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Re: Confused!

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You need not be confused. Dr. Mirkin recommends that a diabetic should eat

two salads per day, so I would recommend you by plenty of salad fixings like

lettuce, cabbage, cheese, meats of all kinds, tuna, eggs, nuts and so on.

Be sure to get the kind of salad dressing you like, too.

Counting carbs is essential for the control of diabetes. Counting calories

is essential for controlling weight.

For instance if you wish to maintain your present weight just multiply your

present weight by the number 10.

Now you know the number of calories required per day with moderate exercise

in order to stay as you are.

Caloric usage is higher for men than for women, but only about 10% more per

day. That is just the way Nature made us, no sexism intended.

Now memorize the following information:

1 gram of carb= 4 calories

1 gram of protein= 4 calories

1 gram of fat= 9 calories

28 grams= 1 ounce

3500 calories= 1 pound

Memorize the above information, and then no one can ever confuse you.

Now let's look at those two pork chops, which happens to be one of my

favorites, yum yum. I will assume some things about them. For instance I

will assume they are boneless, and have very little fat or almost none at

all on them, say a half ounce of fat per pork chop.

First, I will assume that the pork chop is pure meat with no fat.

6 ounces pork chop*4 calories per gram of protein means 4*28*6=672 calories

in a pure meat or protein porkchop weighing 6 ounces.

If you eat both pork chops at a meal, then you have consumed at least 1344

calories provided they are pure protein chops; containing no fat, which

would be rare.

I don't know how a doctor can say that you will become diabetic because you

are fat. While it is true that most diabetics are overweight, that does not

mean just because you are overweight you will become diabetic.

Remember I became diabetic when I was skinny, because I abused

carbohydrates, stuffing myself with candy, pies, cookies and cake several

times per day for most of my life. Yet I still became diabetic. My son

also became diabetic, and he was even skinnier than I was.

If you really know the information above, then no one can ever confuse you.


> Hi , Harry and Pat and all listers,

> I am now totally confused and in a whirl.

> mmmmm What to do?

> First for any new members I wish to make it clear I am not yet a diabetic

> but need to drop weight or I've been told I will become one.

> Atkins says no more than twenty carbs a day, but they don't count calories

> just carbs.

> you say you get your marvelous lab tonight test results from as

many as

> fifteen carbs a meal.

> Pat has a very valid point that folks gain weight on Atkins even with low

> carbs but high calories. She is right!

> Harry is encouraging exercise and of course no matter what this is

> excellent.

> Tonight I am going for groceries and I am almost afraid to eat let alone

> what to buy.

> Have considered just plain eating anything. Though I truly have lost my

> taste for many things loaded with carbs. I'll never go back to carelessly

> eating just any old thing.

> I feel stuck in no man's land.

> Harry mentioned if a person has a one pound steak then he has just about

> used up all calories for the day. So

> I have two pork chops in the house. Am guessing they are six ounces.

> Will find out tonight. Gee!


> Rita







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Now that you know the following:

1 gram of carb= 4 calories

1 gram of protein= 4 calories

1 gram of fat= 9 calories

28 grams= 1 ounce

3500 calories= 1 pound

I will make some recommendations regarding food and supplements.

Most doctors, no, I will say that differently, practically all doctors

recomend you get the vitamins and minerals essential for good health in

natural foods like vegetables, meat or fish, and nuts. I go along with

this recommendation and also make sure I have the vitamins and minerals I

need by taking a single multi-vitamin and multi-mineral tablet every two or

three days. After all they are inexpensive, and what your body does not

need will be excreted or eliminated by your body. They also contain no


When you go shopping I would also recommend you purchase sugar free instant

breakfast by Carnation. Especially, if you are primarily interested in

losing weight, since these packages of instant breakfast come in many

different flavors and they are delicious. They provide more vitamins,

minerals and protein than a can of Insure, which is expensive.

Read the ingredients information on the package of sugar free Carnation

instant breakfast to see what you are consuming plus whatever you consume in

the kind of milk you use to pour the package into and mix. It is very tasty

and cost a lot less than SlimFast.

I usually use one package of sugar free instant Breakfast per 16 ounces of

milk, since it is very sweet when mixed.

Now you can do the calculations for the number of calories in a very large

one pint glass of sugar free instant breakfast milk shake. I also preferred

the 5% fat whole milk.

Now being diabetic, I have sworn off milk in all forms except for the

ocassional cream in my coffee.

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Thanks Harry for this basic foundation of helpful info. Guess I'll have

to do some calculations and home work.

I have not had milk in well over a year.

Am going to see what others have to say and then get a list together.

Sort of half Atkins and half BGS control. Sigh.


> Now that you know the following:

> 1 gram of carb= 4 calories

> 1 gram of protein= 4 calories

> 1 gram of fat= 9 calories

> 28 grams= 1 ounce

> 3500 calories= 1 pound

> I will make some recommendations regarding food and supplements.

> Most doctors, no, I will say that differently, practically all doctors

> recomend you get the vitamins and minerals essential for good health in

> natural foods like vegetables, meat or fish, and nuts. I go along with

> this recommendation and also make sure I have the vitamins and minerals I

> need by taking a single multi-vitamin and multi-mineral tablet every two or

> three days. After all they are inexpensive, and what your body does not

> need will be excreted or eliminated by your body. They also contain no

> calories.

> When you go shopping I would also recommend you purchase sugar free instant

> breakfast by Carnation. Especially, if you are primarily interested in

> losing weight, since these packages of instant breakfast come in many

> different flavors and they are delicious. They provide more vitamins,

> minerals and protein than a can of Insure, which is expensive.

> Read the ingredients information on the package of sugar free Carnation

> instant breakfast to see what you are consuming plus whatever you consume in

> the kind of milk you use to pour the package into and mix. It is very tasty

> and cost a lot less than SlimFast.

> I usually use one package of sugar free instant Breakfast per 16 ounces of

> milk, since it is very sweet when mixed.

> Now you can do the calculations for the number of calories in a very large

> one pint glass of sugar free instant breakfast milk shake. I also preferred

> the 5% fat whole milk.

> Now being diabetic, I have sworn off milk in all forms except for the

> ocassional cream in my coffee.






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Sugar free Carnation instant breakfast contains:

carbs 8 grams in the form of lactose

protein 4 grams for a total of 12 grams of carbs and protein. They get away

with calling it sugar free, since it does not contain sucrose.

One pint or 16 ounces of 5% fat milk contains:

22 grams of carbs plus 5% of 16 or.8 ounces of fat or a total calorie count

for fat in the milk of 9*(28*.8(=

22.4*9= 202 (rounding off the number to the neareast whole number). Since a

glass of milk of 8 ounces contains 10 carbs, a pint of milk would contain 20

grams of carbs or a total of 80 calories from carbs in a pint of milk.

Adding all of this together:

A glass of 5% fat whole milk contains a total calorie count of 80+202= 282

calories. Now pour in the sugar free Carnation instant breakfast worth 48

calories and you get a grand total of 330 calories in a full pint of whole

milk Carnation milk shake. I'd say that is not bad. If you use skim milk

you can reduce the calorie count for a pint milk shake to around 130 total

calories per pint of milk shake. For weight reduction a couple or even

three of these one pint milk shakes per day would be a delicious way to lose


8grams of carbs plus 4 grams of protein yields 12 grams or 48 calories in

the package of Carnation instant breakfast, not to mention the vitamins and

minerals it contains.

