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goodano-@... wrote:

original article:hyperthyroidism/?start=30


> Hi,

> I had an exam a couple of weeks ago. Blood test showed TSH of .05. I

> had to have another blood test to see if I was enemic (iron


> I went today and my iron is above normal. The doctor has requested the

> following tests:

> thyroid ultrasound,thyroid uptake and a bone scan. I don't seem to


> any symptoms except when I have a doctor's appointment(heart

> racing,sweating palms,etc.). Can being nervous before the blood test

> change the outcome? The reason I ask is that I had an ambulatory blood

> pressure test done and it was normal but always high at the doctor's

> office (white coat syndrome?). Thanks in advance for any advice on


> to expect.

> Wayne

Hi Wayne

I seem to have the same thing, when I went to the doc my pule was 120

Then whenever I have checked my own its only 108. My doc rang me to

tell me my results from the tests and he asked me to take my pulse

again and sure enough

it was way up there again. I have no idea if it would make any

difference to other tests but Im sure there are alot of people out

there that this happens to

Good Luck with your tests



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  • 4 years later...

Hi Tess. The concert sounds like it was a lot of fun. I'm glad you were

able to enjoy your memories of Vince. Funny how the old songs bring us back

in time. I can still remember my first kiss the year " Born To Be Wild " was

the # one song on the jute box.

I wish Em the best of luck and hope things turn out ok for her. I can tell

you from experience that parenting kids isn't easy and you can't let others

influence your decisions. You know Em better than anyone. There comes a

time when you have to let her sink or swim. She will learn from her

experiences. If you try to stop her, you will only alienate her. Be there

if she needs picking up and try to guide her in the right direction and pray

she will be ok.

I hope you go back to school. It's wonderful. When I'm a resident for a

year, I'll be going back as well. I loved it.

I can't wait to hear your weight loss numbers. You should be so proud of

yourself. I know how hard you have worked. I hope you don't have any more

lapses in Humira. You need to keep feeling well so you can keep living

life! You've got no time for flaring!!!


> Hi All...lots going on. I did travel to see Cosby, Stills & Nash...they

> came onstage at 6:35pm, took one 15 minute break about 7:40 - then

> played til 9:30. It was wonderful music which brought back many happy

> memories of Vince and I. My 2 friends and I each wore a flower wreath

> in our hair, and had " glow-sticks " to wave in the dark (like some folks

> use lighters). The concert was in the open-air on a brisk, clear

> evening, and was so much fun.


> My middle daughter, Emmy, went back with her boyfriend. He still says

> there is no marriage or children in the future, and Em still believes

> she can change his mind. I yi yi. Em has some learning disabilities

> and emotional disabiltes, but is not so handicpped that she cannot make

> her own decisions. Carroll (boyfriend) told her that he loves her, but

> that she really should find a guy who can offer her the marriage and

> family she's dreamed of...yet he is quite ok with her moving in with

> him. Grrrrr. Well, there's a lot of praying & " let go, let God "

> happening on my end. I am very tired of people's criticisms which are

> either I should protect her from this, or I should encourage her

> independance more. Parenting children with learning and emotional

> disabilities is very hard, with many " gray " areas and there are no easy

> answers. So, she knows I love her, she knows I am really concerned

> about her decisions, and whatever may happen, I'll be here.


> My insurance has changed the way Humira is made available...I used to

> get it at the local pharmacy, but now it is delivered directly from my

> insurer's pharmacy. I don't think they've gotten the bugs out of the

> system yet so the Humira came late and I flared, pretty bad hands &

> wrists. It'll be fine if they just get the delivery issues figured out.


> I'm thinking of going back to school next Spring...nothing for sure, but

> it's exciting thinking it may happen.


> I see my bariatric surgeon next Monday, so I'll report my weight loss

> then. Most of the time I feel pretty good, with bumps in the road, as

> we all experience.


> Love, Hope & Hugs for all....


> Tess






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Hi Tess. The concert sounds like it was a lot of fun. I'm glad you were

able to enjoy your memories of Vince. Funny how the old songs bring us back

in time. I can still remember my first kiss the year " Born To Be Wild " was

the # one song on the jute box.

I wish Em the best of luck and hope things turn out ok for her. I can tell

you from experience that parenting kids isn't easy and you can't let others

influence your decisions. You know Em better than anyone. There comes a

time when you have to let her sink or swim. She will learn from her

experiences. If you try to stop her, you will only alienate her. Be there

if she needs picking up and try to guide her in the right direction and pray

she will be ok.

I hope you go back to school. It's wonderful. When I'm a resident for a

year, I'll be going back as well. I loved it.

I can't wait to hear your weight loss numbers. You should be so proud of

yourself. I know how hard you have worked. I hope you don't have any more

lapses in Humira. You need to keep feeling well so you can keep living

life! You've got no time for flaring!!!


