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I will be going to the rheumy on Monday, then we will see what

happens. I'm sure they will just put me on a anti-inflammatory med,

and I am on the Motrin now, but at least he will know what he's

dealing with. I'm feeling alright today, a little sore from the

surgery. I think I walked a little too much yesterday, I need to be

careful with this incision, since it's at the artery. I hope everyone

has a good day, Tawny

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  • 1 year later...

Yes, you will still need your family doctor for whatever else will ail you. The

Rheumatolgist will only take care of your RA. It's important that both your

physicians are aware of all your illnesses and test results.


AMMACLARKE@... wrote:

Once you have a rheumatologist, does he become you primary physician? Or do

you still have your family doctor or internist too?

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My internist is still my PCP, she takes care of everything else and

does accupunture on me every two weeks. She stays in contact with my

rheumy, my endocrinologist, and right now, the breast surgeon I'm

seeing. She keeps them on their toes, and runs interference for me

when lab results don't come back on time, etc., and always gives me a

more complete explanation. I wouldn't know what to do without her!

On 2/11/06, AMMACLARKE@... <AMMACLARKE@...> wrote:

> Once you have a rheumatologist, does he become you primary physician? Or do

> you still have your family doctor or internist too?




South Pasadena, CA

See my galleries! - http://www.pbase.com/arenared986

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Good point. Thanks.

One moron [Rheumy] told me I only had about 10 to live...... I passed out.

Could be true, hey, I could be run over by a bus tomorrow for all I know, but

did she have to be so cold about it. Needless to say, I am no longer her


susan smith <bizzare48@...> wrote:

When choosing a new doctor ask around, ask friends and neighbors who they see.

Ask anyone you know who is a nurse , what they think of certain doctors.Some

clinics even have a referal4 service that you can ask questions of. I am very

lucky I have a caring PCP, also my sister works for the large health care clinic

here in town so she can tell me who to stay away from.

" C. Y. " <cjmy3454@...> wrote:

You are lucky to have a MD who cares. With mine, I have to play dead before I

get some attention. Since I am not a complainer, I don't get much of anything. I

am looking for another G.P., hopefully, one who gives a damn. It's agood thing

my son and his wife are MDs, I don't know what I'de do without their support,

Unfortunately, I live in Illinois and they are in Kentucky, still, they are my

life savers.

Overell <patricia.overell@...> wrote: My internist is still my

PCP, she takes care of everything else and

does accupunture on me every two weeks. She stays in contact with my

rheumy, my endocrinologist, and right now, the breast surgeon I'm

seeing. She keeps them on their toes, and runs interference for me

when lab results don't come back on time, etc., and always gives me a

more complete explanation. I wouldn't know what to do without her!

On 2/11/06, AMMACLARKE@... <AMMACLARKE@...> wrote:

> Once you have a rheumatologist, does he become you primary physician? Or do

> you still have your family doctor or internist too?




South Pasadena, CA

See my galleries! - http://www.pbase.com/arenared986

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