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work on 9-11

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your welcome mary and you are welcome to not read

my emails on 9-11.

so dont read the rest of this and do not check out the millions

of website on 9-11. ARcheticts for 9-11 truth, pilots for

9-11 truth..9-11 mysteries. .

two planes brought down 3 twin tower buildings in a controlled

demolition style as happened on 9-11 in new york .

(that would be the two towers and building 7 which fell in the

same manner at 5 pm that night. hours after the other two.)--

Im not counting the pentagon crash

is that true.. no

absolutly true absolutley is impossible by the laws of

physics and architecture.for 9-11 to have happened the way

our government wants people to believe.

How do i react Im so annoyed people dont even

want to read teh facts.

I think our government lied and was using 9 11 to pass

laws to take away our freedoms and to start a war .

or maybe in some way alter the stock exchange.

fishy trading went on before

It also became the excuse to go to war.

which i think was designed to help our economy.. so much for that.

It reminds me of the kennedy assasination which was also

a fairy tale. oswald never fired one shot.

Who would i be without that thought

I would just think about other things.

i would not think people are stupid to believe

the main stream media.. who are controled and whose

hands are tied.

What does it really matter

If i didnt have the thought i would be uneducated and

believing the main stream media. this is why i am so annoyed

people really assume if its not on the news it isnt true.

TA two planes brought down 3 buildings.

1 yes, people believe that

2 according to the pics and media thats true

3 they used the planes to get away with controlled demolition.

They couldnt of done the controlled demolition without planes

my theory.. maybe arabs israelis and americans were working together..

maybe one of the few times they have.. but for a destructive

purpose. maybe in their view to help the economy.

I dont know if we will ever know why we bought into the plan.. but

i do believe we did for some unknown reason.???

do i know what happened that day no But if you read enough

facts.. that are not found in government material.. you

have to assume that it wasnt arab terrorists with box cutters.

especially since most of them are said to still be alive.

anyway im so glad obama is president now.

not that i blame bush i dont think bush had anything to do with it

but for some reason he couldnt stop it.

i think thats why they made him sit in a classroom and read a book

about a goat..

scape goat.. yes bush has been but i think his hands were tied.

conspiracy theory.. it isnt a theory that 9-11 didnt happen the

way they say because it couldnt of happened that way it is

physcially impossible.. for a whole building to disintegrate.

if you would check on the facts i dont see how you could

say this was not a conspiracy Possibly arabs were involved

but i doubt they were alone.

Could bush stop it maybe not.

pray for obama..


-- In Loving-what-is , " " wrote:




> > Any beliefs that come up for you about the group / group members or

> > have come up for you in the past?

> >

> > Jon


> About this group/forum -


> It's one of three things on the internet I regularly check out, so I

> am drawn to it a lot. For the most part I don't have any stressful

> stories about it.


> - - Maybe that usually my posts are not in 'work' format.


> - - A little that I should respond when people ask for help, but

> after reading what they've written I don't have anything to add


> - - I do sorta roll my eyes when I see Roslyn posting more 9-11

> conspiracy posts. Sorry Ros


> All my posts should be only in 'work' format. Is that true? No

> How does thinking this thought make me feel? I get a tenseness in my

> stomach, throat becomes a little dry, mouth frowning a bit, neck

> tightening up some.

> Who/what would I be without this thought? I'd enjoy posting in here,

> not worried what anybody thought. Free. Happy. Allowing the flow of


> T/A:


> All my posts shouldn't be in work format. Yeah, that feels right

> All my thinking should be in work format. Nooooooo, not at all, oh

> wow, that IS a stressful thought I do have though, to a degree

> All my thinking shouldn't be in work format, yeah that feels right

> Others posts should be in work format, nope, uh uh

> Others posts shouldn't all be in work format - yeah :) Feel free to

> post what you want to :)

> Life should only be lived in 'work' format - ohmigod no! lol

> Life shouldn't only be lived in 'work' format - yeah, it's one

> possible not in the uni-verse - but I want other notes too


> I should respond/reply when people in here ask for help. Is that true?

> hmmmmm I guess I do respond, but sometimes that response is that I

> question and acknowledge that I don't have anything to reply with.