It is not recommended for diabbetics since this one pint milk shake contains

at least 28 grams of carbs.


---- Original Message -----

To: <blind-diabetics >

Sent: Monday, February 16, 2004 11:25 AM

Subject: Re: Confused!

> Now that you know the following:

> 1 gram of carb= 4 calories

> 1 gram of protein= 4 calories

> 1 gram of fat= 9 calories

> 28 grams= 1 ounce

> 3500 calories= 1 pound

> I will make some recommendations regarding food and supplements.

> Most doctors, no, I will say that differently, practically all doctors

> recomend you get the vitamins and minerals essential for good health in

> natural foods like vegetables, meat or fish, and nuts. I go along with

> this recommendation and also make sure I have the vitamins and minerals I

> need by taking a single multi-vitamin and multi-mineral tablet every two


> three days. After all they are inexpensive, and what your body does not

> need will be excreted or eliminated by your body. They also contain no

> calories.

> When you go shopping I would also recommend you purchase sugar free


> breakfast by Carnation. Especially, if you are primarily interested in

> losing weight, since these packages of instant breakfast come in many

> different flavors and they are delicious. They provide more vitamins,

> minerals and protein than a can of Insure, which is expensive.

> Read the ingredients information on the package of sugar free Carnation

> instant breakfast to see what you are consuming plus whatever you consume


> the kind of milk you use to pour the package into and mix. It is very


> and cost a lot less than SlimFast.

> I usually use one package of sugar free instant Breakfast per 16 ounces of

> milk, since it is very sweet when mixed.

> Now you can do the calculations for the number of calories in a very large

> one pint glass of sugar free instant breakfast milk shake. I also


> the 5% fat whole milk.

> Now being diabetic, I have sworn off milk in all forms except for the

> ocassional cream in my coffee.






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over time, you will find the blend of all the advice that works for you.

Stick to the basics, cut carbs back, do a little exercise, and eat green

leafy veggies and good healthy meats in place of carbs. You'll lose weight.

I only weigh 150 pounds and eat probably 2000 calories a day but not from

carbs. Carbs break down to sugar, and if the body doesn't need the sugar, it

stores it as fat. It is that simple.

Eating meat and veggies you are not injesting carbs/sugar so it doesn't

store it as fat as easily. Don't worry about it Rita, just take it one day

at a time. Eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But make them about 15 grams

per meal and see how you do. If in 2 months you havent' dropped weight, then

cut it back to 10 grams per meal.



> Hi , Harry and Pat and all listers,

> I am now totally confused and in a whirl.

> mmmmm What to do?

> First for any new members I wish to make it clear I am not yet a diabetic

> but need to drop weight or I've been told I will become one.

> Atkins says no more than twenty carbs a day, but they don't count calories

> just carbs.

> you say you get your marvelous lab tonight test results from as

many as

> fifteen carbs a meal.

> Pat has a very valid point that folks gain weight on Atkins even with low

> carbs but high calories. She is right!

> Harry is encouraging exercise and of course no matter what this is

> excellent.

> Tonight I am going for groceries and I am almost afraid to eat let alone

> what to buy.

> Have considered just plain eating anything. Though I truly have lost my

> taste for many things loaded with carbs. I'll never go back to carelessly

> eating just any old thing.

> I feel stuck in no man's land.

> Harry mentioned if a person has a one pound steak then he has just about

> used up all calories for the day. So

> I have two pork chops in the house. Am guessing they are six ounces.

> Will find out tonight. Gee!


> Rita



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Thank you Harry. It certainly would work once or twice a week. I will

take this into consideration. Thanks not only for the info but for all

the time it took to do the calculations!


> Sugar free Carnation instant breakfast contains:

> carbs 8 grams in the form of lactose

> protein 4 grams for a total of 12 grams of carbs and protein. They get away

> with calling it sugar free, since it does not contain sucrose.

> One pint or 16 ounces of 5% fat milk contains:

> 22 grams of carbs plus 5% of 16 or.8 ounces of fat or a total calorie count

> for fat in the milk of 9*(28*.8(=

> 22.4*9= 202 (rounding off the number to the neareast whole number). Since a

> glass of milk of 8 ounces contains 10 carbs, a pint of milk would contain 20

> grams of carbs or a total of 80 calories from carbs in a pint of milk.

> Adding all of this together:

> A glass of 5% fat whole milk contains a total calorie count of 80+202= 282

> calories. Now pour in the sugar free Carnation instant breakfast worth 48

> calories and you get a grand total of 330 calories in a full pint of whole

> milk Carnation milk shake. I'd say that is not bad. If you use skim milk

> you can reduce the calorie count for a pint milk shake to around 130 total

> calories per pint of milk shake. For weight reduction a couple or even

> three of these one pint milk shakes per day would be a delicious way to lose

> weight.

> 8grams of carbs plus 4 grams of protein yields 12 grams or 48 calories in

> the package of Carnation instant breakfast, not to mention the vitamins and

> minerals it contains.

> It is not recommended for diabbetics since this one pint milk shake contains

> at least 28 grams of carbs.

> -

> ---- Original Message -----


> To: <blind-diabetics >

> Sent: Monday, February 16, 2004 11:25 AM

> Subject: Re: Confused!



> > Now that you know the following:

> > 1 gram of carb= 4 calories

> > 1 gram of protein= 4 calories

> > 1 gram of fat= 9 calories

> > 28 grams= 1 ounce

> > 3500 calories= 1 pound

> > I will make some recommendations regarding food and supplements.

> > Most doctors, no, I will say that differently, practically all doctors

> > recomend you get the vitamins and minerals essential for good health in

> > natural foods like vegetables, meat or fish, and nuts. I go along with

> > this recommendation and also make sure I have the vitamins and minerals I

> > need by taking a single multi-vitamin and multi-mineral tablet every two

> or

> > three days. After all they are inexpensive, and what your body does not

> > need will be excreted or eliminated by your body. They also contain no

> > calories.

> > When you go shopping I would also recommend you purchase sugar free

> instant

> > breakfast by Carnation. Especially, if you are primarily interested in

> > losing weight, since these packages of instant breakfast come in many

> > different flavors and they are delicious. They provide more vitamins,

> > minerals and protein than a can of Insure, which is expensive.

> > Read the ingredients information on the package of sugar free Carnation

> > instant breakfast to see what you are consuming plus whatever you consume

> in

> > the kind of milk you use to pour the package into and mix. It is very

> tasty

> > and cost a lot less than SlimFast.

> > I usually use one package of sugar free instant Breakfast per 16 ounces of

> > milk, since it is very sweet when mixed.

> > Now you can do the calculations for the number of calories in a very large

> > one pint glass of sugar free instant breakfast milk shake. I also

> preferred

> > the 5% fat whole milk.

> > Now being diabetic, I have sworn off milk in all forms except for the

> > ocassional cream in my coffee.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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O now I feel a bit more comfortable and I do not feel so over

whelmed. Keep it simple is the key?

Well I do love green leafy veggies and a variety of meat. I also love

Gorton's Fish which is only one carb per serving!

