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From squarehead ken to Marina Troi

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Greetings to you, Marina!

Once, several years ago, I decided to " get off

the road " for a while, and I obtained employment at

" Mission St.ph's " Hospital, where I worked for

three years....and then went back to trucking, of


I have seen, firsthand, how very hard nurses have

to work...I find it " peculiar " that the ONLY time most

people even think about nurses is when they're in

desperate need...during those three years, I made a

lot of friends, and recieved quite an education!

I have watched, firsthand, how many times nurses

are mistreated, even by, and often, by

doctors....funny thing is, tho'...doctors may write

the scripts, and do the diagnosis, but it is the NURSE

who saves your life!

I have seen what seems to be a nationwide shortage

of nurses, and how those that remain have to take up

the slack, and do more,and often, the only time they

get to sit down is at end of shift, when they give


I have seen firsthand, how nurses always seem to

" maintain " , despite that the patient they may be

trying to help is either angry, unruly,ungrateful, or

very demanding!

I am of the opinion that " what love can't cure,

nurses can! "

Tho' I don't know you personally, still, I thank

you for all that you do! Despite all the demands

placed on you,even with R.A.,youSTILL find time to

post the latest medical news,post letters of

caring,and warmth, and makemyourself available to

those who call upon you! This HAS to sometimes seem to

you a monumental task....yet you still " carry on " !

For all that you do, I thank you! You are

truly the kind of person that God holds a special

place for, and it has been my extreme pleasure to have

been able to communicate with you!

I wish, for you, the grandest of Holidays, filled

with the love of your family around you,filled with

good cheer, and a lessining of the pain that surely

dogs your heels every day!Truly, you are a very

special person...and I thank you for helping me to

" get thru " the hard times I have been having!

God Bless you, now, and all thru the coming

year...may it only get better!

love, ken


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