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Welcome Cathy from NC

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Hi ,

So sorry to hear you've been dxd with RA. It's no fun but since they know

what's wrong you can get started on treatment and hopefully get some relief.

Nobody knows what to expect from this disease as it varies so much from

person to person. You just have to take it one day at a time and do the best

you can.

I'm pretty nosey sometimes so if I ask questions you don't want to answer,

just say so. Are you seeing a rheumatologist or GP? I saw my family doctor

for a while but decided a specialist was my best bet. He's much more

up-to-date on the newest treatments and has helped educate me about my

disease. You didn't mention taking any meds yet. Have any been started or

suggested? Of course, I don't have any idea how PD will affect your

treatment options.

I'm 49 and have a SO I've been with for 12 years. Wouldn't trade him for the

world. I have 2 children. 's 28 and Suzanne is 30. They're both great

kids! I have 3 cats and 2 dogs and if I lived in the country like you, would

have many more critters. I used to have a farm with goats, chickens,

guineas, dogs, and lots of horses. At one time we had about 200 animals. We

raised ostriches and other exotics. I'm just an old fashioned, country girl

at heart. I've been lucky and found lots of other things I love to do

despite the RA. I also live in NC near Greenville. Where are you located?

Well, , I've rambled on long enough for now and need to get some sleep.

If you have any questions, want someone to talk to, need to

whine....whatever, feel free to write me at home or on the list. I love

meeting new people and just don't get out as much as I used to.

Take Care,

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