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Re: Flu vaccine shortage clarification

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in my first post I DID say- in the event you were UNABLE to get a flu

shot------these were things you could do.

In my next post I DID say- this is a decision between a patient and their


- In , Birdijo@a... wrote:

> My hope is that people will make the decision whether or not to get the flu

shot or any other vaccine based on conversations with their MD. I personally

had RA at least 10 years before I had a series of vaccines for nursing school,

which did not worsen my illness. I have a healthy son (luckily) who is now 18

and has had all of his vaccines. There are studies going on to decide whether

vaccines have caused problems for some people, and others have had vaccines

without a problem. I worry that a person will read something online and use

that to decide vaccines are dangerous and then end up in the hospital from

catching the flu while immune suppressed. So the best thing is lots of

handwashing, lots of research and a candid conversation with your doctor.

Just my humble opinion.......Cary

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in my first post I DID say- in the event you were UNABLE to get a flu

shot------these were things you could do.

In my next post I DID say- this is a decision between a patient and their


- In , Birdijo@a... wrote:

> My hope is that people will make the decision whether or not to get the flu

shot or any other vaccine based on conversations with their MD. I personally

had RA at least 10 years before I had a series of vaccines for nursing school,

which did not worsen my illness. I have a healthy son (luckily) who is now 18

and has had all of his vaccines. There are studies going on to decide whether

vaccines have caused problems for some people, and others have had vaccines

without a problem. I worry that a person will read something online and use

that to decide vaccines are dangerous and then end up in the hospital from

catching the flu while immune suppressed. So the best thing is lots of

handwashing, lots of research and a candid conversation with your doctor.

Just my humble opinion.......Cary

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JUst so people understand I was not saying not to get a flu vaccine. I also did

want to say (if I didn't) flu kills approx 36,000 people per year.

As for getting information online, isn't that what we are doing here in this

group? We gather info so we CAN discuss it with our docs. It is impossible to

make an informed decision if we do not have the information. I guess I am

saying do your research- just like you do over your RA drugs- or the illness.

But again, I stress, I did not say don't get a flu shot-

I posted info that would be helpful if someone was UNABLE to get a flu shot due

to the shortage.

Also, something we need to remember- NOT ALL adverse reactions or events happen

to all people. Each of us is an individual. Not all of us on Vioxx had heart

attacks or strokes. Not all of us on mtx get that serious pulmonary side

effect. You had symptoms of RA before your first flu vaccine (although my doc

did not blame flu vaccine, he blamed another series of vaccines and that was

supported viz the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, which is a government


Being at risk of something does not mean it WILL happen.

ANY med, any drug, any chemical, including supplements and " natural " things and

even vaccines CAN be unsafe sometimes, in some people.

But YES flu is a bad thing- and it CAN kill.

I posted originally in the event someone could not get a flu vaccine due to

inavailability or cost. All hope did not need to be lost just becuz a vaccine

was unavailable. There were still things people could do to protect themselves.

- In , Birdijo@a... wrote:

> Didn't mean to offend, Dreamer. Just expressing my opinion, as you did.


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JUst so people understand I was not saying not to get a flu vaccine. I also did

want to say (if I didn't) flu kills approx 36,000 people per year.

As for getting information online, isn't that what we are doing here in this

group? We gather info so we CAN discuss it with our docs. It is impossible to

make an informed decision if we do not have the information. I guess I am

saying do your research- just like you do over your RA drugs- or the illness.

But again, I stress, I did not say don't get a flu shot-

I posted info that would be helpful if someone was UNABLE to get a flu shot due

to the shortage.

Also, something we need to remember- NOT ALL adverse reactions or events happen

to all people. Each of us is an individual. Not all of us on Vioxx had heart

attacks or strokes. Not all of us on mtx get that serious pulmonary side

effect. You had symptoms of RA before your first flu vaccine (although my doc

did not blame flu vaccine, he blamed another series of vaccines and that was

supported viz the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, which is a government


Being at risk of something does not mean it WILL happen.

ANY med, any drug, any chemical, including supplements and " natural " things and

even vaccines CAN be unsafe sometimes, in some people.

But YES flu is a bad thing- and it CAN kill.

I posted originally in the event someone could not get a flu vaccine due to

inavailability or cost. All hope did not need to be lost just becuz a vaccine

was unavailable. There were still things people could do to protect themselves.

- In , Birdijo@a... wrote:

> Didn't mean to offend, Dreamer. Just expressing my opinion, as you did.


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