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Re: Plaquinel/ Mtx?

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Yes I am taking the folic acid 1mg a day. Thanks for asking :) Havent started

the plaq. Im a chicken I hated and would never take meds before this not even

tylenol for a headache. Just a bit of info for you and the group. echinacea I

used to take to support my immune system and melentonin for help sleeping. On

the bottle of these 2 herbs says that you are not to take IF you have an auto

immune diease. Its in the fine print. Please pass this along for everyone plus

do you know of any good herbal websites to help with issues like this taht are

pretty detailed so that we can all look up stuff like this. I study herbs and

read alot of books but info seems scarce still. Thanks again. :) Latisha

<Matsumura_Clan@...> wrote:Are you taking folic acid, too,

Latisha? Most rheumatologists believe

and research shows that it should be taken with MTX to prevent or lessen

side effects.

Good luck!

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] Plaquinel/ Mtx????


> Hi all I just started taking MTX injections only .3 dose I feel ok but

only have 1 shot under my belt so far. Do side affects usually start

right away or build up slowly or what? Also my doc wants me to start

taking plaquinel I havent yet he told me to wait a few days and then

start. What problems do all of you have with it and do you have any

ideas or tips to help with side affects. Thanks alot. Latisha

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Yes I am taking the folic acid 1mg a day. Thanks for asking :) Havent started

the plaq. Im a chicken I hated and would never take meds before this not even

tylenol for a headache. Just a bit of info for you and the group. echinacea I

used to take to support my immune system and melentonin for help sleeping. On

the bottle of these 2 herbs says that you are not to take IF you have an auto

immune diease. Its in the fine print. Please pass this along for everyone plus

do you know of any good herbal websites to help with issues like this taht are

pretty detailed so that we can all look up stuff like this. I study herbs and

read alot of books but info seems scarce still. Thanks again. :) Latisha

<Matsumura_Clan@...> wrote:Are you taking folic acid, too,

Latisha? Most rheumatologists believe

and research shows that it should be taken with MTX to prevent or lessen

side effects.

Good luck!

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] Plaquinel/ Mtx????


> Hi all I just started taking MTX injections only .3 dose I feel ok but

only have 1 shot under my belt so far. Do side affects usually start

right away or build up slowly or what? Also my doc wants me to start

taking plaquinel I havent yet he told me to wait a few days and then

start. What problems do all of you have with it and do you have any

ideas or tips to help with side affects. Thanks alot. Latisha

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Glad to hear that you are taking folic acid, Latisha. It's OK that you

are a little afraid to take the Plaquenil. That's normal. I know you'll

find the courage soon.

I like this site for looking up information on herbs and other


Memorial Sloan-Kettering

Cancer Center

" About Herbs, Botanicals & Other Products " :


I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


Re: [ ] Plaquinel/ Mtx?

> Yes I am taking the folic acid 1mg a day. Thanks for asking :) Havent

started the plaq. Im a chicken I hated and would never take meds before

this not even tylenol for a headache. Just a bit of info for you and the

group. echinacea I used to take to support my immune system and

melentonin for help sleeping. On the bottle of these 2 herbs says that

you are not to take IF you have an auto immune diease. Its in the fine

print. Please pass this along for everyone plus do you know of any good

herbal websites to help with issues like this taht are pretty detailed

so that we can all look up stuff like this. I study herbs and read alot

of books but info seems scarce still. Thanks again. :) Latisha

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Glad to hear that you are taking folic acid, Latisha. It's OK that you

are a little afraid to take the Plaquenil. That's normal. I know you'll

find the courage soon.

I like this site for looking up information on herbs and other


Memorial Sloan-Kettering

Cancer Center

" About Herbs, Botanicals & Other Products " :


I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


Re: [ ] Plaquinel/ Mtx?

> Yes I am taking the folic acid 1mg a day. Thanks for asking :) Havent

started the plaq. Im a chicken I hated and would never take meds before

this not even tylenol for a headache. Just a bit of info for you and the

group. echinacea I used to take to support my immune system and

melentonin for help sleeping. On the bottle of these 2 herbs says that

you are not to take IF you have an auto immune diease. Its in the fine

print. Please pass this along for everyone plus do you know of any good

herbal websites to help with issues like this taht are pretty detailed

so that we can all look up stuff like this. I study herbs and read alot

of books but info seems scarce still. Thanks again. :) Latisha

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I hated and would never take meds before this not even tylenol for a


That's true for a lot of us.

echinacea I used to take to support my immune system and melentonin

for help sleeping.

Just pretend the meds you'll be taking are herbs! Actually, when you

think about it, prescription meds are subject to rigorous saftey

testing and quality controls. If you get a good doctor working with

you on dosage and other adjustments, and monitoring your body for

side effects, there's not so much to fear.


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I hated and would never take meds before this not even tylenol for a


That's true for a lot of us.

echinacea I used to take to support my immune system and melentonin

for help sleeping.

Just pretend the meds you'll be taking are herbs! Actually, when you

think about it, prescription meds are subject to rigorous saftey

testing and quality controls. If you get a good doctor working with

you on dosage and other adjustments, and monitoring your body for

side effects, there's not so much to fear.


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I've noticed quite a few people now taking Plaquinel and/or Mtx. Just

in case your physicians have not advised you, there are a few

precautions that need to be taken with those drugs.

When taking Plaquinel it is important to have regular, complete eye

exams by an opthamologist. There is a rare but possible risk for

damage to the eyes.

With Mtx it is crucial to have a baseline chest x-ray done before

starting to take Mtx. If you are taking it and haven't had the

baseline chest x-ray done, please ask your doctor for that ASAP. If

you develop a respiratory infection that seems to settle in your

chest, see a doctor immediately.

