which are greatly needed).

> >

> > God bless,

> > Althea

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I joined a stage IV melanoma group cuz of my friend and had been asking abo=

ut alternatives and adjunctive therapies.....Noone has posted anything as us=

eful as this one that you posted here



- In , a54 <a54@s...> wrote:

> Althea,

> I believe laetrile is one of the most popular alternative treatments lega=


> available in Mexico.

> Here are some links on alternative cancer treatments. Maybe if you see t=


> name, you¹ll know which one dad is considering.


> Alternative Cancer Therapies

> http://www.mnwelldir.org/docs/cancer1/altthrpy2.htm#Laetrile

> http://www.cancure.org/choiceoftherapy.htm


> Here is an anti-malarial that is effective in cancer treatments:

> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve & db=PubMed & list=


> ds=11251172 & dopt=Abstract



> Adult Brain Tumors

> http://imsdd.meb.uni-bonn.de/cancer.gov/CDR0000062900.html


> I¹m so sorry for what your family is going through.

> a




> > which doesn't make too much sense to me. My step-mother said they

> > only saw the radiologist yesterday and a new appointment was made

> > for the oncologist for 2 weeks away. She was trying to get it moved

> > up when I called so the phone call was short.

> >

> > She said that the treatment they are opting for is similar to taking

> > a quinine pill that they take for malaria - it is a treatment out of

> > Mexico...now I am not sure if they are going to Mexico for this

> > treatment or if you do it here.

> >

> > Then she told me the treatment would be daily for 6 weeks...which

> > brings them real close to the Oct 1st date when the camp ground that

> > they are living in closes for the winter.

> >

> > I am not sure what is happening. I did a search to read about brain

> > cancers today and am more confused because I have so little

> > information as to what he actually has. All I know is that it is

> > inoperable and is level 4 cancerous.

> >

> > I am assuming it is inoperable because it is in the gray matter area

> > not because of size because when first discovered they called it a

> > small lesion on his brain.

> >

> > Assuming is bad though without all the facts.

> >

> > I looked at one of the tests for brain cancer and he doesn't have

> > any bad bad symptoms...he had some dizziness but doesn't anymore.

> > He has short-term memory failure but remembers things from years ago

> > that he hasn't thought of in years. He is able to take care of

> > himself except his major complaint is he can't make a phone call or

> > balance his checkbook.

> >

> > Sounds pretty good to me but I know he is scared. Just hearing the

> > word cancer has scared him pretty bad - let alone that it is brain

> > cancer.

> >

> > I am lost and trying to understand from a long distance. I sit here

> > and wonder what the next year will bring. I am not moving too well

> > the last couple days...gtting up early but not able to stand

> > straight till after lunch and then sitting waiting for a phone that

> > doesn't ring and afraid to call because I won't be able to talk to

> > my Dad...for one reason or another.

> >

> > I am again thankful for this support group where I can get some

> > answers and lots of prayers(which are greatly needed).

> >

> > God bless,

> > Althea

> >

> >

> >

> >

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