Just so happens I truly do love ice cold water as well. What did me in

since Thanksgiving is that our store had several weeks of special sales on

one pound bags of almonds. I usually got the six ounces size in the

baking section. I just sort of sat and read and ate loads of those

fattening almonds! Foolish!

I am however looking forward to getting some new diet coke with lime. mmm


Rita Thank you again .

> over time, you will find the blend of all the advice that works for you.

> Stick to the basics, cut carbs back, do a little exercise, and eat green

> leafy veggies and good healthy meats in place of carbs. You'll lose weight.


> I only weigh 150 pounds and eat probably 2000 calories a day but not from

> carbs. Carbs break down to sugar, and if the body doesn't need the sugar, it

> stores it as fat. It is that simple.



> Eating meat and veggies you are not injesting carbs/sugar so it doesn't

> store it as fat as easily. Don't worry about it Rita, just take it one day

> at a time. Eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But make them about 15 grams

> per meal and see how you do. If in 2 months you havent' dropped weight, then

> cut it back to 10 grams per meal.


> Regards,


> Confused!



> > Hi , Harry and Pat and all listers,

> > I am now totally confused and in a whirl.

> > mmmmm What to do?

> > First for any new members I wish to make it clear I am not yet a diabetic

> > but need to drop weight or I've been told I will become one.

> > Atkins says no more than twenty carbs a day, but they don't count calories

> > just carbs.

> > you say you get your marvelous lab tonight test results from as

> many as

> > fifteen carbs a meal.

> > Pat has a very valid point that folks gain weight on Atkins even with low

> > carbs but high calories. She is right!

> > Harry is encouraging exercise and of course no matter what this is

> > excellent.

> > Tonight I am going for groceries and I am almost afraid to eat let alone

> > what to buy.

> > Have considered just plain eating anything. Though I truly have lost my

> > taste for many things loaded with carbs. I'll never go back to carelessly

> > eating just any old thing.

> > I feel stuck in no man's land.

> > Harry mentioned if a person has a one pound steak then he has just about

> > used up all calories for the day. So

> > I have two pork chops in the house. Am guessing they are six ounces.

> > Will find out tonight. Gee!

> >

> > Rita

> >

> >






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Well Harry, I don't know if I agree that it is quite as simple as just

counting calories. I am still enough of an Atkins person to believe the

info on counting carbs makes a major difference in weight loss.

Pat has clearly indicated that one can gain on the Atkins or Atkins style

diet. She is right. However, says he has fifteen carbs a meal.

I am seriously thinking of blending all this info and having about forty

carbs a day. Lots of fish, meat, eggs, greens. Now I just said the word

lots and that is my down fall. Get out the old measuring cups I guess.

That is fine as they simply tell the truth and do not nag!

Also it would not bother me I don't think to have two meals a day. The

more I am out of the kitchen the better I'm thinking. Too food oriented.


> You need not be confused. Dr. Mirkin recommends that a diabetic should eat

> two salads per day, so I would recommend you by plenty of salad fixings like

> lettuce, cabbage, cheese, meats of all kinds, tuna, eggs, nuts and so on.

> Be sure to get the kind of salad dressing you like, too.

> Counting carbs is essential for the control of diabetes. Counting calories

> is essential for controlling weight.

> For instance if you wish to maintain your present weight just multiply your

> present weight by the number 10.

> Now you know the number of calories required per day with moderate exercise

> in order to stay as you are.

> Caloric usage is higher for men than for women, but only about 10% more per

> day. That is just the way Nature made us, no sexism intended.

> Now memorize the following information:

> 1 gram of carb= 4 calories

> 1 gram of protein= 4 calories

> 1 gram of fat= 9 calories

> 28 grams= 1 ounce

> 3500 calories= 1 pound

> Memorize the above information, and then no one can ever confuse you.

> Now let's look at those two pork chops, which happens to be one of my

> favorites, yum yum. I will assume some things about them. For instance I

> will assume they are boneless, and have very little fat or almost none at

> all on them, say a half ounce of fat per pork chop.

> First, I will assume that the pork chop is pure meat with no fat.

> 6 ounces pork chop*4 calories per gram of protein means 4*28*6=672 calories

> in a pure meat or protein porkchop weighing 6 ounces.

> If you eat both pork chops at a meal, then you have consumed at least 1344

> calories provided they are pure protein chops; containing no fat, which

> would be rare.

> I don't know how a doctor can say that you will become diabetic because you

> are fat. While it is true that most diabetics are overweight, that does not

> mean just because you are overweight you will become diabetic.

> Remember I became diabetic when I was skinny, because I abused

> carbohydrates, stuffing myself with candy, pies, cookies and cake several

> times per day for most of my life. Yet I still became diabetic. My son

> also became diabetic, and he was even skinnier than I was.

> If you really know the information above, then no one can ever confuse you.

> Confused!



> > Hi , Harry and Pat and all listers,

> > I am now totally confused and in a whirl.

> > mmmmm What to do?

> > First for any new members I wish to make it clear I am not yet a diabetic

> > but need to drop weight or I've been told I will become one.

> > Atkins says no more than twenty carbs a day, but they don't count calories

> > just carbs.

> > you say you get your marvelous lab tonight test results from as

> many as

> > fifteen carbs a meal.

> > Pat has a very valid point that folks gain weight on Atkins even with low

> > carbs but high calories. She is right!

> > Harry is encouraging exercise and of course no matter what this is

> > excellent.

> > Tonight I am going for groceries and I am almost afraid to eat let alone

> > what to buy.

> > Have considered just plain eating anything. Though I truly have lost my

> > taste for many things loaded with carbs. I'll never go back to carelessly

> > eating just any old thing.

> > I feel stuck in no man's land.

> > Harry mentioned if a person has a one pound steak then he has just about

> > used up all calories for the day. So

> > I have two pork chops in the house. Am guessing they are six ounces.

> > Will find out tonight. Gee!

> >

> > Rita

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Harry your assumption re the pork chops is right on the money. They do

have little fat and no bone. I have one per meal. I bake them in the

microwave. So no calories in the cooking method. Zero carbs.

What I think the Dr. had in mind was that I was gaining steadily year

after year. I had that Dr. forty two years! How could you eat all those

cakes and candies and stay slim?

I am still peddling by the way.


> You need not be confused. Dr. Mirkin recommends that a diabetic should eat

> two salads per day, so I would recommend you by plenty of salad fixings like

> lettuce, cabbage, cheese, meats of all kinds, tuna, eggs, nuts and so on.

> Be sure to get the kind of salad dressing you like, too.

> Counting carbs is essential for the control of diabetes. Counting calories

> is essential for controlling weight.

> For instance if you wish to maintain your present weight just multiply your

> present weight by the number 10.

> Now you know the number of calories required per day with moderate exercise

> in order to stay as you are.

> Caloric usage is higher for men than for women, but only about 10% more per

> day. That is just the way Nature made us, no sexism intended.

> Now memorize the following information:

> 1 gram of carb= 4 calories

> 1 gram of protein= 4 calories

> 1 gram of fat= 9 calories

> 28 grams= 1 ounce

> 3500 calories= 1 pound

> Memorize the above information, and then no one can ever confuse you.

