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Cross Pollination (was My Epiphany!!!!)

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Cross pollination, sharing information, learning from each other,

and occasionally holding each other up......... they are the things

that make us stronger. Stronger to stand up for what we

beleive, to go to meetings we never saw as important, to go

to meetings we have " heard before " , to speak up without a

quaking voice, to launch our imagination for a brighter future

or better defenses.

We wish it could be in person, or even on the telephone, but

the realities of life mean we are not all at the same points in

our lives. I would hate to see you go. There is unseen

value in many things in life- where you have led here has

caused others to think and lead- that is a component of

the future of our profession.

The communication network we have established can serve to

better prepare us for the heartache and isolation that many

therapists have felt over the past several years. Just thinking of

the impact members had on PPS. Sure it still hurt, but providers

had a voice, (a strong one) and helped effect change. Beach

meetings where we sit and think of a local district meeting agenda

with career counselors, labor attorneys, and conflict resolution

facilitators to help with individual problems can't occur all the

time (as much as we love them). I have often heard at chapter

and district meetings that the " same people serve " - even if that is

true...... at a minimum we need new ideas and fresh thoughts.

You have spent more time typing at ptmanager than I, but if

we each share some typing time about the things we know

about, or are passionate about, we can only learn from each


Thank you, and hoping I will run into you in person,

Dee Daley, PT

Southern Pines, NC

> I have finally figured out what is wrong with our professions!!


> We are spending entirely too much time writing and sending messages on

> listserves!!

> If we took 1/4 of this time and energy, and devoted it to more effective


> worthwhile pursuits like; reading relevant professional publications;


> to our elected representatives; and contributing to thoughtful dialogue


> our future in the health care system; we would be amazed at the results.


> We seem to be all too content to express our opinions either anonymously,


> into the ether of Cyberspace. Like Don Quixote, we are tilting at


> There is no future without planning and action, only endless tomorrows.


> the same time, there is no value in bemoaning the past, or trying to figure

> out what went wrong. There is limitless value in taking planned,


> and decisive action.


> If we haven't learned our lesson yet about the NECESSITY of involvement in

> our professional associations, I guess we will never learn. I am always

> eager and interested in exchanging ideas and thoughts with my colleagues.


> just prefer to do it a real-time manner. Posts have a tendency to become

> graffiti, and while graffiti may strike some as a form of art, I see it as

> shouting into the wind.


> If any of the vast number of lurkers out there are interested in what


> like me have had to say, I hope that we will meet and speak one day. If


> it will be in fact-to-face or telephonic communication. I am by no means

> dropping out of my profession. On the contrary, I am jumping into the


> I hope that others will do the same. I intend to involved in the

> conversation about our future. If you do as well I have news for you, it's

> not happening here!


> I cherish the relationships that I have established, and the contacts that


> have made via this listserve. I must emphasize however, that these

> relationships were established by personal communication, not by anonymous

> postings. I think it is time, however, to move on to more lofty pursuits;

> like shaping our future. Do you want to come along? If so, I'll see you


> an APTA meeting! If not, it's been nice knowing you! Maybe the future


> t have room for all of us, but I'm going to make sure it has room for the

> ones with the right stuff. If you say you have the right stuff, " put your

> money where your mouth is! "


> Signing off:

> Ken Mailly, PT

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