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Sam's scary astrol frwd comes fr the same source as Smoley's article!!

Thanks for sharing it. It is not a cheerful outlook, for sure, n we cert can't tell what Nov 4th will portend! All I cn say is that the major exact challenging aspects involve the transpersonal planets n I hope have to do w/the collective need for a change in consciousness n not some current disaster. It seems to indicate a tipping pt in history! As Uranus rules Aquarius n we have 2000 yrs of that New Age to come, my bet is that Uranus will prevail.over the opp Saturn..........but the opp constellation to Aquarius is Leo, wh is ruled by the Sun n the cosmic cross is balanced by Taurus/Scorpio, completing the Fixed Sign quaternity..

The Sun (a star) rules Light, Life, Love. The positive premise is that "Monarchy, wh it rules, will shift to people eventually discovering that the same flame of the Divine Guest is in everybody n in every atom of creation. In the end, we have to realize that we did not create ourselves!

Taurus = the Green Movement versus the threat of all the negative aspects of Scorpio (Pluto) to bring destruction. However, the positive of Scorpio is rebirth n Pluto/Hades literally means Riches or spiritual wealth. Pluto rules Transformation.

The greatest danger in this country is ignorance! or a collective American unconscious wh can add up to mob psychology n violence just for the hell of it viz the French Revolution.

Obama is a Leo w/Aq rising n I will try aligning their 2 chts. Somehow, I think the Ver da Luz interpret of S Palin gives her too much power. Power can only be used safely with Wisdom n Love - the Milkstool Principle! n her secret Fundamentalist Rapture agenda shld not be forgotten.

Well, it's all fascinating n I hope Jung is watching it! He was a Leo w/Saturn in Aquarius n Moon in Taurus. I suggest that the wisest thing we here at J-F cn do is pray n visualize a safe outcome for us all. It all seems like a gigantic global morality play w/karma handing us the bill for greed, lust, intolerance, waste, irreverence for nature et al! If u notice, the Fundamentalists of all the religions are entrenched in the conviction that their's is the Only Way. The exception seems to be Buddhism - u can be a Christian or Jewish etc. Buddhist n Buddha stressed the validity of individual spiritual growth as Jung does w/individuation. The mystics of all the religions seem to agree! Rumi, the Islamic Sufi, is the most read poet in the USA! There's hope!

To end on a hopeful note, my Teacher M predicted in 1945 that the future of spirituality wld no longer reside in the dichotomy of preacher/congreg or teacher/class but in small grps coming together voluntarily to learn/discuss freely, unafraid of going to hell or anxious for heaven.. He then added, only one problem - u won't know how many of you there are! So it seems as if the world over, like hidden yeast, a rescue is rising.

The German poet Hoelderlin wrote, as Jung I think liked to quote: Wo ist Gefahr, da ist die Rettung nah! Where danger is, rescue is close.

So mote it be!



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Thank you, Alice,

Some somber sense. I just couldn't imagine you or Sam believing this stuff! You restore my faith...in some of those who look skyward for answers.

I will calm down, and I have regained my sense of love and joy.



Sam's scary astrol frwd comes fr the same source as Smoley's article!!

Thanks for sharing it. It is not a cheerful outlook, for sure, n we cert can't tell what Nov 4th will portend! All I cn say is that the major exact challenging aspects involve the transpersonal planets n I hope have to do w/the collective need for a change in consciousness n not some current disaster. It seems to indicate a tipping pt in history! As Uranus rules Aquarius n we have 2000 yrs of that New Age to come, my bet is that Uranus will prevail.over the opp Saturn..........but the opp constellation to Aquarius is Leo, wh is ruled by the Sun n the cosmic cross is balanced by Taurus/Scorpio, completing the Fixed Sign quaternity..

The Sun (a star) rules Light, Life, Love. The positive premise is that "Monarchy, wh it rules, will shift to people eventually discovering that the same flame of the Divine Guest is in everybody n in every atom of creation. In the end, we have to realize that we did not create ourselves!

Taurus = the Green Movement versus the threat of all the negative aspects of Scorpio (Pluto) to bring destruction. However, the positive of Scorpio is rebirth n Pluto/Hades literally means Riches or spiritual wealth. Pluto rules Transformation.

The greatest danger in this country is ignorance! or a collective American unconscious wh can add up to mob psychology n violence just for the hell of it viz the French Revolution.

Obama is a Leo w/Aq rising n I will try aligning their 2 chts. Somehow, I think the Ver da Luz interpret of S Palin gives her too much power. Power can only be used safely with Wisdom n Love - the Milkstool Principle! n her secret Fundamentalist Rapture agenda shld not be forgotten.

Well, it's all fascinating n I hope Jung is watching it! He was a Leo w/Saturn in Aquarius n Moon in Taurus. I suggest that the wisest thing we here at J-F cn do is pray n visualize a safe outcome for us all. It all seems like a gigantic global morality play w/karma handing us the bill for greed, lust, intolerance, waste, irreverence for nature et al! If u notice, the Fundamentalists of all the religions are entrenched in the conviction that their's is the Only Way. The exception seems to be Buddhism - u can be a Christian or Jewish etc. Buddhist n Buddha stressed the validity of individual spiritual growth as Jung does w/individuation. The mystics of all the religions seem to agree! Rumi, the Islamic Sufi, is the most read poet in the USA! There's hope!

To end on a hopeful note, my Teacher M predicted in 1945 that the future of spirituality wld no longer reside in the dichotomy of preacher/congreg or teacher/class but in small grps coming together voluntarily to learn/discuss freely, unafraid of going to hell or anxious for heaven.. He then added, only one problem - u won't know how many of you there are! So it seems as if the world over, like hidden yeast, a rescue is rising.

The German poet Hoelderlin wrote, as Jung I think liked to quote: Wo ist Gefahr, da ist die Rettung nah! Where danger is, rescue is close.

So mote it be!



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  • 11 months later...

Wow, Alice! I just got back online after having to do some computer cleaning and I found this. When I read it, I not only got goosebumps, but I nearly cried. Talk about a spiritual wham!

Thank you again.



The movements of the spirit now comes from below, out of our own clay.

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