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From to Carol and the group about Carol's tongue

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Dear ,

I appreciate your concern. It has now been 14 days since surgery. I

appreciate the fact that both Dr's thought that it was cancer and acted


that is what all of us would hope for in a Dr. What I do not feel comfortable

with is the fact that the surgeon told me to have my Internist co-ordinate

the hyperbaric treatment, then the hyperbaric co-ordinator put me off all week

while the surgeon and hyperbaric Dr. discussed the situation. They kept my

Internist out of the loop, which is who I was told to see and kept calling

all week. My 2 big problems was the stitches - which were knotted loops

holding nothing together and getting big white, painful, sores around them and


hole which is now starting to heal as a hole. I expected jagged edges and

maybe a bump on the side of my tongue - no one looks at your tongue

anyway??????But the hole gets stuff in it! The outer edges are raw and

painful. I now

talk with a lisp and have some trouble swallowing. I asked - these are not

things I was told could happen! The surgeon wants to see me in 2 weeks to

schedule a " hearing test " ??My friends and family (except my husband) think I am

just being a big baby and it couldn't possible hurt as bad as I say it does.

I will go see my Internist tomorrow to see what can and should be done now.

The surgeon operates on Mondays and is not in the office - I will call his

co-ordinator at ask her my questions. But you are right - I really do feel

like I did something wrong either in an indirect way or in my communication

and it is hard not to have a pity party! I guess we shall wait to see what

happens tomorrow.

Thank you for your help!

Gentle Hugs & Prayers,

Carol M. in CA

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Dear ,

I appreciate your concern. It has now been 14 days since surgery. I

appreciate the fact that both Dr's thought that it was cancer and acted


that is what all of us would hope for in a Dr. What I do not feel comfortable

with is the fact that the surgeon told me to have my Internist co-ordinate

the hyperbaric treatment, then the hyperbaric co-ordinator put me off all week

while the surgeon and hyperbaric Dr. discussed the situation. They kept my

Internist out of the loop, which is who I was told to see and kept calling

all week. My 2 big problems was the stitches - which were knotted loops

holding nothing together and getting big white, painful, sores around them and


hole which is now starting to heal as a hole. I expected jagged edges and

maybe a bump on the side of my tongue - no one looks at your tongue

anyway??????But the hole gets stuff in it! The outer edges are raw and

painful. I now

talk with a lisp and have some trouble swallowing. I asked - these are not

things I was told could happen! The surgeon wants to see me in 2 weeks to

schedule a " hearing test " ??My friends and family (except my husband) think I am

just being a big baby and it couldn't possible hurt as bad as I say it does.

I will go see my Internist tomorrow to see what can and should be done now.

The surgeon operates on Mondays and is not in the office - I will call his

co-ordinator at ask her my questions. But you are right - I really do feel

like I did something wrong either in an indirect way or in my communication

and it is hard not to have a pity party! I guess we shall wait to see what

happens tomorrow.

Thank you for your help!

Gentle Hugs & Prayers,

Carol M. in CA

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Carol (and everyone else posting on her situation),

I've been reading your posts re. what you have been going through.

I'm sorry that the doctors' have not been treating you as well as you

deserve to be treated. I did have a question for you. If 2

different doctors thought you had cancer (I'm very happy to hear that

you do not) why do you think they were premature in deciding to

operate? Was the operation how they found out that it was benign or

did they know that before they operated? You also said that the ENT

could not complete the job? did you mean because he left the whole

in your tongue?

I understand that it is very frustrating and enfuriating when you

doctor dismisses you or does not answer the questions you have for

him. He definately should have taken into consideration the

medications that you are on and how they effect healing. It is

definately a problem that he does not appear to be concerned that you

are not healing. And I agree with about documenting

EVERYTHING!!! And keep buging them until they answer your questions,

acknowledge your pain and lack of healing.

How long has it been since your surgery - I can't rmember. I would

not be uspet with him for not taking out your stitches though. It

seems like that was the correct decision seeing as how the wound did

not heal.

They may have a very legitimate reason for not approving you for

hyperbaric oxygen. It could be an insurance thing (?) it may not be

approved for your condition, or you may have one of contraindications

for hyperbaric oxygen. Bug them until you get an explanation for

this that makes sense to you.

Carol, remeber that noe of this is your fault!! YOu are NOT

overreacting, but you will probably neet to be very pushy until you

get the help you need and deserve!!

Good Luck.

McK in VA

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