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Re: Who is Barack Obama?

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As a Canadian... it's immaterial who you elect... I just hate smear campaigns.

I hope those who read this will read the following from snopes... and from

cnn...that refutes this email... before passing it along.



Debunked Insight Magazine and Fox News Smear Campaign

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

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Contact: Tommy Vietor or Gibbs,

Date: January 23, 2007

Debunked Insight Magazine and Fox News Smear Campaign

In the past week, many of you have read a now thoroughly-debunked story by

Insight Magazine, owned by the Washington Times, which cites unnamed sources

close to a political campaign that claim Senator Obama was enrolled for " at

least four years " in an Indonesian " Madrassa " . The article says the " sources "

believe the Madrassa was " espousing Wahhabism, " a form of radical Islam.

Insight Magazine published these allegations without a single named source, and

without doing any independent reporting to confirm or deny the allegations. Fox

News quickly parroted the charges, and Fox and Friends host Steve Doocy went so

far as to ask, " Why didn't anybody ever mention that that man right there was

raised - spent the first decade of his life, raised by his Muslim father - as a

Muslim and was educated in a Madrassa? "

All of the claims about Senator Obama raised in the Insight Magazine piece were

thoroughly debunked by CNN, which, instead of relying on unnamed sources, sent a

reporter to Obama's former school in Jakarta to check the facts.


Video: http://thinkprogress.org/2007/01/22/cnn-obama-debunk/

If Doocy or the staff at Fox and Friends had taken the time to check their

facts, or simply made a call to his office, they would have learned that Senator

Obama was not educated in a Madrassa, was not raised as a Muslim, and was not

raised by his father - an atheist Obama met once in his life before he died.

Later in the day, Fox News host Gibson again discussed the Insight Magazine

story without any attempt to independently confirm the charges.

All of the claims about Senator Obama's faith and education raised in the

Insight Magazine story and repeated on Fox News are false. Senator Obama was

raised in a secular household in Indonesia by his stepfather and mother. Obama's

stepfather worked for a U.S. oil company, and sent his stepson to two years of

Catholic school, as well as two years of public school. As Obama described it,

" Without the money to go to the international school that most expatriate

children attended, I went to local Indonesian schools and ran the streets with

the children of farmers, servants, tailors, and clerks. " [The Audacity of Hope,

p. 274]

To be clear, Senator Obama has never been a Muslim, was not raised a Muslim, and

is a committed Christian who attends the United Church of Christ in Chicago.

Furthermore, the Indonesian school Obama attended in Jakarta is a public school

that is not and never has been a Madrassa.

These malicious, irresponsible charges are precisely the kind of politics the

American people have grown tired of, and that Senator Obama is trying to change

by focusing on bringing people together to solve our common problems.

Below please find facts and citations rebutting the claims in the Insight

Magazine story to help inform your editorial discussions about this issue.

Attached also please find a letter from an ecumenical coalition of religious

leaders denouncing this brand of negative politics. Download file

CNN Reporter: I've Been to Madrassas in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and Obama's

Indonesian Elementary School Is Nothing Like That. On January 22, CNN Reporter

Vause reported, " I came here to Barack Obama's elementary school in

Jakarta, looking for what some are calling an Islamic Madrassa, like the ones

that teach hate and violence in Pakistan and Afghanistan.. I've been to those

Madrassas in Pakistan and Wolf, this school is nothing like that. " [CNN,

Situation Room, 1/22/07]

CNN: Former Students Said It Was A Mixed Public School That Did Not Focus On

Religion. CNN's Vause reported, " There are religion classes once a week - most

of the 450 students are Muslim, and are taught about Islam.the handful who are

Christians, learn that Jesus is the Son of God. The deputy headmaster tells me

he's unaware that his school has been labeled an Islamic Madrassa by some in

United States, and bristles at the thought. " Hardi Priyono, the school's Deputy

Headmaster, said, " This is a public school we don't focus on religion.In our

daily lives, we try to respect religion but we don't give preferential treatment

to. " Bandung Winadijanto, a classmate of Obama's, said, " It's not Islamic

School, it's general, there is a lot of Christian, Buddhist also Confucian . . .

