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help with meds

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i had the test done he had no mercury at all.

but was toxic for lead and cadium.and arsenic and atimony.

he has feeding problems and has alot of trouble swallowing he gets most of

his nutrition from pediasure and jevity high calorie formula?

i cant get him off that if he has to few calories and trouble chewing and

swallowing as it is.

i sure dont know what to do


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what supplements are you giving are are there any digestive

difficulties as inidcated by stool condition? i think he is at very

high risk of adverse effects from the meds that will leave you with a

more severe long term care problem.

> hello

> i know i don't get to much time to write in but i do so badly need


> advice right now.

> i took my son in for his aspergers diagnosis that is what everyone

thought he

> was going to get diagnosed with, but anyway.

> they did the whole 4 to 5 hours of testing. and they came up with

mild to

> moderate mental retardation.

> severe ,severe , severe anxiety disorder. just like with autism

nothing can

> be out of place or change or he is freaking out for days, head

banging and

> screaming, and now he is starting to hurt himself and everyone

around him.

> he has the cerebral palsy the damage to the white matter of the


> and worsters drought syndrome. and sensory integration dysfunction.

> so anyway they suggested that he go for play therapy to help with

the anxiety

> and meds?

> but i am so scarred to give him meds they scare me so bad. but they

also said

> if i could get him to stop screaming for days and being so anxious

he might

> be able to settle enough to learn easier and remove some of the

stress. not

> to mention that he has gerd and reflux and the stress is not

helping that

> right?

> i don't know what they will recommend that is for the 19th. so my


> is can you tell me the honest truth about the pro's con's and the

reasons why

> and why not and what you would do.

> i just don't want to make the wrong decision. he is 4 and a half to.

> thanks guys.

> joey



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-Hi ,

I would suggest that you put your son on a gluten free casen free

diet which should help with anxiety and/or aggression.(Please look at

www.gfcf.com) It helped our son with these issues. I would also

suggest that you look in the files for information on getting your

son`s hair tested to test for heavy metals, including mercury. Please

let me know how your son does. Albert albert2412@...

-- In , ummezahid@a... wrote:

> hello

> i know i don't get to much time to write in but i do so badly need


> advice right now.

> i took my son in for his aspergers diagnosis that is what everyone

thought he

> was going to get diagnosed with, but anyway.

> they did the whole 4 to 5 hours of testing. and they came up with

mild to

> moderate mental retardation.

> severe ,severe , severe anxiety disorder. just like with autism

nothing can

> be out of place or change or he is freaking out for days, head

banging and

> screaming, and now he is starting to hurt himself and everyone

around him.

> he has the cerebral palsy the damage to the white matter of the


> and worsters drought syndrome. and sensory integration dysfunction.

> so anyway they suggested that he go for play therapy to help with

the anxiety

> and meds?

> but i am so scarred to give him meds they scare me so bad. but they

also said

> if i could get him to stop screaming for days and being so anxious

he might

> be able to settle enough to learn easier and remove some of the

stress. not

> to mention that he has gerd and reflux and the stress is not

helping that

> right?

> i don't know what they will recommend that is for the 19th. so my


> is can you tell me the honest truth about the pro's con's and the

reasons why

> and why not and what you would do.

> i just don't want to make the wrong decision. he is 4 and a half to.

> thanks guys.

> joey



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id get a ddi hair test done.

> what sort of long term care problem?

> he is on prevacit for his stomach whenever i tryed other things he

got sicker

> the enzymes did not seem to help either not before anyway.



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Hi ,

I am answering your prior post, as well as your comments here.

I cannot say much about specific meds. I'm in the same boat

with you: I am generally reluctant about meds, but also

realize that they can be useful short term, in some instances.

So, really I am not much help with your question on meds.

But I want to encourage you to pursue other options.

And keep at it! There are lots of options to try.

Some of them are:

1. metals (chelation and other forms of detox, depending

on which metals)

2. cranial manipulation

(see the FILE called HOW_TO_find_doctor for some info

on cranial manipulation).

Like metal detox, this is not for everyone, but rather for

those who do have a problem with the form/shape/pressures

on the head.

3. oxygen therapies. I just joined a couple more lists

about oxygen therapies. I think one of them is specifically

for CP kids. Write me for more info if you want.

There is HBOT (hyperbaric oxygen therapy -- oxygen in a

little chamber, under pressure); there is low pressure;

and there is breathing oxygen without pressure (called

normalbaric [sp?])

All of the options are worth pursuing, whether you decide

to use meds or not.

> i had the test done he had no mercury at all.

Are you aware that most people who ARE mercury toxic show

low mercury on tests? Please see the FILE called

HOW_TO_hair_test for more information on this.

> but was toxic for lead and cadium.and arsenic and atimony.

those count!

DMSA chelates lead.

ALA chelates arsenic.