> Yeah, that's true

> I shouldn't respond/reply when people in here ask for help. That's

> true, when nothing comes up to reply with

> Aaaaah, this is helpful, as just a few hours ago I was doing some

> work/meditation on the belief: Since I have a lot of free time these

> days, I really SHOULD be finding places to volunteer and give of myself

> That 'should' isn't true, in here or elsewhere

> My thinking should respond/reply when people ask for help. No,

> someties it just doesn't. And thinking it should brings stress, as

> it's not true

> My thinking shouldn't respond/reply when people ask for help. That's

> right, it doesn't at times, and that's okay


> Roslyn shouldn't be posting her 9-11 conspiracy beliefs in here. Is

> that true? hmmm, no, not really

> How do I feel when I believe this thought?

> I get a bit tight inside when I see title of a post, and can tell it's

> about 9-11/govt deceit - and my eyes go to the right and I see Ros's

> name. I am distracted then, from being present and open, to Ros and to

> other postings in here. I want to shut down/leave. Or argue -

> fight/flight response seems like.

> Who/what would I be without the thought Ros shouldn't post her 9-11

> conspiracy theory beliefs in here? I would smile when I see them, for

> they remind me of my friend Ros :) I would be happy that I'm allowing

> her and ultimately others and myself, freedom.


> T/A


> Ros should post her 9-11 conspiracy theories in here. Well yeah, I

> think they're probably stressful beliefs for her, which makes this


> place to bring those beliefs.

> I shouldn't post my own conspiracy beliefs in here. I do that

> sometimes, judging myself and others, isn't that conspiracy in a way?

> And like for Ros, if thinking a thought if stressful, this is the

> perfect place to share it

> I should post my own conspiracy beliefs in here. Well yeah!

> My thinking shouldn't include conspiracy beliefs. ohmigosh, I realize

> it does, quite a bit. Family, friends, govt, ohgosh, I have fears

> around how they might think/what they might do to further their own

> agendas at the cost of my own (beliefs I can do work on definitely -

> thanks for helping me see this Ros :)

> My thinking should include conspiracy beliefs. Yeah, it does, that's

> okay. I invite them in now :)


> - - -


> This post shouldn't be so lengthy, is that true? hahahaha


> - - -


> I love this forum, love all of you, love life.


> Peace




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--jon Main stream media in the US is the nightly

news reports. and other news shows.

what are you defining as regular news.

They did question 9-11 the day it happened and

never after that.. the official version has

stuck.. all these years

And I would agree the people i get my

info from are often discredited..

by those whose livilihood depends on people believing the

9-11 story..

A few experts lost their jobs for not agreeing to lie

about 9-11.

It took many years for people to question the Oswald

shooting kennedy fairy tale.. also.. it takes time

for people to actaully question authority..

I watched GEorge Carlin the other night in one of his last

skits.. and it was that children should be taught to

question authority.

But parents dont want to teach them that because they are

authority.. anyway he said some really funny stuff..

but you had to be there.

DAvid has written lots of books i havent read them

but i have heard him lecture in person and the information

is overwhelming.. that we havnet gotten the whole story

maybe we never will

ive also heard GAge speak one of the top architects

in SEattle washington. who went in detail about the

stucture of the buildings

Also a pilot who helped start pilots for 9-11 truth..

These are not some goofy kids.

Your right about not inquiring for the love of truth because

i feel like i have looked into the truth of it.. however

i think those who did investigate it.. already had their

minds made up as well and omitted and changed a lot of data.

so that it would fit their story.

i dont know why it happened but one thing is sure

if people were ethical this country would not be in the

mess its in now..

Guess it is all learning experiences anyway..

EVerything is in Divine order..

ANd it is for a good purpose in the end..

When ph was sold into slavery by his brothers he said

you wanted it for evil but God meant it for good.. and

that is true for everything.. i believe.


In Loving-what-is , " Jon " wrote:


> Roslyn,


> When I read your inquiries on 9-11, the impression I get is that you

> are not really inquiring for the love of truth, that you have already

> decided what the truth is, and in doing so come to what you already

> feel is right before you start inquiring. Doing the work with a motive.


> If you find it stressful that people don't believe, etc it may be

> useful to inquire into those thoughts, etc. Even fill out a JYN

> worksheet on " the public " .


> You may even want to check out what your " mainstream media " is,

> because it doesn't appear to be the " regular news " - you seem to

> dis-credit it as much as other people dis-credit the stuff you look at

> - your " mainstream media " . And I could be completely wrong about

> that, just a hunch.


> With thanks,


> Jon


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Hi Roslyn,

I'm defining " regular news " as wherever you get your news from,

particularly about 9-11 - what you see as trustworthy (the

" mainstream " for you) versus what you see as discredited (which others

might call their " mainstream " ).