> Now let's look at those two pork chops, which happens to be one of my

> favorites, yum yum. I will assume some things about them. For instance I

> will assume they are boneless, and have very little fat or almost none at

> all on them, say a half ounce of fat per pork chop.

> First, I will assume that the pork chop is pure meat with no fat.

> 6 ounces pork chop*4 calories per gram of protein means 4*28*6=672 calories

> in a pure meat or protein porkchop weighing 6 ounces.

> If you eat both pork chops at a meal, then you have consumed at least 1344

> calories provided they are pure protein chops; containing no fat, which

> would be rare.

> I don't know how a doctor can say that you will become diabetic because you

> are fat. While it is true that most diabetics are overweight, that does not

> mean just because you are overweight you will become diabetic.

> Remember I became diabetic when I was skinny, because I abused

> carbohydrates, stuffing myself with candy, pies, cookies and cake several

> times per day for most of my life. Yet I still became diabetic. My son

> also became diabetic, and he was even skinnier than I was.

> If you really know the information above, then no one can ever confuse you.

> Confused!



> > Hi , Harry and Pat and all listers,

> > I am now totally confused and in a whirl.

> > mmmmm What to do?

> > First for any new members I wish to make it clear I am not yet a diabetic

> > but need to drop weight or I've been told I will become one.

> > Atkins says no more than twenty carbs a day, but they don't count calories

> > just carbs.

> > you say you get your marvelous lab tonight test results from as

> many as

> > fifteen carbs a meal.

> > Pat has a very valid point that folks gain weight on Atkins even with low

> > carbs but high calories. She is right!

> > Harry is encouraging exercise and of course no matter what this is

> > excellent.

> > Tonight I am going for groceries and I am almost afraid to eat let alone

> > what to buy.

> > Have considered just plain eating anything. Though I truly have lost my

> > taste for many things loaded with carbs. I'll never go back to carelessly

> > eating just any old thing.

> > I feel stuck in no man's land.

> > Harry mentioned if a person has a one pound steak then he has just about

> > used up all calories for the day. So

> > I have two pork chops in the house. Am guessing they are six ounces.

> > Will find out tonight. Gee!

> >

> > Rita

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Hi, Rita

A good meal will include aobut 4 ounces of meat, a whole lot of vegetables

and a very small potato or small amount of pasta or rice or a slice of

bread. I have learned from my non-diabetic friends who are dieting that

learning to eat a very small amount of everyting except vegetables, is the

key to loosing weight. Most americans just eat too much at one time. I

think a part of that was that in " the old days " , most people were farmers

and needed all those calories-including carbs-because of the amount of

physical work they did. As the children moved away from the farm and got

sedentary jobs, they still ate like they were still working on the farm-and

taught their onw children to do the same! Well, we are a few generations

from that life style and between not needing the food, a lot of people find

it so easy to eat fast food and not curb their appetite!

good luck.


Hi , Harry and Pat and all listers,

I am now totally confused and in a whirl.

mmmmm What to do?

First for any new members I wish to make it clear I am not yet a diabetic

but need to drop weight or I've been told I will become one.

Atkins says no more than twenty carbs a day, but they don't count calories

just carbs.

you say you get your marvelous lab tonight test results from as many


fifteen carbs a meal.

Pat has a very valid point that folks gain weight on Atkins even with low

carbs but high calories. She is right!

Harry is encouraging exercise and of course no matter what this is


Tonight I am going for groceries and I am almost afraid to eat let alone

what to buy.

Have considered just plain eating anything. Though I truly have lost my

taste for many things loaded with carbs. I'll never go back to carelessly

eating just any old thing.

I feel stuck in no man's land.

Harry mentioned if a person has a one pound steak then he has just about

used up all calories for the day. So

I have two pork chops in the house. Am guessing they are six ounces.

Will find out tonight. Gee!


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yes, I think the key for you, perhaps not everyone, is to keep it simple.

You are not the type to get bogged down in detail/numbers. It is good to

keep track of carb grams that you eat, limiting them to 15 grams per meal,

and do a little exercise. In a month or two, if you havent' lost any weight,

drop the carb grams back to 10 per meal. So, you could start with 45 grams

per day, 15 grams per meal, try it for a few months with some light exercise

and if it doesn't show any results, bump back your carbs to 30 grams total a

day, 10 per meal. Keep it simple.

hope this helps some.



> >

> >

> > > Hi , Harry and Pat and all listers,

> > > I am now totally confused and in a whirl.

> > > mmmmm What to do?

> > > First for any new members I wish to make it clear I am not yet a


> > > but need to drop weight or I've been told I will become one.

> > > Atkins says no more than twenty carbs a day, but they don't count


> > > just carbs.

> > > you say you get your marvelous lab tonight test results from as

> > many as

> > > fifteen carbs a meal.

> > > Pat has a very valid point that folks gain weight on Atkins even with


> > > carbs but high calories. She is right!

> > > Harry is encouraging exercise and of course no matter what this is

> > > excellent.

> > > Tonight I am going for groceries and I am almost afraid to eat let


> > > what to buy.

> > > Have considered just plain eating anything. Though I truly have lost


> > > taste for many things loaded with carbs. I'll never go back to


> > > eating just any old thing.

> > > I feel stuck in no man's land.

> > > Harry mentioned if a person has a one pound steak then he has just


> > > used up all calories for the day. So

> > > I have two pork chops in the house. Am guessing they are six ounces.

> > > Will find out tonight. Gee!

> > >

> > > Rita

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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good for you Rita! peddle on!



> >

> >

> > > Hi , Harry and Pat and all listers,

> > > I am now totally confused and in a whirl.

> > > mmmmm What to do?

> > > First for any new members I wish to make it clear I am not yet a


> > > but need to drop weight or I've been told I will become one.

> > > Atkins says no more than twenty carbs a day, but they don't count


> > > just carbs.

> > > you say you get your marvelous lab tonight test results from as

> > many as

> > > fifteen carbs a meal.

> > > Pat has a very valid point that folks gain weight on Atkins even with


> > > carbs but high calories. She is right!

> > > Harry is encouraging exercise and of course no matter what this is

> > > excellent.

> > > Tonight I am going for groceries and I am almost afraid to eat let


> > > what to buy.

> > > Have considered just plain eating anything. Though I truly have lost


> > > taste for many things loaded with carbs. I'll never go back to


> > > eating just any old thing.

> > > I feel stuck in no man's land.

> > > Harry mentioned if a person has a one pound steak then he has just


> > > used up all calories for the day. So

> > > I have two pork chops in the house. Am guessing they are six ounces.

> > > Will find out tonight. Gee!

> > >

> > > Rita

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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ya, take it easy and one day at at time. Everyone has to find their own

personal blend of this information to reach their goal.

Atkins states 20 grams a day which is nuts IMO. Bernstein states 30 grams a

day which is to strict for me. While some can follow that strict of grams,

my point is, you have to be happy with your grams since it is somethign you

have to do for life. I don't eat only 20 or 30 grams a day, I know I

wouldn't enjoy myself and would just cheat all the time. So, I eat 15 grams

per meal, 3 meals a day for total of 45 grams, weigh 150 pounds, blood work

is perfect,and I am happy.

You gotta be happy Rita with your carb grams... you'll be doing it for the

*rest* of your life!