See the FAQ for info on reducing antimony.

good luck and best wishes,


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Lead alone can cause a lot of the problems your son is having, cadmium

is nasty too. My son (he has lead and antimony and probably mercury)

at 2 was agressive, obsessive compulsive beyond any compare and had

sensory issues. Now at 4.5 with several interventions (including yeast

treatments, digestive enzymes, and currently 9 rounds of chelation) he

has improved so tremendously that no-one outside of friends and family

would ever imagine he was such a mess 2 years ago. This is a great

place for information and hope. Stick around and read the files

section thoroughly. I agree that taking him off gluten and casein

would be a good idea. I had my son off all gluten and casein for

almost a year and it helped with his anxiety and agression. Adding

digestive enzymes played another major role in helping him feel better

and got rid of his OCD. We use HNI brand (www.houstonni.com) and he

has been on a regular non-restricted diet for a year now. I do however

forbid chocolate and most food colorings as they make him hyper and

irritable and I do rotate gluten free snacks in with regular stuff.

Good luck


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joey - i have 4 kids, the oldest girl 14 has had anxiety disorder for we

think years and last year was dx with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. i also

have anxiety disorder. she and i are both on meds (different ones) and

there has been a tremendous difference. i feel like myself again! she

struggles with the OCD but has her anxiety under control and can attend

school again, and even make friends. i also have an autistic son aged 8,

who has lots of anxiety but we have not treated him with meds (yet).

behavioral modification, visual schedules, lots of love and daily organized

scheduled activities have helped alot. kids (or anyone) with anxiety

suffer, really suffer terribly. and no one should have to suffer like that.

i take effexor 150 mg, my daughter takes zoloft 200 mg...the side effects

were temporary (difficulty sleeping, vivid dreams, loss of hunger) and

passed after a few weeks or months. i see the meds as a miracle. one

drawback is that there are many and you might have to try several before

finding a compatable one, and you must build up slowly, then wean back down

before starting a new one...so it can take time. the ones i mentioned are

ant-depressants but are used for anxiety. i see a link between anxiety and

learning too: anxiety does prevent you from functioning. you can't think,

you're in a " fight or flight " mode, you obsess on the anxiety-causing factor

...yes, learning is likely to bagin once the anxiety is reduced. please give

meds a try before you rule them out. sher

-- [ ] help with meds


i know i don't get to much time to write in but i do so badly need some

advice right now.

i took my son in for his aspergers diagnosis that is what everyone thought


was going to get diagnosed with, but anyway.

they did the whole 4 to 5 hours of testing. and they came up with mild to

moderate mental retardation.

severe ,severe , severe anxiety disorder. just like with autism nothing can

be out of place or change or he is freaking out for days, head banging and

screaming, and now he is starting to hurt himself and everyone around him.

he has the cerebral palsy the damage to the white matter of the brain.

and worsters drought syndrome. and sensory integration dysfunction.

so anyway they suggested that he go for play therapy to help with the


and meds?

but i am so scarred to give him meds they scare me so bad. but they also


if i could get him to stop screaming for days and being so anxious he might

be able to settle enough to learn easier and remove some of the stress. not

to mention that he has gerd and reflux and the stress is not helping that


i don't know what they will recommend that is for the 19th. so my questions

is can you tell me the honest truth about the pro's con's and the reasons


and why not and what you would do.

i just don't want to make the wrong decision. he is 4 and a half to.

thanks guys.



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Could you say how his eating is? Did anything happen with enzymes?

which ones did you use? What did the hair test show?

I think meds can be extremely beneficial, but you need to get

something really right and that can take some trial and error...just

like with supplements. My son and I both did disastrous on a med but

then did great on a different one. It is not a failing on anyone's

part if a med is necessary and brings great results. I am grateful

there are meds that can help where nothing else can. That said, I

don't think meds should be used just because no one wants to bother

with anything else. If might be a food intolerance, or poor

nutrition, or something like that. You don't want to medicate

someone so they are less functional (just so they are less of

a 'bother' to others). But if they need it become functional that is

the difference. If you try meds, just commit to a trial period to

see if it is right. If it isn't working out, drop it.

Another thing to keep in mind is that using a med may be a temporary

patch to use while you are investigating and 'fixing' other things.

For example, you might use a sleep aid until you can find

potentially problematic foods or chemicals that are disrupting

sleep. Or until a yeast problem is controlled. Not use a med for

sleep instead of combatting the yeast.

I hope this was clear. Good luck with this.


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I cannot speak from a medical point of view, I have no training. However, I can

speak from a been there done that point of view. Our son was diagnosed moderate

to severe autistic, routine was rigid, things that would make a NT kid ecstatic

would cause a meltdown for our son, he wore a bicycle helmet constantly for

several months because of the head banging, he slept 3 hours a night, no naps

because he was wired. My husband is a cop and he said it was like our son was on

drugs. Our pediatrician thought our son might be deaf, and he also would bite

himself, wouldn't let anyone touch him so changing diapers was a nightmare. He

had chronic eczema and in 2 years never had a solid bowel movement. He would go

into rages that would last 3 or 4 hours. At 3 years of age he tested at a 12-15

mo. old developmental level. So you could say we had sensory problems, autism

was a factor, etc. We started with a gfcf diet cold turkey, he had a solid bowel

movement and slept through the night (10 hours) in first week and a half of

diet. After about 4 months we noticed his meltdowns weren't lasting as long nor

were they as intense. After about 6 months he quit banging his head. We then

tried Super Nu Thera vitamins, Ojibwa Tea, DMG, Perfect Stool Formula, GSE, Vit.

