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Re: Off-topic posts - To everyone KidCare

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I posted a link to KidCare here in IL, I think sometime in the last couple weeks

or so

- In , <natesmom4@m...> wrote:

> Jennie, I'm sorry for what you are going through with your divorce, moving,

your daughter. Life has a way of really dumping on us sometimes. I know that.

Three of our four children have various disabilities/challenges/needs and I

never thought I would ever go through anything like I have in the past 21 years

(my oldest is 21). I was going through a real pity party last week when my 21

year old was arrested by a local officer for doing absolutely nothing wrong.

This jerk harasses our young people in this town and I had had enough. I didn't

realize until today that I had not been taking my hormone for the past week.

Forgot to add it to my weekly medicine container. Unfortunately for the cop,

this 47 year old menopausal mother was on the warpath! My poor husband gave up

on me at the police station as he kept telling me to please sit down and quit

talking and giving the cop the evil eye! Really funny as I am blind in one eye

and when I get mad my eye really wanders, cop didn't know which one to look at!

Anyway, we bailed him out for $100 and got him home. Tuesday morning I went to

the local court house and told the judge what this cop does to the kids and they

dismissed the charges and we got his record expunged. I filed a complaint with

the new police chief (apparently the old one was the cop's friend and none of

the previous complaints from anyone about the jerk was on record), told him how

the jerk tasers kids (electrically shoots them, then take the thing that has the

serial number on it and keeps it so no one can prove he did it), and gave him a

real good insight to the guy. My friend is a friend of the chief from church

and backed up my story how the jerk it. It's over now, my son is fine, the cop

is had, and it's a new week. My husband told me tonight after I told him I

hadn't been taking my hormone that he almost felt sorry for the cop but that he

knew there was no stopping me! Last Saturday night at this time I was so upset

I didn't think I could ever dig my way out of this hole. Tonight I'm feeling

great (except for my pain) and know that it always gets better, just getting

there isn't fun. We are all here for you, we all have our meltdowns, our crying

jags, our pitty parties (I had a big one this week). Then I try to remember my

7 day rule: In seven days it won't seem as bad as it does at the moment.


> Have you checked into CHASI for your daughter's child care/preschool? Also,

some places offer scholarships but you have to ask. I have a daycare and the

state will pay for a good portion of costs sometimes but it's a bunch of

paperwork to go through. It's worth it. Sometimes they will go back for the

past month and pay. Also our state (Illinois) offers Kidscare for healthcare.

Sometimes they pay for the whole doctor bill, sometimes they reimburse you for a

portion of the medical insurance. Since you are a single parent you have a much

better chance of getting these services. If you are even close to the financial

cutoff they will sometimes deduct mileage for things such as school

transportation, medical care, etc. It adds up quickly so it's worth checking



> Please know that you have friends here and we will always be here for you. I

hope you are feeling better today.


> Becky

> [ ] Off-topic posts

> > >

> > >

> > > > Hi everyone. I have a request... I personally choose to

> skip the

> > > > posts that are forwards of emails, jokes, poems, etc.

> Nothing

> > > > personal to those who post them, but I am here for RA related

> > > > discussions. I understand a lot in this group do enjoy

> those

> > posts

> > > > so they are certainly important. But would it be possible

> to

> > please

> > > > put " OT " in the subject line of these posts to indicated

> they

> > are off-

> > > > topic and not related to RA or other similar type

> discussions. I

> > > > have seen people in this group use OT in the subject line

> > before, and

> > > > it's a pretty easy thing to add to the subject line. It

> would

> > really

> > > > help me (and I hope others) distinguish between RA related

> posts

> > and

> > > > posts that are just for fun. Thank you.

> > > >

> > > > Jennie

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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I posted a link to KidCare here in IL, I think sometime in the last couple weeks

or so

- In , <natesmom4@m...> wrote:

> Jennie, I'm sorry for what you are going through with your divorce, moving,

your daughter. Life has a way of really dumping on us sometimes. I know that.

Three of our four children have various disabilities/challenges/needs and I

never thought I would ever go through anything like I have in the past 21 years

(my oldest is 21). I was going through a real pity party last week when my 21

year old was arrested by a local officer for doing absolutely nothing wrong.

This jerk harasses our young people in this town and I had had enough. I didn't

realize until today that I had not been taking my hormone for the past week.

Forgot to add it to my weekly medicine container. Unfortunately for the cop,

this 47 year old menopausal mother was on the warpath! My poor husband gave up

on me at the police station as he kept telling me to please sit down and quit

talking and giving the cop the evil eye! Really funny as I am blind in one eye

and when I get mad my eye really wanders, cop didn't know which one to look at!

Anyway, we bailed him out for $100 and got him home. Tuesday morning I went to

the local court house and told the judge what this cop does to the kids and they

dismissed the charges and we got his record expunged. I filed a complaint with

the new police chief (apparently the old one was the cop's friend and none of

the previous complaints from anyone about the jerk was on record), told him how

the jerk tasers kids (electrically shoots them, then take the thing that has the

serial number on it and keeps it so no one can prove he did it), and gave him a

real good insight to the guy. My friend is a friend of the chief from church

and backed up my story how the jerk it. It's over now, my son is fine, the cop

is had, and it's a new week. My husband told me tonight after I told him I

hadn't been taking my hormone that he almost felt sorry for the cop but that he

knew there was no stopping me! Last Saturday night at this time I was so upset

I didn't think I could ever dig my way out of this hole. Tonight I'm feeling

great (except for my pain) and know that it always gets better, just getting

there isn't fun. We are all here for you, we all have our meltdowns, our crying

jags, our pitty parties (I had a big one this week). Then I try to remember my

7 day rule: In seven days it won't seem as bad as it does at the moment.


> Have you checked into CHASI for your daughter's child care/preschool? Also,

some places offer scholarships but you have to ask. I have a daycare and the

state will pay for a good portion of costs sometimes but it's a bunch of

paperwork to go through. It's worth it. Sometimes they will go back for the

past month and pay. Also our state (Illinois) offers Kidscare for healthcare.

Sometimes they pay for the whole doctor bill, sometimes they reimburse you for a

portion of the medical insurance. Since you are a single parent you have a much

better chance of getting these services. If you are even close to the financial

cutoff they will sometimes deduct mileage for things such as school

transportation, medical care, etc. It adds up quickly so it's worth checking



> Please know that you have friends here and we will always be here for you. I

hope you are feeling better today.


> Becky

> [ ] Off-topic posts

> > >

> > >

> > > > Hi everyone. I have a request... I personally choose to

> skip the

> > > > posts that are forwards of emails, jokes, poems, etc.

> Nothing

> > > > personal to those who post them, but I am here for RA related

> > > > discussions. I understand a lot in this group do enjoy

> those

> > posts

> > > > so they are certainly important. But would it be possible

> to

> > please

> > > > put " OT " in the subject line of these posts to indicated

> they

> > are off-

> > > > topic and not related to RA or other similar type

> discussions. I

> > > > have seen people in this group use OT in the subject line

> > before, and

> > > > it's a pretty easy thing to add to the subject line. It

> would

> > really

> > > > help me (and I hope others) distinguish between RA related

> posts

> > and

> > > > posts that are just for fun. Thank you.

> > > >

> > > > Jennie

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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