I'm not trying to scare anyone. Both are excellent drugs and I'm glad

to see more doctors again prescribing them. For awhile I didn't hear

of many patients taking plaquinel especially, yet I know of many

people who have had great success with it. But like every drug, there

are precautions to be taken.


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I've noticed quite a few people now taking Plaquinel and/or Mtx. Just

in case your physicians have not advised you, there are a few

precautions that need to be taken with those drugs.

When taking Plaquinel it is important to have regular, complete eye

exams by an opthamologist. There is a rare but possible risk for

damage to the eyes.

With Mtx it is crucial to have a baseline chest x-ray done before

starting to take Mtx. If you are taking it and haven't had the

baseline chest x-ray done, please ask your doctor for that ASAP. If

you develop a respiratory infection that seems to settle in your

chest, see a doctor immediately.

I'm not trying to scare anyone. Both are excellent drugs and I'm glad

to see more doctors again prescribing them. For awhile I didn't hear

of many patients taking plaquinel especially, yet I know of many

people who have had great success with it. But like every drug, there

are precautions to be taken.


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> With Mtx it is crucial to have a baseline chest x-ray done before

> starting to take Mtx.

Not according to my rheumy--she says she does them if the person is a

smoker or if other risk factors are present.


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> With Mtx it is crucial to have a baseline chest x-ray done before

> starting to take Mtx.

Not according to my rheumy--she says she does them if the person is a

smoker or if other risk factors are present.


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Because who will develop MTX pneumonitis can't be predicted with

certainty, and since a person may have lung disease and not be aware of

it, the American College of Rheumatology recommends that a baseline

chest X-ray no older than one year be examined prior to beginning MTX

therapy. Here is their statement on the matter:

" Pneumonitis is an uncommon complication of long-term MTX therapy, with

a frequency on the order of 2-6% (42). Precise risk factors for the

development of pneumonitis are unknown. However, patients with

preexisting lung damage have reduced pulmonary reserve and therefore

have a greater likelihood of severe morbidity should this complication

occur (47). Pneumonitis due to MTX can occur at any time during a course

of therapy and at any dosage. Review of a radiograph obtained within 1

year prior to the initiation of MTX therapy is recommended to determine

if preexisting lung disease is present and to provide a baseline for

future comparison (42,48). If evidence of significant lung disease is

present, therapy with MTX should be reconsidered. Monitoring consists of

assessing symptoms of pneumonitis, such as cough, dyspnea on exertion,

or shortness of breath, at each followup visit. "

American College of Rheumatology

" Guidelines for Monitoring Drug Therapy in Rheumatoid Arthritis " :


I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] Re: Plaquinel/ Mtx?



> > With Mtx it is crucial to have a baseline chest x-ray done before

> > starting to take Mtx.


> Not according to my rheumy--she says she does them if the person is a

> smoker or if other risk factors are present.


> S.

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Because who will develop MTX pneumonitis can't be predicted with

certainty, and since a person may have lung disease and not be aware of

it, the American College of Rheumatology recommends that a baseline

chest X-ray no older than one year be examined prior to beginning MTX

therapy. Here is their statement on the matter:

" Pneumonitis is an uncommon complication of long-term MTX therapy, with

a frequency on the order of 2-6% (42). Precise risk factors for the

development of pneumonitis are unknown. However, patients with

preexisting lung damage have reduced pulmonary reserve and therefore

have a greater likelihood of severe morbidity should this complication

occur (47). Pneumonitis due to MTX can occur at any time during a course

of therapy and at any dosage. Review of a radiograph obtained within 1

year prior to the initiation of MTX therapy is recommended to determine

if preexisting lung disease is present and to provide a baseline for

future comparison (42,48). If evidence of significant lung disease is

present, therapy with MTX should be reconsidered. Monitoring consists of

assessing symptoms of pneumonitis, such as cough, dyspnea on exertion,

or shortness of breath, at each followup visit. "

American College of Rheumatology

" Guidelines for Monitoring Drug Therapy in Rheumatoid Arthritis " :


I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] Re: Plaquinel/ Mtx?



> > With Mtx it is crucial to have a baseline chest x-ray done before

> > starting to take Mtx.


> Not according to my rheumy--she says she does them if the person is a

> smoker or if other risk factors are present.


> S.

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Your rheumy may not follow the guidelines set by the American College of

Rheumatology. There are quite a few that don't, which I don't understand.

It seems like a simple, non-invasive way to monitor potential lung side

effects of mtx. Maybe he hasn't had any patients that have had lung side

effects so he doesn't realize the value.




>> With Mtx it is crucial to have a baseline chest x-ray done before

>> starting to take Mtx.


> Not according to my rheumy--she says she does them if the person is a

> smoker or if other risk factors are present.


> S.






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Your rheumy may not follow the guidelines set by the American College of

Rheumatology. There are quite a few that don't, which I don't understand.

It seems like a simple, non-invasive way to monitor potential lung side

effects of mtx. Maybe he hasn't had any patients that have had lung side

effects so he doesn't realize the value.




>> With Mtx it is crucial to have a baseline chest x-ray done before

>> starting to take Mtx.


> Not according to my rheumy--she says she does them if the person is a

> smoker or if other risk factors are present.


> S.






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She teaches at the U of M med school...


> >

> >> With Mtx it is crucial to have a baseline chest x-ray done before

> >> starting to take Mtx.

> >

> > Not according to my rheumy--she says she does them if the person

is a

> > smoker or if other risk factors are present.

> >

> > S.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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She teaches at the U of M med school...


> >

> >> With Mtx it is crucial to have a baseline chest x-ray done before

> >> starting to take Mtx.

> >

> > Not according to my rheumy--she says she does them if the person

is a

> > smoker or if other risk factors are present.

> >

> > S.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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