so that's a mixed school. " [CNN, Situation Room, 1/22/07]

Indonesian Embassy: Besuki School Attended by Barack Obama " Has Never Been an

Islamic Madrasah Type of School. " In an informal communication, the Indonesian

Embassy stated that " Sekolah Dasar Negeri 04 Besuki in Menteng, Jakarta,

Indonesia has always been a public school. It has never been an Islamic madrasah

type of school. " [Email From Indonesian Embassy, 1/19/07]

CNN Reporter: Obama's School Taught A National Curriculum of Science and Math,

Students Were " Neatly Dressed In Uniform, " and Teachers Wore Western Style

Dress. In front of boys and girls playing in the quad of the school, Vause

reported, " In the quadrangle of this elementary school - boys and girls, aged

from 6 to 12, neatly dressed in uniform - playing together, just as a young

Barack Obama would have done almost 40 years ago. " In front of a science class,

" Here they're taught science and maths. " Vause said, the school, " 'Besuki'

elementary follows a national curriculum, just like it did in the sixties and

seventies.take a close look at Obama's teachers, women and men, all in western

style dress. " [CNN, Situation Room, 1/22/07]

CNN Reporter: Obama's School Was One of the Wealthiest In Jakarta, Down the Road

From the US Ambassador. CNN reporter Vause said, " Basuki is typical of almost

all Indonesian public schools - except this is one of the wealthiest

neighborhoods in Jakarta, the US Ambassador lives up the road...and this school

is probably better off than most. " [CNN, Situation Room, 1/22/07]

Time's Joe Klein: Attacks On Obama's Elementary School Are " Laughable " Given the

Moderate Form of Islam Practiced in Indonesia, Especially in Those Days. " Time's

Joe Klein wrote, " The effort to slime Barack Obama has begun in the slimiest

possible way. " Describing attacks on Obama's elementary school, Klein wrote,

" Now, this is nonsense of course. Obama's stepfather was not a Muslim extremist

(among other things, he worked for Shell Oil). Obama attended public school for

two years in Indonesia, in addition to the two years he spent in catholic

schools--although, as Obama's staff points out, Indonesia is a Muslim country,

so the public schools undoubtedly reflect the dominant relgious culture. The

notion that the Obama's school was a Wahabi madrasa is laughable, given the

moderate form of Islam practiced in Indonesia, especially in those days. " [Time

Blog, 1/22/07 , http://time-blog.com/swampland/2007/01/disgusting.html]

Main Radical Islamic Movement in Indonesia Crushed in 1962; Obama Attended

School There Beginning in 1967. Indonesia's indigenous radical Islamic movement,

Darul Islam, was crushed in 1962 by Soeharto's army and because they " failed to

gain support from mainstream Muslims. " The vast majority of Indonesian Muslims

remain tolerant and inclusive, as they have been traditionally described. "

Barack Obama attended school in Indonesia beginning in 1967. [uS-INDO

Conference, 2/7/02 ; " Dreams from My Father, " 1995]

Militant Madrassas Linked to Taliban Did Not Emerge Until Late 1970s, Early

1980s. Madrasah is the term used to describe an Islamic religious school.

However, the type of madrasahs linked to the Taliban did not emerge until the

Afghan war against the Soviets. During that war (1979-1989), a new kind of

madrasah emerged in the Pakistan-Afghanistan region -- not so much concerned

about scholarship as making war on infidels, and financed by Saudi wealth. [PBS

Frontline, 10/25/01 ]

Indonesian Islam is " Tolerant, Inclusive, [and] Compatible With Democracy. "

" Azyumardi Azra, Director of the State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN),

said it is 'simplistic' to think of Indonesian Islam as the same as Islam in the

Middle East. Because of its slow, peaceful penetration over centuries,

accommodating to and integrating with local beliefs and customs. The

conventional wisdom of Indonesian Islam as tolerant, inclusive and inherently

compatible with democracy is valid. " [uS-INDO Conference, 2/7/02 ]


CNN debunks false report about Obama

Story Highlights

.. Report alleges Illinois senator attended radical Muslim school as a child

.. CNN reporter visits Indonesia school in question, sees no radicalism

.. Former classmate calls school " general, " with multiple religions

JAKARTA, Indonesia (CNN) -- Allegations that Sen. Barack Obama was educated in a

radical Muslim school known as a " madrassa " are not accurate, according to CNN


Insight Magazine, which is owned by the same company as The Washington Times,

reported on its Web site last week that associates of Sen. Hillary Rodham

Clinton, D-New York, had unearthed information the Illinois Democrat and likely

presidential candidate attended a Muslim religious school known for teaching the

most fundamentalist form of Islam.

