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NEWS: Drug Combo Shown to Halt Arthritis Damage to Joints

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Drug Combo Shown to Halt Arthritis Damage to Joints

Mon Oct 18, 2004 05:10 PM ET

By Deena Beasley

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Combining new biologic drugs with an older treatment

can stop joint damage in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, according to

new research.

The benefits are seen when drugs designed to block an inflammation-causing

protein called tumor necrosis factor are combined with the immunosuppressant

methotrexate, according to three studies presented on Monday at a San

meeting of the American College of Rheumatology.

Both Enbrel, the rheumatoid arthritis drug sold by Amgen Inc. and Wyeth, and

Humira, made by Abbott Laboratories Inc., were shown to stop joint damage

when given in combination with methotrexate for two years.

Data was also presented at the conference showing that methotrexate in

combination with Remicade, made by & , prevented joint

erosion in 79 percent of patients who began a one-year study with undamaged


The TNF-blockers have been among the most successful of all biotechnology

drugs, with combined sales of $4.1 billion in 2003.

An Amgen-sponsored study found that 74 percent of patients with early-stage

rheumatoid arthritis who were given Enbrel and methotrexate saw their

disease progress halted, compared to around 60 percent in the single drug


" Doctors can see that the therapy controls signs and symptoms of rheumatoid

arthritis, but they can now have 'peace of mind' that joints are being

protected, " said Hamil, general manager of Amgen's inflammation


In a separate two-year study, 61 percent of patients treated with Humira and

methotrexate experienced no further joint damage, compared with 45 percent

on Humira alone and 34 on methotrexate alone.

Both trials also showed that patients treated with the drug combination had

greater improvement in physical function scores than either drug alone.

Hamil said Amgen's launch this week of a syringe pre-filled with a weekly

dose of Enbrel that patients can inject themselves erases any marketing

advantage that Humira has had in the past.

Amgen said its study also showed a mean reduction in damage, meaning that

the combination therapy may offer a way for the body to repair joint

erosion. The company hopes to answer that question during the trial's

four-year period, Hamil said.

" These data ... underscore the importance of aggressive treatment to help

prevent long-term disability, " study investigator Dr. van der

Heijde, said in a statement.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease causing pain, swelling,

stiffness and loss of function in the joints.

http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=healthNews & storyID=6533695

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