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Ok today I have not felt myself. By dinnertime I had 102.3 fever and no

other symtoms other than fever, joint pain and chills. I took two extra


Tylenol and all my symtoms are gone within 2 hrs. This is strange. So is

this what they call a RA flare?

I guess I wait until morning to see if any other symtoms appear. I am not in

the mood to make a trip to see my useless rheummy. I know all he wants to do

is cram drugs down my throat.

Oh there was a show on TV tonight talking about the Toxic effects if Arava,

Vioxx, Bextra, Celebrex and a few other meds. And How people want the drugs

pulled from the market due to deaths caused by toxicity of these meds but the

FDA will not pull them. Hmmm....I am so glad I am NOT on any meds!!!! Too much

drama for me!


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