Obama lived in Indonesia as a child, from 1967 to 1971, with his mother and

stepfather and has acknowledged attending a Muslim school, but an aide said it

was not a madrassa. (Watch video of Obama's school)

Insight attributed the information in its article to an unnamed source, who said

it was discovered by " researchers connected to Senator Clinton. " A spokesman for

Clinton, who is also weighing a White House bid, denied that the campaign was

the source of the Obama claim.

He called the story " an obvious right-wing hit job. "

Insight stood by its story in a response posted on its Web site Monday


The Insight article was cited several times Friday on Fox News and was also

referenced by the New York Post, The Glenn Beck program on CNN Headline News and

a number of political blogs. (Watch how the Obama " gossip " spread)

School not a madrassa

But reporting by CNN in Jakarta, Indonesia and Washington, D.C., shows the

allegations that Obama attended a madrassa to be false. CNN dispatched Senior

International Correspondent Vause to Jakarta to investigate.

He visited the Basuki school, which Obama attended from 1969 to 1971.

" This is a public school. We don't focus on religion, " Hardi Priyono, deputy

headmaster of the Basuki school, told Vause. " In our daily lives, we try to

respect religion, but we don't give preferential treatment. "

Vause reported he saw boys and girls dressed in neat school uniforms playing

outside the school, while teachers were dressed in Western-style clothes.

" I came here to Barack Obama's elementary school in Jakarta looking for what

some are calling an Islamic madrassa ... like the ones that teach hate and

violence in Pakistan and Afghanistan, " Vause said on the " Situation Room "

Monday. " I've been to those madrassas in Pakistan ... this school is nothing

like that. "

Vause also interviewed one of Obama's Basuki classmates, Bandug Winadijanto, who

claims that not a lot has changed at the school since the two men were pupils.

Insight reported that Obama's political opponents believed the school promoted

Wahhabism, a fundamentalist form of Islam, " and are seeking to prove it. "

" It's not (an) Islamic school. It's general, " Winadijanto said. " There is a lot

of Christians, Buddhists, also Confucian. ... So that's a mixed school. "

The Obama aide described Fox News' broadcasting of the Insight story

" appallingly irresponsible. "

Fox News executive Bill Shine told CNN " Reliable Sources " anchor Kurtz

that some of the network's hosts were simply expressing their opinions and

repeatedly cited Insight as the source of the allegations.

Obama has noted in his two books, " Dreams From My Father " and " The Audacity of

Hope, " that he spent two years in a Muslim school and another two years in a

Catholic school while living in Indonesia from age 6 to 10.

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Oh for crying out loud..don't we have enough to concern ourselves with? This

is America remember? So Muslim is not good enough to even work in this

country? Or live? Shameful to be so against another religion.

I am not voting for him, but that has nothing to do with his color, his

religion or what side of the bed he sleeps on.

I just don't understand why this was even brought to the list


-- Re: Who is Barack Obama?

lol no they don't and if u listened to him speak he himself has said most


it .. i really don't care who gets in but i suggest u study Islam deeply

before u are so strongly defending him and yes I have and NO i personally

wouldn't hire a practicing Muslim in a Mcs much less the white house


hey that's just me


Owner / Moderator

Hugs 4 Pain



In a message dated 1/9/2008 9:11:04 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

roberts54@... writes:


**************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.


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ya they could send all Muslims to Mecca as gar as I'm concerned...the people

murdered on 911 died for the Muslims religious beliefs do u know what is

going on in your country? is my pain more important then my kids lives ? no

are u aware we have 2 people on this list that suffer physical pain from

injuries caused on 300 .. i think it makes the topic part of our list just

like the reason everyone else is here matters


Owner / Moderator




In a message dated 1/12/2008 6:17:37 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

clippclan@... writes:

Oh for crying out loud..don't we have enough to concern ourselves with? This

is America remember? So Muslim is not good enough to even work in this

country? Or live? Shameful to be so against another religion.