> >

> >

> > > Hi , Harry and Pat and all listers,

> > > I am now totally confused and in a whirl.

> > > mmmmm What to do?

> > > First for any new members I wish to make it clear I am not yet a


> > > but need to drop weight or I've been told I will become one.

> > > Atkins says no more than twenty carbs a day, but they don't count


> > > just carbs.

> > > you say you get your marvelous lab tonight test results from as

> > many as

> > > fifteen carbs a meal.

> > > Pat has a very valid point that folks gain weight on Atkins even with


> > > carbs but high calories. She is right!

> > > Harry is encouraging exercise and of course no matter what this is

> > > excellent.

> > > Tonight I am going for groceries and I am almost afraid to eat let


> > > what to buy.

> > > Have considered just plain eating anything. Though I truly have lost


> > > taste for many things loaded with carbs. I'll never go back to


> > > eating just any old thing.

> > > I feel stuck in no man's land.

> > > Harry mentioned if a person has a one pound steak then he has just


> > > used up all calories for the day. So

> > > I have two pork chops in the house. Am guessing they are six ounces.

> > > Will find out tonight. Gee!

> > >

> > > Rita

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Yes, Rita, 95% of the time with over 95% of the world's population, one's

weight is determined by just a simple matter of calories consumed. You may

be the genetic exception, but I would doubt it.

I have never said that reducing your carbohydrate consumption alone is the

key to weight loss, though I believe it will help greatly. If you decrease

the number of gram carbs and increase the grams of protein equally, then you

will lose no calories in the amount consumed. Looking at the data straight

on tells me that for every gram of fat consumed is slightly more than two

grams of carbs or two grams of protein. For instance one ounce of carbs

contains 112 calories and one ounce of protein contains the same number of

calories, 112.

One ounce of fat/oil contains 252 calories. It is easy to see why when one

decreases the number of carbs consumed and yet increases the number of

protein and fat at the same time, it is no wonder why weight is gained.

In no way shape or form do the above statements contradict the Atkin's diet

plan or for that matter any other diet plan.

Now when it comes to genetic predisposition for gaining weight determined

mostly by one's metabolism rate, then there is definitely an individual

difference. However, the vast majority of the human species have a very

similar genetic make-up.


> >

> >

> > > Hi , Harry and Pat and all listers,

> > > I am now totally confused and in a whirl.

> > > mmmmm What to do?

> > > First for any new members I wish to make it clear I am not yet a


> > > but need to drop weight or I've been told I will become one.

> > > Atkins says no more than twenty carbs a day, but they don't count


> > > just carbs.

> > > you say you get your marvelous lab tonight test results from as

> > many as

> > > fifteen carbs a meal.

> > > Pat has a very valid point that folks gain weight on Atkins even with


> > > carbs but high calories. She is right!

> > > Harry is encouraging exercise and of course no matter what this is

> > > excellent.

> > > Tonight I am going for groceries and I am almost afraid to eat let


> > > what to buy.

> > > Have considered just plain eating anything. Though I truly have lost


> > > taste for many things loaded with carbs. I'll never go back to


> > > eating just any old thing.

> > > I feel stuck in no man's land.

> > > Harry mentioned if a person has a one pound steak then he has just


> > > used up all calories for the day. So

> > > I have two pork chops in the house. Am guessing they are six ounces.

> > > Will find out tonight. Gee!

> > >

> > > Rita

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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I think it has something to do with my genetic make-up. Most of the people

in my family were skinny most of their life except for old age.

Interestingly I got fat just a few years ago in my old age.

Also I have been very actively physically practically all of my life until

the last heart attack. I am now working to be more active now, and I am

making some good headway toward becoming physically active again, but I

doubt that I will ever be as active as I was when I was younger.

Congratulations on that peddling. Just remember you need to break a sweat.

If you don't break a sweat, you are either not peddling long enough or fast

enough or both. With frequent peddling say three times per week you will

feel much better after a month, and after three months of persisting you

will feel down right great.


> >

> >

> > > Hi , Harry and Pat and all listers,

> > > I am now totally confused and in a whirl.

> > > mmmmm What to do?

> > > First for any new members I wish to make it clear I am not yet a


> > > but need to drop weight or I've been told I will become one.

> > > Atkins says no more than twenty carbs a day, but they don't count


> > > just carbs.

> > > you say you get your marvelous lab tonight test results from as

> > many as

> > > fifteen carbs a meal.

> > > Pat has a very valid point that folks gain weight on Atkins even with


> > > carbs but high calories. She is right!

> > > Harry is encouraging exercise and of course no matter what this is

> > > excellent.

> > > Tonight I am going for groceries and I am almost afraid to eat let


> > > what to buy.

> > > Have considered just plain eating anything. Though I truly have lost


> > > taste for many things loaded with carbs. I'll never go back to


> > > eating just any old thing.

> > > I feel stuck in no man's land.

> > > Harry mentioned if a person has a one pound steak then he has just


> > > used up all calories for the day. So

> > > I have two pork chops in the house. Am guessing they are six ounces.

> > > Will find out tonight. Gee!

> > >

> > > Rita

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Hi Rita

why not try fish, tuna, chicken (with no skin) or lean meat? Fill up on

stir fry vegetables.

I don't know much about this Aitkens diet, I've heard a lot about it but

don't know the fine details of it.

To cut back on carbs is good but to cut on carbs too much I feel is too

great. I mean 15 grams of carbs for a meal! I wouldn't have the energy to

last the morning or even the day.

Reading the label of a product where possible is the vital part on deciding

on what to eat or not. If you have trouble reading the labels, see if a

friend can help you out? Then start making up your own list of the

nutritional value of the food you have on a regular basis. I always go for

the low fat or low joule/diet products.

I always get someone to tell me the value of the carbs and fat on a product

I might consider trying and if I find out either the fat content and carbs

are too high I put it back.

I have made a conservative effort to lose weight and have manage to lose

about 9 pounds by cutting back on my carb intake but also cut back on the

fats as well. Such as only having cheese 1 day a week, taking the skin off

chicken, no margarine/butter on bread and so on. Having meatless main


Here is just a break up of what I might have at each meal.

Breakfast I always have 2 pieces of multi grain bread (which has a low GI

compared to white or plain wholemeal bread) with a spread but no margarine


butter and a bowl of cereal with low fat milk.

Morning tea a couple of low fat dry biscuits

Lunch a Sandwich with plenty lettuce and maybe with a slice of chicken,

cheese, tuna, boiled egg and so on A piece of fruit and sometimes 2 plain

sweet biscuits with 6 grams of carbs in each.

Afternoon tea just a rice cake plain

Tea main source of carbs would be a serve of

1/2 cup potato, 1/3 cup long grain rice (we have a couple of brands in

Australia which have a low GI) pasta about 1/2 cup pasta or 1 cup depending

on the type of meal having. Summer months usually plenty salads and winter

months we have one pot meals with pasta or rice. Such as Stir Fry, Chilli

con Carne, Curries and so on. Fresh Fruit or low joule jelly with diet


Supper is 2 plain sweet biscuits worth 6 grams carbs.

Most of the time I don't have anything to eat after 8 pm.

This sort of meal plan might work for some people and maybe others. But it

seems to work the best for me.