> Hi All...lots going on. I did travel to see Cosby, Stills & Nash...they

> came onstage at 6:35pm, took one 15 minute break about 7:40 - then

> played til 9:30. It was wonderful music which brought back many happy

> memories of Vince and I. My 2 friends and I each wore a flower wreath

> in our hair, and had " glow-sticks " to wave in the dark (like some folks

> use lighters). The concert was in the open-air on a brisk, clear

> evening, and was so much fun.


> My middle daughter, Emmy, went back with her boyfriend. He still says

> there is no marriage or children in the future, and Em still believes

> she can change his mind. I yi yi. Em has some learning disabilities

> and emotional disabiltes, but is not so handicpped that she cannot make

> her own decisions. Carroll (boyfriend) told her that he loves her, but

> that she really should find a guy who can offer her the marriage and

> family she's dreamed of...yet he is quite ok with her moving in with

> him. Grrrrr. Well, there's a lot of praying & " let go, let God "

> happening on my end. I am very tired of people's criticisms which are

> either I should protect her from this, or I should encourage her

> independance more. Parenting children with learning and emotional

> disabilities is very hard, with many " gray " areas and there are no easy

> answers. So, she knows I love her, she knows I am really concerned

> about her decisions, and whatever may happen, I'll be here.


> My insurance has changed the way Humira is made available...I used to

> get it at the local pharmacy, but now it is delivered directly from my

> insurer's pharmacy. I don't think they've gotten the bugs out of the

> system yet so the Humira came late and I flared, pretty bad hands &

> wrists. It'll be fine if they just get the delivery issues figured out.


> I'm thinking of going back to school next Spring...nothing for sure, but

> it's exciting thinking it may happen.


> I see my bariatric surgeon next Monday, so I'll report my weight loss

> then. Most of the time I feel pretty good, with bumps in the road, as

> we all experience.


> Love, Hope & Hugs for all....


> Tess






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i am so glad you had fun on your trip.the concert sounds like fun.i know how

a song can move you. i am on countdown day 27 until my trip!! (look out jimmy

pankow!) i am not sure my son is in the best relationship either. but i

know how it is to be in love. so i stand behind his decision in whatever he

chooses. he has been thru enough and i just want him to be happy. it's about all


can do to get the 30 minute visit a week (if i'm lucky) kathy in il

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I made poor choices in men and relationships for most of my life. Is

your daughter willing to see a therapist? The only times I have made

headway in seeking stronger, more mature and more fulfilling

relationships is through a counselor. Sometimes it's easier to

accept advice from a neutral party, and a good therapist can help a

person see the issue for themselves.

The person I am seeing now is a relationship psychologist, and he's

really helped me to understand what mistakes I made in choosing my

husband and what other decisions have led me to have unhealthy and

unsatisfying relationships. My mom encouraged me to see one, but it

was only after I started dating someone and thought, this guy is

great and oh my I know I am going to screw it up, that I went and

started therapy. I'm so glad I did.


> Hi All...lots going on. I did travel to see Cosby, Stills &


> came onstage at 6:35pm, took one 15 minute break about 7:40 - then

> played til 9:30. It was wonderful music which brought back many


> memories of Vince and I. My 2 friends and I each wore a flower


> in our hair, and had " glow-sticks " to wave in the dark (like some


> use lighters). The concert was in the open-air on a brisk, clear

> evening, and was so much fun.


> My middle daughter, Emmy, went back with her boyfriend. He still


> there is no marriage or children in the future, and Em still


> she can change his mind. I yi yi. Em has some learning


> and emotional disabiltes, but is not so handicpped that she cannot


> her own decisions. Carroll (boyfriend) told her that he loves her,


> that she really should find a guy who can offer her the marriage and

> family she's dreamed of...yet he is quite ok with her moving in with

> him. Grrrrr. Well, there's a lot of praying & " let go, let God "

> happening on my end. I am very tired of people's criticisms which


> either I should protect her from this, or I should encourage her

> independance more. Parenting children with learning and emotional

> disabilities is very hard, with many " gray " areas and there are no


> answers. So, she knows I love her, she knows I am really concerned

> about her decisions, and whatever may happen, I'll be here.


> My insurance has changed the way Humira is made available...I used


> get it at the local pharmacy, but now it is delivered directly from


> insurer's pharmacy. I don't think they've gotten the bugs out of


> system yet so the Humira came late and I flared, pretty bad hands &

> wrists. It'll be fine if they just get the delivery issues figured



> I'm thinking of going back to school next Spring...nothing for

sure, but

> it's exciting thinking it may happen.


> I see my bariatric surgeon next Monday, so I'll report my weight


> then. Most of the time I feel pretty good, with bumps in the road,


> we all experience.


> Love, Hope & Hugs for all....


> Tess

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I can hardly wait to hear what your doctor says about your progress. Your post

shows a new Tess emerging and this must give you a great feeling of


As for Em, you have done everything you could possibly have done and now it is

up to her. I think she knows you want what is best for her and all the good

things you have taught her will still influence her decisions eventually. As for

those that are critical of you, ignore them.



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