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Cindi, If we can't rely on each other, then who can we rely on. I

know it doesn't do much for the physical pain, but at least in here

you can vent and help the psychological pain with out feeling like a

nut case. There have been days I wanted to go to the ER and get

this pain under some control, but I know how those docs can be. I

know they have the drug seekers come in and they can tend to think

anyone is a seeker. I have gone in with kidney stones in the past

and on a few ocasions there has been this one doc who insists that

there is nothing wrong and sends me home with out truely treating

the issue and of course I end up back in there with in a few hours.

I wait out until his shift is over because all he sees is

a " seeker " . Not someone who is suffering form kidney stones or RA.

In fact, he is so blinded by this that he doesn't even see the

stones on Xray. He has gotten in trouble more than a few times.

But, because of docs like him, I feel that going in to get the pain

under control is pointless and would just be even more disheartening

because of how I know I could be treated. He even knows that I am a

nurse!! No profressional courtesy from him,either!! Ah, well, it's

not like I could get myself in the ER on some of those bad days any

way!! I thank God for my rheumy. He has been great for me!! You

hang in there and know that we are praying for you and that you are

NEVER alone in this............Marina

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