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I need to vent!! - OT

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I am having a really hard time dealingwith life right about now. My RA has been

holding its own, but I'm not sure how longthat is going to last. I am currently

finishing my last academic semester in PT school (I've already survived 2

years). Since this isthe last semester before we go out to clinic, we have a

bunch of really big group projects that we are working on all while also

studying for a HUGE comprehensie exam, which is basically a final of the last 2

1/2 years. All of my classmates (who are 10 years younger and healthy) are

feeling as if they don't have time to breath and feel as if there is no time to

get all ofthis done. I, who need a minimum of 8 hours ofsleep and require 10+

at least once a week, am feeling overwhelmed also. If that weren't bad enough

(and believe me, it is) my dogs have had FLEAS!! In a week, my dogs have

received 3 baths, the house has been treated 3 times, I have THOROUGHLY (5+

hours in one day - each time) cleaned the house 2 times, probably about 15 loads

of laundry, and a back yard that desperately needs to be mowed before i can

treat that forfleas, but neither ofmy 2 healthy young male roomates have offered

to do that either. And this week in school, a test, 2 papers and a big

presentation infront of all staff and faculty and classmates (with 4 other

people that aren't pulling their weight despite many efforts to get them to do


Thanks for listening! I really needed to blow off some steam. (I've been on

the verge of tears for a week straight and needed to get some things off my

chestso I might be able to concentrate on what I have to do tonight.)

It looks like its gonna be a rough week with nowhere enough sleep and not a

darn thing I can do about it.

I hope everyone else is having a good day and has a good week. Wish me luck -

I'm gonna need it to get through this with my health still intact!!

McK in VA

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