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RESEARCH - Incidence of primary Sjogren's syndrome in Slovenia

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Ann Rheum Dis. 2004 Jul;63(7):874-6.

Incidence of primary Sjogren's syndrome in Slovenia.

Plesivcnik Novljan M, Rozman B, Hocevar A, Grmek M, Kveder T, Tomsic M.

Department of Nuclear Medicine, University Medical Centre Ljubljana,

Ljubljana, Slovenia.

OBJECTIVE: To determine the annual incidence of primary Sjogren's

syndrome (pSS) in Slovenia. METHODS: All patients admitted to our

department of rheumatology or referred to our outpatient clinic between

1 January 2000 and 31 December 2002 owing to sicca symptoms or because

of a suspicion of SS were examined. Our rheumatological department is

the only tertiary referral centre for the Ljubljana region, which has a

population of 599 895 Caucasian people. All patients were evaluated by

the validated European criteria for SS. The exact 95% confidence

interval (CI) based on binomial distribution was created for the

incidence estimate. RESULTS: 248 patients were examined; 71 of them

(28.6%; 65 women, 6 men) were diagnosed as having pSS. Their mean (SD)

age was 51.3 (14.5) years (range 19-78). The average annual incidence

for pSS in our study population was calculated as 3.9 cases per 100 000

inhabitants (95% CI 1.1 to 10.2).

CONCLUSION: The estimated annual incidence of pSS in Slovenia is 3.9/100


PMID: 15194588

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve & db=PubMed & list_uids=1\

5194588 & dopt=Abstract

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