The main thing to remember Rita is that we are all different and what is

good for someone might not be good for you. Also changing your eating habit

drastically at first seems to cause more problems in the long run. Try

altering you diet gradually. Write out what you eat each day and be honest

with yourself and might be surprise to see how much calories you have.

Don't forget those few peanuts you might chuck in. Then decide what you can

cut back on.

Also take in consideration the way you prepare a meal or the quantity you

serve. I use to cook my onions with oil but now I just pan fry them and add

water if needed. Have a poach egg instead of a fried one. If you think you

feel like you wish to have a slice of bacon, grill it instead of frying.

All these things can help in the long run. Also try cooking with less salt

and find other substitutes that might add flavour to your meals.

from Down under


> Hi , Harry and Pat and all listers,

> I am now totally confused and in a whirl.

> mmmmm What to do?

> First for any new members I wish to make it clear I am not yet a diabetic

> but need to drop weight or I've been told I will become one.

> Atkins says no more than twenty carbs a day, but they don't count calories

> just carbs.

> you say you get your marvelous lab tonight test results from as

many as

> fifteen carbs a meal.

> Pat has a very valid point that folks gain weight on Atkins even with low

> carbs but high calories. She is right!

> Harry is encouraging exercise and of course no matter what this is

> excellent.

> Tonight I am going for groceries and I am almost afraid to eat let alone

> what to buy.

> Have considered just plain eating anything. Though I truly have lost my

> taste for many things loaded with carbs. I'll never go back to carelessly

> eating just any old thing.

> I feel stuck in no man's land.

> Harry mentioned if a person has a one pound steak then he has just about

> used up all calories for the day. So

> I have two pork chops in the house. Am guessing they are six ounces.

> Will find out tonight. Gee!


> Rita







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I am glad your diet is working for you. When I went to 15 grams of carbs

per meal several months ago, I felt sluggish for about four or five days,

but after that I started feeling very good and had lots of energy. In fact

I noticed a pick up in my energy level when comparing the two phases: high

carbs and low carbs. I still do low carbs today and feel very good. I am

glad your diet is working for you, because the number of carbs you consume

each day would be too many for me. I figured out why I felt sluggish for

several days when switching from high carbs to low carbs; it is called

carbohydrate withdrawal.

In my experience those who make a dramatic and sudden change in their diet

and consumption are more likely to stick to it rather than those who do it

slowly and gradually, but this is not to deny individual differences.

Re: Confused!

> Hi Rita


> why not try fish, tuna, chicken (with no skin) or lean meat? Fill up on

> stir fry vegetables.


> I don't know much about this Aitkens diet, I've heard a lot about it but

> don't know the fine details of it.


> To cut back on carbs is good but to cut on carbs too much I feel is too

> great. I mean 15 grams of carbs for a meal! I wouldn't have the energy


> last the morning or even the day.


> Reading the label of a product where possible is the vital part on


> on what to eat or not. If you have trouble reading the labels, see if a

> friend can help you out? Then start making up your own list of the

> nutritional value of the food you have on a regular basis. I always go


> the low fat or low joule/diet products.


> I always get someone to tell me the value of the carbs and fat on a


> I might consider trying and if I find out either the fat content and carbs

> are too high I put it back.


> I have made a conservative effort to lose weight and have manage to lose

> about 9 pounds by cutting back on my carb intake but also cut back on the

> fats as well. Such as only having cheese 1 day a week, taking the skin


> chicken, no margarine/butter on bread and so on. Having meatless main

> meals.


> Here is just a break up of what I might have at each meal.


> Breakfast I always have 2 pieces of multi grain bread (which has a low GI

> compared to white or plain wholemeal bread) with a spread but no


> or

> butter and a bowl of cereal with low fat milk.

> Morning tea a couple of low fat dry biscuits

> Lunch a Sandwich with plenty lettuce and maybe with a slice of chicken,

> cheese, tuna, boiled egg and so on A piece of fruit and sometimes 2 plain

> sweet biscuits with 6 grams of carbs in each.

> Afternoon tea just a rice cake plain

> Tea main source of carbs would be a serve of

> 1/2 cup potato, 1/3 cup long grain rice (we have a couple of brands in

> Australia which have a low GI) pasta about 1/2 cup pasta or 1 cup


> on the type of meal having. Summer months usually plenty salads and


> months we have one pot meals with pasta or rice. Such as Stir Fry, Chilli

> con Carne, Curries and so on. Fresh Fruit or low joule jelly with diet

> yoghurt.

> Supper is 2 plain sweet biscuits worth 6 grams carbs.

> Most of the time I don't have anything to eat after 8 pm.


> This sort of meal plan might work for some people and maybe others. But


> seems to work the best for me.


> The main thing to remember Rita is that we are all different and what is

> good for someone might not be good for you. Also changing your eating


> drastically at first seems to cause more problems in the long run. Try

> altering you diet gradually. Write out what you eat each day and be


> with yourself and might be surprise to see how much calories you have.

> Don't forget those few peanuts you might chuck in. Then decide what you


> cut back on.


> Also take in consideration the way you prepare a meal or the quantity you

> serve. I use to cook my onions with oil but now I just pan fry them and


> water if needed. Have a poach egg instead of a fried one. If you think


> feel like you wish to have a slice of bacon, grill it instead of frying.

> All these things can help in the long run. Also try cooking with less


> and find other substitutes that might add flavour to your meals.


> from Down under

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Thank you Pat. Well even when not dieting, I have never especially cared

for bread or rice. Yes, I did really love mashed potatoes.

I love veggies. Will aim though for um here goes spelling, crossciferous

and very very low carbs here too. My down fall is not so very much carbs

but amount.

Also exercising does make me feel better and helps get my day off to a

good start.


> Hi, Rita

> A good meal will include aobut 4 ounces of meat, a whole lot of vegetables

> and a very small potato or small amount of pasta or rice or a slice of

> bread. I have learned from my non-diabetic friends who are dieting that

> learning to eat a very small amount of everyting except vegetables, is the

> key to loosing weight. Most americans just eat too much at one time. I

> think a part of that was that in " the old days " , most people were farmers

> and needed all those calories-including carbs-because of the amount of

> physical work they did. As the children moved away from the farm and got

> sedentary jobs, they still ate like they were still working on the farm-and

> taught their onw children to do the same! Well, we are a few generations

> from that life style and between not needing the food, a lot of people find

> it so easy to eat fast food and not curb their appetite!

> good luck.


> Confused!



> Hi , Harry and Pat and all listers,

> I am now totally confused and in a whirl.

> mmmmm What to do?

> First for any new members I wish to make it clear I am not yet a diabetic

> but need to drop weight or I've been told I will become one.

> Atkins says no more than twenty carbs a day, but they don't count calories

> just carbs.

> you say you get your marvelous lab tonight test results from as many

> as

> fifteen carbs a meal.

> Pat has a very valid point that folks gain weight on Atkins even with low

> carbs but high calories. She is right!

> Harry is encouraging exercise and of course no matter what this is

> excellent.

> Tonight I am going for groceries and I am almost afraid to eat let alone

> what to buy.

> Have considered just plain eating anything. Though I truly have lost my

> taste for many things loaded with carbs. I'll never go back to carelessly

> eating just any old thing.

