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> Dear Dan,




> Surely Hillary should be your worst nightmare? Animus driven AND a

> Democrat!!

Dear fa,

Not at all. She's fairly predictable and too self-serving to do

anything really crazy. She's no " idealist, " and very Machiavellian.

Not goo, but could be worse. She would try again to wreck the health

care system, but might fail again as well.





> fa


> " Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you. " CG Jung


> _____


> And I'd much, _much_ rather have

> Hillary than .


> Which brings me to Hillary - I don't like her, but objectively

> speaking, the first Clinton go-round could have been worse. Why do you

> think she will bring about a major disaster? I don't really think,

> whatever her flaws, that she would be too soft on our enemies.


> > And, if it has to be a Republican,

> > I would want Giuliano,

> but there is little chance of that either.


> Agreed. The sleaze factor is pretty high, and he doesn't play so well

> outside of New York.


> Best,


> Dan

> >

> >

> >

> > fa

> >

> > " Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you. " CG Jung

> >

> >

> >

> > Oh Oh watch out for , Toni ..she may be a racist after all. Forget

> it. I

> > probably know/ knew Black young people better and more intimately

in the

> > last 60 years than many of you...I loved them and never remembered

> if they

> > were my white or black students....yes, i was by desire the only white

> > teacher and one of 10 white persons in a black southern school. So

> don't try

> > that canard on . ( Those who know me don't need that last remark as

> my bona

> > fides)

> >

> >

> >

> > I am afraid of a subtle Southern backlash...I only lived and worked

> in the

> > deep South 23 years so what could I know???

> >

> > If I am wrong, on the backlash, we will have a totally untried

> idealistic

> > and charming president who actually knows diytly squat about running

> this

> > huge diverse broke nation.

> >

> >

> >

> > So I lose either way.

> >

> > No I hate being a pessimist, but being a realist is often jut as hard.

> >

> >

> >

> > _,_._,___

> >


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Dan says: >>Why do you think she will bring about a major disaster? I don't really think, whatever her flaws, that she would be too soft on our enemies.<< --I don't think Hillary would be too bad, compared with recent history. We do need to wake up and realize one thing: we can no longer count on "toughness" to deal with terrorism, since we need friends in the Arab and Islamic worlds. We don't have enough Arabic speakers, and the people who have information will only share it with us if we prove ourselves to be reliable and non-threatening to the majority. The future of terrorism may be biological, which means there will be no nation to bomb, no war machine to defeat. Only information and the willingness of civilians worldwide to provide it when needed. We may have increased the long-term danger, if we cannot rebuild the trust most Arabs had in America before we became occupiers. I'm

disappointed in most of the Republican candidates, who keep talking about Islamo-fascism. Islamo-fascism is a real problem, but without our history of supporting corrupt regimes in the Arab world, there would be far less support for groups that are ideologically intolerant -- think of how many Muslims would turn in members of Al Qaeda in an instant if they were not so afraid of the CIA. Even our friends are scared of us now.

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  • 8 months later...

IonaDove@... wrote:

In a message dated 9/6/2008 9:20:54 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

dwatkins9bex (DOT) net writes:

Politics is how we live. There can be no more important

topic. Politics pertains to all human things, including Tibetan wisdom.

Dan, do u really mean that? Sorta seems to me a rather rash and imprudent statement,

especially coming fr u!!

Dear Alice,

I mean it, and I never claimed to be prudent (although I'm getting a

bit better, due to watching _Dragon's Den_ on BBC America.).

It's true that there is a private sphere - our own ring of Gyges, it's

been said - but even that sphere is subject to limitation by the

regime, by the political.

As Shakespeare reminds us all: "There's more to the heavens

and the Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophies."

From a Jungian perspective (sometimes we

forget the name of our group!) , politics is limited to ego concerns.

I may not be prudent, but Jung was. He never forgets the legimitate

claims of the political, and is cautious about granting the privilege

of the individuals to the many.

Tibetan wisdom concerns itself with another

dimension entirely.

True - which may explain at least partly Tibet's current unfortunate

political situation.; Tibetan wisdom may save the individual, but it

doesn't cut much ice with the Chinese.

The interesting fact is that Tibet is in

the midst of political contention at the moment! But it seems unwise,

at least to me, to dispense entirely with the spiritual aspirations of

humanity and to forget that our species is but a fraction of the

cosmos, to say nothing of our natural habitat, our home, Earth.

Nobody suggest forgetting that.

Somehow, as I am now old, my only wisdom

can be summed up this way: The more I know, the more I know I

don't know!

I am reminded of that dream I had in Latin

(!) Cogito ergo sum, ergo scio Deus est. Descartes' "I

think therefore I am" (ego) added on by "therefore I [can] know

God is."

This was Descartes' own exoteric argument - but I don't think he meant

it. I think it was just a stalking horse for atheism. What do you think?

My first CREDO suggested that the best -

for me - version of that word 'God" is THAT VAST CERTAINTY,

which at the level of ego I am unable to define!

In the Upanishads, it is written: "The

ocean is not troubled by the drop's philosophy." Sigh.......

But if the drop is the individual, then the drop is what matters most

to us. And, perhaps paradoxically, the individual lives or dies by

politics. I would say that even Socrates needed the city, but it is

more apt to say that Socrates especially needed the city.




Silly Old Woman, for sure,


ps - Pray for the many, many who are suffering at this time!

Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall

trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

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