Recently, I've been interested to notice how many postings contain

beliefs (including my own) in the form of " I think " , " I'm sure " , " I

feel " , etc, etc. Of course, not all of these may be stressful for us.

For example, in your posting:

- I have looked into the truth of it

(or perhaps, pointing outwards: They haven't looked into the truth of it)

- The investigators already had their minds made up and omitted and

changed a lot of data so that it would fit their story

- If people were ethical this country would not be in the mess its in now

- This country is in a mess

And I guess, ultimately, what motivates you to keep sharing this

stuff, to want others to believe that it was a government operation,

etc, rather than a terrorist attack. What do you believe would be

different if everyone knew the truth as you see it? And can you know

that you and others would be happier / better off if we knew the truth

as you see it?


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-Would people be happier I dont know probably not

People really arent interested

I joined 9-11 truth a while back and felt it didnt get

very far in educating people. holding up signs

is not very effective.. probably neither is posting this


i suppose it is an ego exercise

I didnt care about 9-11 for many years. I even laughed

at people who said it was a conspiracy and then

i really looked into it.

i read about it and attended lectures.

I like our country and our government and i hope we can piece

this all together someday. and create a more ethical system.

it could happen..

i have hope.. And maybe our country is still ethical in other


This country is in a mess. .yes financially. it is.. at the

moment.. in many ways.

Auto industry was building cars no one could afford that

used lots of gas.

Newspapers are failing,people are using the internet etc.

the banks loaned money to people who couldnt pay

Mortgages were arranged that had balloon payments which

people couldnt afford.

MEdical bills are so expensive people have had to declare


we've spent billions on Iraq.. WHy i have no idea

Your right i am starting to think the terrorist attack

theory is somehow more comforting.

But if you read the facts its unlikely

i dont know that it was our government at least not alone..

or even at all.. but it wasnt highjackers with box cutters.


-- In Loving-what-is , " Jon " wrote:


> Hi Roslyn,


> I'm defining " regular news " as wherever you get your news from,

> particularly about 9-11 - what you see as trustworthy (the

> " mainstream " for you) versus what you see as discredited (which others

> might call their " mainstream " ).


> Recently, I've been interested to notice how many postings contain

> beliefs (including my own) in the form of " I think " , " I'm sure " , " I

> feel " , etc, etc. Of course, not all of these may be stressful for us.


> For example, in your posting:


> - I have looked into the truth of it


> (or perhaps, pointing outwards: They haven't looked into the truth

of it)


> - The investigators already had their minds made up and omitted and

> changed a lot of data so that it would fit their story


> - If people were ethical this country would not be in the mess its

in now


> - This country is in a mess



> And I guess, ultimately, what motivates you to keep sharing this

> stuff, to want others to believe that it was a government operation,

> etc, rather than a terrorist attack. What do you believe would be

> different if everyone knew the truth as you see it? And can you know

> that you and others would be happier / better off if we knew the truth

> as you see it?


> Jon


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If you find any of the things you mentioned stressful, you can always

inquire into them.

(And the same goes for everyone else, of course :-) )




> -Would people be happier I dont know probably not

> People really arent interested

> I joined 9-11 truth a while back and felt it didnt get

> very far in educating people. holding up signs

> is not very effective.. probably neither is posting this

> stuff..

> i suppose it is an ego exercise

> I didnt care about 9-11 for many years. I even laughed

> at people who said it was a conspiracy and then

> i really looked into it.

> i read about it and attended lectures.


> I like our country and our government and i hope we can piece

> this all together someday. and create a more ethical system.

> it could happen..

> i have hope.. And maybe our country is still ethical in other

> areas.

> This country is in a mess. .yes financially. it is.. at the

> moment.. in many ways.

> Auto industry was building cars no one could afford that

> used lots of gas.

> Newspapers are failing,people are using the internet etc.

> the banks loaned money to people who couldnt pay

> Mortgages were arranged that had balloon payments which

> people couldnt afford.

> MEdical bills are so expensive people have had to declare

> bankruptcy.

> we've spent billions on Iraq.. WHy i have no idea


> Your right i am starting to think the terrorist attack

> theory is somehow more comforting.

> But if you read the facts its unlikely


> i dont know that it was our government at least not alone..

> or even at all.. but it wasnt highjackers with box cutters.

> roslyn


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