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From Vioxx To.........

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Received the info about Vioxx at 2:30pm yesterday from CNN.

Called my rheumatologist right away, by 5pm had a prescription and

by 6pm a bottle of Bextra 20mg 30 count in hand. Took the first one

just a bit ago this morning so we'll see how it goes.

On 12/05/04 I started taking Vioxx 25mg 1 daily, my last dose was

yesterday morning.

For those that were on Vioxx what change has been made for you?

On a side note my last visit to the rheumatologist was the Sept 22.

He was pleased with the results of the Humira (4 injection/9 weeks

by this time). Things were looking pretty good till the results of

my blood work, came back with a liver # of 280. These #s have been a

little higher then normal since my frist visit to my PD back in Sept

03. At that time the # was 217 and was blamed on the amount of Aleve

I was taking before seeing the dr. The # has been creeping up with

each test since. This last blood work was a # jumps of 40 points. So

as of Sept 27th I'm off Methotrexate 8 tabs once a week till after

the next blood work sometime the week of Oct 25th.

Judy from Oklahoma

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