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Re: Digest Number 4436

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> Well, it looks like we are headed to in-patient

> services. I am close to losing it. I can't get

> to do anything and all he talks about it there being

> something wrong with him. What has happened to my kid?

> could it be the stress and adjustment of going into a new school, my son

looked completely different in 6th grade , as he adjusted to middle school


was really stressed out and started doing things he had never done b/f. I

hope u get the help you need for and wish you luck with getting this

straightened out.

Same here with when he started 6th grade. But wasn't on any

medications then. I think that the medications need to be taken out of 's

system to see if they are the cause of this behavior. I'm sending hugs and

prayers your way, Melinda.

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This is still true occasionally of my 17-year-old. The other day his

English teacher gave a quiz. The first question was " Describe two ways in

which Oedipus was a tragic hero. "

After school, Owen told me he could only think of one way, so he didn't

answer the question at all!

He also said there was a question about Antigone and another one about the

Venerable Bede, and he didn't remember either of them having been discussed

in class.

That night I went to Back-to-School night and had a chance to talk with his

teacher. I expected to explain why his answers had been sketchy. She said

she was glad I had spoken up, because earlier that day, she had looked

through the test papers and realized that there was no paper by Owen!

Apparently he didn't turn in anything at all. She understood what was

happening and promised to talk with him about how perfection isn't


I'm hoping that things will improve in English, because he is actually

interested in what they have been reading, and she seems to be a good




ugh! English! I hate English! I hate writing! It is one of those cute

little life ironies that I - a writer - have two children who freeze up over

writing assignments. This year, Braden's English teacher seems to think she

is teaching high school kids. However, to her credit, she is communicating

regularly with me via email and is working with Braden to modify the

assignments that throw him. But it is going to be a looonngg year. I just

finished typing one paper up for him and he is starting another one in class

tomorrow that is due on Friday. AAARRRGGHHH!!!! I think we can safely

assume that my sons are not going to have careers in journalism. <g>


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  • 1 year later...

Happy New Year !

Merv, welcome to the creakiest group around . I say that with humor cuz it is

true... your ability to adapt and be happy are going to be taxed. A good day is

a happy day and a bad day is a pain.. but there is always tomorrow and it may

just be better ;-)

You are not alone Merv, and I hope you stick around.

I read that story about the doctor being arrested for prescribing pain meds and

am trying to find a website to see where donations are to be sent. I want my

doctor to treat me and not be afraid, of anyone, for his doing his job. Congress

will hear from me!

I hope everybody had a great Dec holidasy and may 2005 shine upon us.

Traci ( I think) said she wasn't taking any of these meds... what are you doing?

I am very curious.

May the sunshine wake you up in the morning




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Happy New Year !

Merv, welcome to the creakiest group around . I say that with humor cuz it is

true... your ability to adapt and be happy are going to be taxed. A good day is

a happy day and a bad day is a pain.. but there is always tomorrow and it may

just be better ;-)

You are not alone Merv, and I hope you stick around.

I read that story about the doctor being arrested for prescribing pain meds and

am trying to find a website to see where donations are to be sent. I want my

doctor to treat me and not be afraid, of anyone, for his doing his job. Congress

will hear from me!

I hope everybody had a great Dec holidasy and may 2005 shine upon us.

Traci ( I think) said she wasn't taking any of these meds... what are you doing?

I am very curious.

May the sunshine wake you up in the morning




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