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To , from squarehead ken ,and also to Carol M in CA

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Greetings to you, ! Thank you for such a

wonderful message back to me! My bird's name is

" Eaglebeak " ....(she thinks she's bigger than she

really is) and it's a toss-up who's nuttier, her, or I

!...Actually, I feel at my age, I have nothing to

" prove " to anybody, and thus am not afraid to " be

myself " which is a lot of laughter, and a view of life

that is only that of an artist.I get the greatest

reward by making others smile and laugh! Laughing is

actually good for you, for, by doing so, you release

into your body " endorphines " , which makes you feel

good!)I really don't think of myself as anything

" special " , I'm just another guy,just trying to make

do, and if I can help someone along the way, well,

that's what the Lord must surely want!Anyway, your

letter made me feel really good about myself(even I

need that sometimes)and you said the most beautiful

things about me, and really lightened up my day! I

thank you for that,and, YOU, Carol, how I appreciate

your advice, which I am going to act upon! Thank you

for caring enough about me to e-mail me back, with

love, and concern, with support! Truly, the both of

you wonderful ladies are the backbone of what all men

seek, and desire, and that is a Woman with an honest

love to share, and a big heart, full of

compassion!!!!!Thank you to the both of you.And may

your Holidays be filled with all of the things that

are fondest to your heart!ALL of you have REALLY

helped me to get thru this darkest time of my

life,making me to see that there really ARE people who

care about each other!!

The more I see, of the world around me, the

greed, and selfishness, the pushing force to look out

only for yourself....you see it on the t.v. all the

time....the more I come to love all the people such as

you! All I can offer bacck, are the few gifts given

to me by my Lord,such as " writing " , and " laughter " ,but

I give them to you all freely, for you all have become

so special to me! God love you all! Happi Ho;idays,

from ken k.j.choate@... wrote:

> Ken- There are many wonderful people - loving and

> solid friends. Glad you have joined that group. Your

> poetry and stories are great, your generosity and

> advice priceless, and lastly the wonderful word

> picture of you and birdie online- just great- made

> my delay. Sorry I have been so slow in welcoming you

> - I have been busy and flaring. Have gotten away for

> a family holiday. My house was almost dry when I

> left- will finish clean up early next week.Welcome

> welcome welcome. Happy holidays to you and all here.




> -------------- Original message from

> Dandcmayer@...: --------------



> >

> > Dear Ken,

> > I am so sorry you are dealing with such pain! The

> pain alone is exhausting,

> > then the emotional part of it just sucks! (no

> other way to put it). Have

> > you tried some of those heat patches - like tiger

> balm that stay on all day? I

> > have tried small ones and they help, even for a

> headache, but I have seen

> > large ones advertised on TV. Also, do you use a

> cane with your left arm or

> > " over use " the left side to lift yourself from

> places, I do that with my right

> > arm and couldn't sleep on it to save my soul. I

> sure wish I could send you

> > better advise, so I will hold you up in prayer in

> the cold stormy weather(that

> > is a promise).

> >

> > Please have a Merry Christmas,

> > Carol M. in CA

> >

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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