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Dear ,

I thank you very much for your concern and prayers. Our daughter is

safe and in good hands. Our family never thought that we could have

something like this happen to us, but it did. To me a tragedy was, a

terrible car accident, someone's home burning down, the loss of a

loved one, yes these are terrible things, but direct and absolute

cruelty to another human being is not only perverse in nature, but

the biggest tragedy of all.

I am very glad that I can come here for support. I have come to know

the cadence of the " regulars " very well. I find those people

comforting in a world that turns upside down with our diseases by

the hour some days. I have 3 auto - immune diseases, days can be

unbearable and feel like eons of tortuous pain, alone all day.

I am sure that when my daughter is safely home and in my arms, I

will get the most enormous " FLARE " of my life.! I tend to hold

together well in an emergency and then when it is over, I know that

it is okay to come apart.

and a, you do us all a fantastic service, and for me this

support group has become integrated into my lifestyle. Without this

place to come to, I do not think, with the severety of my diseases,

that I would have even bothered to keep trying. You have given me a

safe place to fall and I have met personal friends here that are now

my family. We plan to get together even, at Christmas. She comforts

my family with a protective circle and I do the same for her.

I am sure I will be writing when the " big one " hits, begging anyone

for home pain relief rememdies after every one of my 27 pills aday

has not helped my flare,and today is wonderful MTX shot day so I

will have the next few days to be sick as well as in pain !

My deepest gratitude for your prayers, you and a are special

angels on earth, if only everyone followed your examples, the world

would be a better place.


Cindi Hein

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