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my foundation is crumbling

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Good Day,

It is only this year that I began to develop problems with my feet -

I was a messenger for a number of years in Manhattan, and I think

that in large part has to do with my problems today.

Arthritis in the left foot is what truly began first - but I was not

told what kind of arthritis.

Eventually, my right foot became jealous that my left foot was

getting all the attention and I developed a heel spur - OUCH!

but by some miracle, I did my own surgery - you see - I work in New

Jersey, but live in New York, and a bus was coming to pick up

passengers and I did not want to miss the bus so I ran for it and

then suddenly I heard a " pop " and the next moment OUCH! I saw stars.

I thought I had screwed up my right foot - but I put an ace bandage

on it, and the next day I noticed that my foot felt better!! So I

went to a podiatrist and I told her what happened and she explained

what I did to myself and my foot - I actually helped it!! Now my

right foot feels better but there is still pain but not as much as


I was blessed with good health until the age of 46 - I am 49 now with

age 50 looming in the next few months - next year.

Now I am borderline diabetic, I have a weak heart muscle, I have high

blood pressure and this is the very first pill I have ever had to

take in my life.

The past two mornings I have awakened and my lower body from the

knees down have been in some pain - but I have begun taking advil - i

did take vioxx but when I began taking vioxx, my joints were not

bothering me - now they are.

I only started taking vioxx about two months ago.

My feet continue to hurt and throb - and one thing that surprised me -

my foot was 9 1/2 EEE for the longest time - years and years - and

now this year, my feet are a size 10 - wow! and it seems my feet are

growing at this stage in my life - so maybe I have " growing pains " ?

I am watching my diet - I have modified it greatly in the last two

years - and my bp and blood sugar levels are within normal range,

thus I am not taking any meds for the diabetes.

What I would like to see - a website which discusses the various

medications and treatments available for arthritis - I've seen so

many discussed here - or perhaps the group here can make a list of

what treatments and drugs are currently available.

I would prefer homeopathic means of taking away much of my pain - as

opposed to relying upon medications.

But it is nice to know what meds and treatments are available, too.

I shall be on vacation for two weeks starting Saturday, October 9th,

and I will be in Buffalo, NY, so my participation here may be limited

for that time.

Have a great weekend all.


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