> I feel stuck in no man's land.

> Harry mentioned if a person has a one pound steak then he has just about

> used up all calories for the day. So

> I have two pork chops in the house. Am guessing they are six ounces.

> Will find out tonight. Gee!


> Rita







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Oh yes ! Went shopping last night and hit the produce section with

a sense of freedom and relaxation. mmm Confidence may be a better word

here. Bought lots of greens, asparagus, one avocado, celery, spinach,

etc. Now with my new dressing of red wine vinegar and olive oil just a

tiny amount, mind you, I'll be set for lunch. Eggs for breakfast and meat

or fish for dinner and lots of water and peddling and some progress should

be made!

Thank you !


> yes, I think the key for you, perhaps not everyone, is to keep it simple.

> You are not the type to get bogged down in detail/numbers. It is good to

> keep track of carb grams that you eat, limiting them to 15 grams per meal,

> and do a little exercise. In a month or two, if you havent' lost any weight,

> drop the carb grams back to 10 per meal. So, you could start with 45 grams

> per day, 15 grams per meal, try it for a few months with some light exercise

> and if it doesn't show any results, bump back your carbs to 30 grams total a

> day, 10 per meal. Keep it simple.


> hope this helps some.


> Regards,


> Confused!

> > >

> > >

> > > > Hi , Harry and Pat and all listers,

> > > > I am now totally confused and in a whirl.

> > > > mmmmm What to do?

> > > > First for any new members I wish to make it clear I am not yet a

> diabetic

> > > > but need to drop weight or I've been told I will become one.

> > > > Atkins says no more than twenty carbs a day, but they don't count

> calories

> > > > just carbs.

> > > > you say you get your marvelous lab tonight test results from as

> > > many as

> > > > fifteen carbs a meal.

> > > > Pat has a very valid point that folks gain weight on Atkins even with

> low

> > > > carbs but high calories. She is right!

> > > > Harry is encouraging exercise and of course no matter what this is

> > > > excellent.

> > > > Tonight I am going for groceries and I am almost afraid to eat let

> alone

> > > > what to buy.

> > > > Have considered just plain eating anything. Though I truly have lost

> my

> > > > taste for many things loaded with carbs. I'll never go back to

> carelessly

> > > > eating just any old thing.

> > > > I feel stuck in no man's land.

> > > > Harry mentioned if a person has a one pound steak then he has just

> about

> > > > used up all calories for the day. So

> > > > I have two pork chops in the house. Am guessing they are six ounces.

> > > > Will find out tonight. Gee!

> > > >

> > > > Rita

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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For sure . This is an adjustment into a new way of living and not a

temporary fad. The winds of change are blowing constructively!


> ya, take it easy and one day at at time. Everyone has to find their own

> personal blend of this information to reach their goal.


> Atkins states 20 grams a day which is nuts IMO. Bernstein states 30 grams a

> day which is to strict for me. While some can follow that strict of grams,

> my point is, you have to be happy with your grams since it is somethign you

> have to do for life. I don't eat only 20 or 30 grams a day, I know I

> wouldn't enjoy myself and would just cheat all the time. So, I eat 15 grams

> per meal, 3 meals a day for total of 45 grams, weigh 150 pounds, blood work

> is perfect,and I am happy.


> You gotta be happy Rita with your carb grams... you'll be doing it for the

> *rest* of your life!


> Regards,


> Confused!

> > >

> > >

> > > > Hi , Harry and Pat and all listers,

> > > > I am now totally confused and in a whirl.

> > > > mmmmm What to do?

> > > > First for any new members I wish to make it clear I am not yet a

> diabetic

> > > > but need to drop weight or I've been told I will become one.

> > > > Atkins says no more than twenty carbs a day, but they don't count

> calories

> > > > just carbs.

> > > > you say you get your marvelous lab tonight test results from as

> > > many as

> > > > fifteen carbs a meal.

> > > > Pat has a very valid point that folks gain weight on Atkins even with

> low

> > > > carbs but high calories. She is right!

> > > > Harry is encouraging exercise and of course no matter what this is

> > > > excellent.

> > > > Tonight I am going for groceries and I am almost afraid to eat let

> alone

> > > > what to buy.

> > > > Have considered just plain eating anything. Though I truly have lost

> my

> > > > taste for many things loaded with carbs. I'll never go back to

> carelessly

> > > > eating just any old thing.

> > > > I feel stuck in no man's land.

> > > > Harry mentioned if a person has a one pound steak then he has just

> about

> > > > used up all calories for the day. So

> > > > I have two pork chops in the house. Am guessing they are six ounces.

> > > > Will find out tonight. Gee!

> > > >

> > > > Rita

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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Now Harry, you have not yet reached " old age! " In my mind perhaps 70

could be considered old. Then too there is elderly which I suppose starts

at 80. Golly I've met some feisty folks lately in their nineties! Full

of bounce to the ounce too!!!


> I think it has something to do with my genetic make-up. Most of the people

> in my family were skinny most of their life except for old age.

> Interestingly I got fat just a few years ago in my old age.

> Also I have been very actively physically practically all of my life until

> the last heart attack. I am now working to be more active now, and I am

> making some good headway toward becoming physically active again, but I

> doubt that I will ever be as active as I was when I was younger.

> Congratulations on that peddling. Just remember you need to break a sweat.

> If you don't break a sweat, you are either not peddling long enough or fast

> enough or both. With frequent peddling say three times per week you will

> feel much better after a month, and after three months of persisting you

> will feel down right great.

> Confused!

> > >

> > >

> > > > Hi , Harry and Pat and all listers,

> > > > I am now totally confused and in a whirl.

> > > > mmmmm What to do?

> > > > First for any new members I wish to make it clear I am not yet a

> diabetic

> > > > but need to drop weight or I've been told I will become one.

> > > > Atkins says no more than twenty carbs a day, but they don't count

> calories

> > > > just carbs.

> > > > you say you get your marvelous lab tonight test results from as

> > > many as

> > > > fifteen carbs a meal.

> > > > Pat has a very valid point that folks gain weight on Atkins even with

> low

> > > > carbs but high calories. She is right!

> > > > Harry is encouraging exercise and of course no matter what this is

> > > > excellent.

> > > > Tonight I am going for groceries and I am almost afraid to eat let

> alone

> > > > what to buy.

> > > > Have considered just plain eating anything. Though I truly have lost

> my

> > > > taste for many things loaded with carbs. I'll never go back to

> carelessly

> > > > eating just any old thing.

> > > > I feel stuck in no man's land.

> > > > Harry mentioned if a person has a one pound steak then he has just

> about

> > > > used up all calories for the day. So

> > > > I have two pork chops in the house. Am guessing they are six ounces.

> > > > Will find out tonight. Gee!

> > > >

> > > > Rita

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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Good for you for working at it, Rita! mashed potatoes are my downfall too.

We just don't make them as I eat them all-and with gravy! I think you said

it though my mentioning amount. Most people eat good food-but too much of





> Hi , Harry and Pat and all listers,

> I am now totally confused and in a whirl.

> mmmmm What to do?

> First for any new members I wish to make it clear I am not yet a diabetic

> but need to drop weight or I've been told I will become one.

> Atkins says no more than twenty carbs a day, but they don't count calories

> just carbs.

