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So politics is on the table. I am a political junkie...especially as my left eye won't let me read well at all, so TV is it....a sort of hell I guess.

I so disagree with many of you. I think Obama will bring all the desperate racists out and demolish him in a frenzy while smiling with benevolent smiles on the way to the ballot box.

Secondly, if i were African -American I would be insulted that a preacher of illusion and his idea of hope, is considered the best the Blacks have to offer.

idealism is great...but not against China economically or Iran and Pakistan militarily or politically.

Just because a man is Black doesn't make him the right choice to show how free from racism we are. I don't want some immature, in experienced orator to lead my country into despondence when we find out we are still living in the real world.

Oh Oh watch out for , Toni ..she may be a racist after all. Forget it. I probably know/ knew Black young people better and more intimately in the last 60 years than many of you...I loved them and never remembered if they were my white or black students....yes, i was by desire the only white teacher and one of 10 white persons in a black southern school. So don't try that canard on . ( Those who know me don't need that last remark as my bona fides)

I am afraid of a subtle Southern backlash...I only lived and worked in the deep South 23 years so what could I know???

If I am wrong, on the backlash, we will have a totally untried idealistic and charming president who actually knows diytly squat about running this huge diverse broke nation.

So I lose either way.

No I hate being a pessimist, but being a realist is often jut as hard.

I'll take , 400 dollar haircut and all,second choice, and Hillary first. No I don't have any illusions. All candidates by virtue of being candidates are being paid for somehow and by some interests somewhere. But Bill is so cute :-)and so smart!

lets at least have feasible ideas and strong allies...not a lot of happy kids and the idealistic who will find to their sorrow that not everyone belongs in the White House who can sway a crowd.

The Republicans are not there. they haven't a chance even if a decent candidate cane forward untainted by religiosity, self esteem due to owning vast wealth and a religion, or a charming totally improbable old soldier or a constitutionalists who will abolish the IRS an the federal government in an attempt to bring us scardy-cats back to individualism and ????freedom???.

While the government is printing more free money,and bailing out 'special interests...Obama will sell hope. Terrific. Now can we get some solid economists, a few foreign experts and some intelligent Congress people back to Washington please or will we just fold our tents ...and settle lastly for half-backed ideas???

The Oracle hasn't spoken. As with my witness the existence of G-d to some fire-sitters, I cannot be counted as having TRUTH...intelligence? experience? and a need to devour all political sources? maybe.

Gee, that was fun. politics on Jung-Fire???????


yep, Dan...it is pure necked fear we face when we find no certainty anywhere. maybe we are looking in the wrong places and will find it where it was all along...inside????

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Dear Toni,

I know you are not racist! Maybe I was naïve

in liking Obama’s message of hope (in the same way that people of my age at the

time liked JFK, and with the benefit of history books, I can see how wrong they

were). I really think the US

(and therefore the rest of the Western world) is heading for a major disaster

if Hillary gets into the White House. I have to say that I know little about

, but he is such a rank outsider that I think he doesn’t really count.

Dan’s rejoicing about the Obama result

confirmed my pessimism, as I knew we would be rejoicing for different reasons.

And, if it has to be a Republican, I would want Giuliano, but there is little

chance of that either.


" Show me a sane man and I will cure

him for you. " CG Jung

Oh Oh watch out for , Toni ..she may be a racist after all.

Forget it. I probably know/ knew Black young people better and more intimately

in the last 60 years than many of you...I loved them and never remembered if

they were my white or black students....yes, i was by desire the only

white teacher and one of 10 white persons in a black southern school. So don't

try that canard on . ( Those who know me don't need that last remark as

my bona fides)

I am afraid of a subtle Southern backlash...I only lived and worked in

the deep South 23 years so what could I know???

If I am wrong, on the backlash, we will have a totally untried

idealistic and charming president who actually knows diytly squat about running

this huge diverse broke nation.

So I lose either way.

No I hate being a pessimist, but being a realist is often jut as hard.


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Dear fa,

You wrote:


> Dear Toni,




> I know you are not racist! Maybe I was naïve in liking Obama's

message of

> hope (in the same way that people of my age at the time liked JFK,

and with

> the benefit of history books, I can see how wrong they were). I

really think

> the US (and therefore the rest of the Western world) is heading for

a major

> disaster if Hillary gets into the White House. I have to say that I know

> little about , but he is such a rank outsider that I think he


> really count.




> Dan's rejoicing about the Obama result confirmed my pessimism, as I

knew we

> would be rejoicing for different reasons.

Oh, now, please don't take it like that. Things are pretty bad, but

then again, they always are.

I wouldn't misunderestimate , either. He's not exactly a rank

outsider. Good looking, a senator, rich as Croesus from money taken

off hapless ob-gyn's - he might have what it takes. Seems

Machiavellian enough to maybe win. And I'd much, _much_ rather have

Hillary than .

Which brings me to Hillary - I don't like her, but objectively

speaking, the first Clinton go-round could have been worse. Why do you

think she will bring about a major disaster? I don't really think,

whatever her flaws, that she would be too soft on our enemies.

> And, if it has to be a Republican,

> I would want Giuliano,

but there is little chance of that either.

Agreed. The sleaze factor is pretty high, and he doesn't play so well

outside of New York.






> fa


> " Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you. " CG Jung




> Oh Oh watch out for , Toni ..she may be a racist after all. Forget

it. I

> probably know/ knew Black young people better and more intimately in the

> last 60 years than many of you...I loved them and never remembered

if they

> were my white or black students....yes, i was by desire the only white

> teacher and one of 10 white persons in a black southern school. So

don't try

> that canard on . ( Those who know me don't need that last remark as

my bona

> fides)




> I am afraid of a subtle Southern backlash...I only lived and worked

in the

> deep South 23 years so what could I know???


> If I am wrong, on the backlash, we will have a totally untried


> and charming president who actually knows diytly squat about running


> huge diverse broke nation.




> So I lose either way.


> No I hate being a pessimist, but being a realist is often jut as hard.




> _,_._,___


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