C, and finally Enzymes. He sleeps through the night still, potty trained in two

days, and at 4 years of age tested at 4 years developmentally for motor skills,

self help skills, and comprehensive language skills. He's about 2 1/2 for

expressive language and social skills. He is a joy to be around and more well

mannered than many NT kids we know.There was a period in there between age 3 and

3 1/2 where we saw an allergist, immunologist, neurologist, gastroenterologist

and our own pediatrician, and by the time they were through

testing/diagnosing/treating him he was down to 32 pounds, circles under his

eyes, pale pasty eczema complexion, sleep disturbances and year round

antibiotics. I quit seeing the Doctors after reading Dr. McCandless, Karyn

Seroussi and DeFelice's books. I quit the antibiotics for my son and

started all the supplements listed above. He is now a wonderful 44 pounds,

speaking in sentences recently and the joy I mentioned above. I must say that

for us medication was a nightmare, but for some it may work. I also have to tell

you that ABA Therapy has been used rather intensely for the past 2 1/2 years.

During the period of the meds it seemed to be a waste of time, but we kept on,

and now, although he is learning from his environment, I believe the therapy we

provided helped him catch up. I hope this helps.

help with meds


i know i don't get to much time to write in but i do so badly need some

advice right now.

i took my son in for his aspergers diagnosis that is what everyone thought he

was going to get diagnosed with, but anyway.

they did the whole 4 to 5 hours of testing. and they came up with mild to

moderate mental retardation.

severe ,severe , severe anxiety disorder. just like with autism nothing can

be out of place or change or he is freaking out for days, head banging and

screaming, and now he is starting to hurt himself and everyone around him.

he has the cerebral palsy the damage to the white matter of the brain.

and worsters drought syndrome. and sensory integration dysfunction.

so anyway they suggested that he go for play therapy to help with the anxiety

and meds?

but i am so scarred to give him meds they scare me so bad. but they also said

if i could get him to stop screaming for days and being so anxious he might

be able to settle enough to learn easier and remove some of the stress. not

to mention that he has gerd and reflux and the stress is not helping that


i don't know what they will recommend that is for the 19th. so my questions

is can you tell me the honest truth about the pro's con's and the reasons why

and why not and what you would do.

i just don't want to make the wrong decision. he is 4 and a half to.

thanks guys.



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my ds had gerd and reflux and was on prevacit. When we went to sell our house we

found out there was bacteria in the water. switched water sources and reflux

disappeared. There was no outward signs for anyone else in the house that was

using the water. He just had a very sensitive digestive system. Something easy

to check for.


Re: Re: help with meds

what sort of long term care problem?

he is on prevacit for his stomach whenever i tryed other things he got sicker

the enzymes did not seem to help either not before anyway.


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> > moderate mental retardation.

> severe ,severe , severe anxiety disorder. just like with autism

nothing can

> be out of place or change or he is freaking out for days, head

banging and

> screaming, and now he is starting to hurt himself and everyone

around him.

> he has the cerebral palsy the damage to the white matter of the


> and worsters drought syndrome. and sensory integration dysfunction.

> so anyway they suggested that he go for play therapy to help with

the anxiety

> and meds?

> but i am so scarred to give him meds they scare me so bad.

My son is 4 1/2 also and has been taking paxil since september. It

has truly been a life saver for us. He has progressed so much since

the addition of this. His anxiety got in the way of everything even

his sensory modulation. We had got to the point where we could not

even take him to a store because he would meltdown at some point

before we could get him out of there. At this point I think it would

be akin to child abuse to make my child live with that kind of fear

and torment. I still am doing other therapies.....this is just a

small piece of the pie. good luck!!

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> severe ,severe , severe anxiety disorder. just like with autism

nothing can

> be out of place or change or he is freaking out for days, head

banging and

> screaming, and now he is starting to hurt himself and everyone

around him.

Certain medications are beneficial for certain children and not

others, so you might need to experiment with different medications

before you find the right one for your child. All medications have

potential side effects, so be sure you discuss with the doctor all the

potential side effects, then do your own research and ask questions

about the specific medication/s recommended for your child, so you can

make an intelligent decision.

For the symptoms you indicate, many children are helped if you address

phenol sensitivity and/or yeast issues.




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  • 1 year later...

Also keep in mind that you CAN have your doc just give you a dose or 2 to try a

med- and docs often get samples from drug reps that they can share with you. If

your doctor does not have any ideas for help getting meds youu need, you can ask

your pharmacist, your county health dept or state dept of Human Services. You

could also try to work with your doc and insurance company to see if they can

work something out.

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