> you say you get your marvelous lab tonight test results from as


> as

> fifteen carbs a meal.

> Pat has a very valid point that folks gain weight on Atkins even with low

> carbs but high calories. She is right!

> Harry is encouraging exercise and of course no matter what this is

> excellent.

> Tonight I am going for groceries and I am almost afraid to eat let alone

> what to buy.

> Have considered just plain eating anything. Though I truly have lost my

> taste for many things loaded with carbs. I'll never go back to carelessly

> eating just any old thing.

> I feel stuck in no man's land.

> Harry mentioned if a person has a one pound steak then he has just about

> used up all calories for the day. So

> I have two pork chops in the house. Am guessing they are six ounces.

> Will find out tonight. Gee!


> Rita







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Well thank you . You do have some good ideas here. There are lots

of spices and herbs to use instead of salt or so much salt.

You are right I agree re simply eating less. And wow that is terrific not

to eat anything after a certain time in the evening.

Howerver, I would rather have grams of fat than soooo many carbs. You

mentioned rice, potatoes, and bread. hmmmmm I don't know if you are quite

on track there. Facts! Nothing but the fact! I think this list sort of

is like taking a graduate course in good health with serious tight control

of how the human body works with materials ingested and energy output.

It takes knowledge for health and a darn serious committment. We are here

to support each other on all these areas.

Rita who is off for a cup of coffee and then to do some peddling and maybe

even some house work. Smile.



> Hi Rita


> why not try fish, tuna, chicken (with no skin) or lean meat? Fill up on

> stir fry vegetables.


> I don't know much about this Aitkens diet, I've heard a lot about it but

> don't know the fine details of it.


> To cut back on carbs is good but to cut on carbs too much I feel is too

> great. I mean 15 grams of carbs for a meal! I wouldn't have the energy to

> last the morning or even the day.


> Reading the label of a product where possible is the vital part on deciding

> on what to eat or not. If you have trouble reading the labels, see if a

> friend can help you out? Then start making up your own list of the

> nutritional value of the food you have on a regular basis. I always go for

> the low fat or low joule/diet products.


> I always get someone to tell me the value of the carbs and fat on a product

> I might consider trying and if I find out either the fat content and carbs

> are too high I put it back.


> I have made a conservative effort to lose weight and have manage to lose

> about 9 pounds by cutting back on my carb intake but also cut back on the

> fats as well. Such as only having cheese 1 day a week, taking the skin off

> chicken, no margarine/butter on bread and so on. Having meatless main

> meals.


> Here is just a break up of what I might have at each meal.


> Breakfast I always have 2 pieces of multi grain bread (which has a low GI

> compared to white or plain wholemeal bread) with a spread but no margarine

> or

> butter and a bowl of cereal with low fat milk.

> Morning tea a couple of low fat dry biscuits

> Lunch a Sandwich with plenty lettuce and maybe with a slice of chicken,

> cheese, tuna, boiled egg and so on A piece of fruit and sometimes 2 plain

> sweet biscuits with 6 grams of carbs in each.

> Afternoon tea just a rice cake plain

> Tea main source of carbs would be a serve of

> 1/2 cup potato, 1/3 cup long grain rice (we have a couple of brands in

> Australia which have a low GI) pasta about 1/2 cup pasta or 1 cup depending

> on the type of meal having. Summer months usually plenty salads and winter

> months we have one pot meals with pasta or rice. Such as Stir Fry, Chilli

> con Carne, Curries and so on. Fresh Fruit or low joule jelly with diet

> yoghurt.

> Supper is 2 plain sweet biscuits worth 6 grams carbs.

> Most of the time I don't have anything to eat after 8 pm.


> This sort of meal plan might work for some people and maybe others. But it

> seems to work the best for me.


> The main thing to remember Rita is that we are all different and what is

> good for someone might not be good for you. Also changing your eating habit

> drastically at first seems to cause more problems in the long run. Try

> altering you diet gradually. Write out what you eat each day and be honest

> with yourself and might be surprise to see how much calories you have.

> Don't forget those few peanuts you might chuck in. Then decide what you can

> cut back on.


> Also take in consideration the way you prepare a meal or the quantity you

> serve. I use to cook my onions with oil but now I just pan fry them and add

> water if needed. Have a poach egg instead of a fried one. If you think you

> feel like you wish to have a slice of bacon, grill it instead of frying.

> All these things can help in the long run. Also try cooking with less salt

> and find other substitutes that might add flavour to your meals.


> from Down under






> Confused!



> > Hi , Harry and Pat and all listers,

> > I am now totally confused and in a whirl.

> > mmmmm What to do?

> > First for any new members I wish to make it clear I am not yet a diabetic

> > but need to drop weight or I've been told I will become one.

> > Atkins says no more than twenty carbs a day, but they don't count calories

> > just carbs.

> > you say you get your marvelous lab tonight test results from as

> many as

> > fifteen carbs a meal.

> > Pat has a very valid point that folks gain weight on Atkins even with low

> > carbs but high calories. She is right!

> > Harry is encouraging exercise and of course no matter what this is

> > excellent.

> > Tonight I am going for groceries and I am almost afraid to eat let alone

> > what to buy.

> > Have considered just plain eating anything. Though I truly have lost my

> > taste for many things loaded with carbs. I'll never go back to carelessly

> > eating just any old thing.

> > I feel stuck in no man's land.

> > Harry mentioned if a person has a one pound steak then he has just about

> > used up all calories for the day. So

> > I have two pork chops in the house. Am guessing they are six ounces.

> > Will find out tonight. Gee!

> >

> > Rita

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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yum! you are actually making me hungry! One thing I found, and have heard

from others as well, I lost my crave for carbs and now crave leafy veggies

even more. It is amazing. As crazy as it sounds, I would rather have a huge

salad, green lettuce, with dressing on it and fresh veggies adn meats than a

huge pile of pasta.



> > > >

> > > >

> > > > > Hi , Harry and Pat and all listers,

> > > > > I am now totally confused and in a whirl.

> > > > > mmmmm What to do?

> > > > > First for any new members I wish to make it clear I am not yet a

> > diabetic

> > > > > but need to drop weight or I've been told I will become one.

> > > > > Atkins says no more than twenty carbs a day, but they don't count

> > calories

> > > > > just carbs.

> > > > > you say you get your marvelous lab tonight test results

from as

> > > > many as

> > > > > fifteen carbs a meal.

> > > > > Pat has a very valid point that folks gain weight on Atkins even


> > low

> > > > > carbs but high calories. She is right!

> > > > > Harry is encouraging exercise and of course no matter what this is

> > > > > excellent.

> > > > > Tonight I am going for groceries and I am almost afraid to eat let

> > alone

> > > > > what to buy.

> > > > > Have considered just plain eating anything. Though I truly have


> > my

> > > > > taste for many things loaded with carbs. I'll never go back to

> > carelessly

> > > > > eating just any old thing.

> > > > > I feel stuck in no man's land.

> > > > > Harry mentioned if a person has a one pound steak then he has just

> > about

> > > > > used up all calories for the day. So

> > > > > I have two pork chops in the house. Am guessing they are six


> > > > > Will find out tonight. Gee!

> > > > >

> > > > > Rita

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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