I am not voting for him, but that has nothing to do with his color, his

religion or what side of the bed he sleeps on.

I just don't understand why this was even brought to the list


-- Re: Who is Barack Obama?

lol no they don't and if u listened to him speak he himself has said most


it .. i really don't care who gets in but i suggest u study Islam deeply

before u are so strongly defending him and yes I have and NO i personally

wouldn't hire a practicing Muslim in a Mcs much less the white house


hey that's just me


Owner / Moderator

Hugs 4 Pain




(http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Hugs-N-Pain/) )

In a message dated 1/9/2008 9:11:04 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

_roberts54@..._ (mailto:roberts54@...) writes:


************************<WBR>**Start the year off right. Easy ways t



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Yes ma'am I sure do know what's going on in our country, I also know I have

the right to believe what I want and I do not shove what I think down other

s throats!

What is 300???

I don't have a problems with talking about these issue's as much as I have a

problem with someone telling my belief's and idea's are wrong because they

are different..Or to judge a whole religion on a few crazy radical ones. I

know many radical Christians that I would not want in my home but they have

a right to their beliefs...


US bred and Born and raised, but my grandparents were immigrants

-------Original Message-------

Ya they could send all Muslims to Mecca as gar as I'm concerned...the


murdered on 911 died for the Muslims religious beliefs do u know what


going on in your country? is my pain more important then my kids lives ? no

are u aware we have 2 people on this list that suffer physical pain from

injuries caused on 300 .. i think it makes the topic part of our list


like the reason everyone else is here matters


Owner / Moderator


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I'm really starting to wonder who is worse - the radical Christians or the

radical muslims. My neighbor across the street has done everything in her power

to convert me to her brand of Christianity and now we're not even friends

anymore! I just couldn't take it. She can't talk about anything else, and

everything will be taken care of by God, according to her. I don't know how you

explain things like 9/11 away with religious beliefs. If you believe in a

loving, benevolent God, how do things like that happen?

My son's counselor has also tried to bring Christianity into our counseling

sessions. She is clearly also a fundamentalist Christian, and she brings it up

in every session. Otherwise, she's a great counselor, so I haven't given up on

her yet, but I will have to talk to her and ask her to leave religion out of the

counseling if it continues.

I don't know exactly what I believe, but I agree that I really don't want a

muslim in the White House. I've read a couple of books about life in

Afghanistan since the 1970's and the people there are horribly poor and

oppressed because of the Taliban. Of course most of the people there aren't

radicals. They are just scared. And they are mostly muslim and people just

like us. But it just scares me to think about a muslim in the white house. I

get these frightening thoughts that we will turn into an oppressed country and

women will lose all their rights and become property again. I know that may

sound silly, but our government is a mess as it is. I agree that we need

change, especially in the SSD department and health care. I'm not sure that's

something that Obama is even thinking about.


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can we get back to what this board is for

Karla wrote:


> Yes ma'am I sure do know what's going on in our country, I also know I

> have

> the right to believe what I want and I do not shove what I think down

> other

> s throats!


> What is 300???


> I don't have a problems with talking about these issue's as much as I

> have a

> problem with someone telling my belief's and idea's are wrong because they

> are different..Or to judge a whole religion on a few crazy radical ones. I

> know many radical Christians that I would not want in my home but they

> have

> a right to their beliefs...

> Karla

> US bred and Born and raised, but my grandparents were immigrants


> -------Original Message-------

> Ya they could send all Muslims to Mecca as gar as I'm concerned...the

> people

> murdered on 911 died for the Muslims religious beliefs do u know what

> is

> going on in your country? is my pain more important then my kids lives

> ? no

> are u aware we have 2 people on this list that suffer physical pain from

> injuries caused on 300 .. i think it makes the topic part of our list

> just

> like the reason everyone else is here matters

> Rose

> Owner / Moderator

> Hugs-N-Pain




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