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Why won't doctors take cash?

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The last post got a little messed up at the end.

Can anyone help me understand this?

My mom and I are at her cardiologist's office.

On the way out of the clinic, she stops at the

front desk and says, " I'd like to pay my bill. "

The receptionists look baffled.

" You want to pay your bill? " one asks.

Mom's hard of hearing so she raises her voice,

" I'd like to pay my bill, please. "

" You want to pay your bill? " asks the lead receptionist.

Mom's frustration has become visible. She pulls out her

wallet and yells, " I want to pay now! " as she slams a

few hundreds on the counter. She shouts, " Cash! "

Nobody at the desk knows what to do.

Mom looks around at all the patients—with their canes,

walkers, and wheelchairs—packed into the waiting room

and then again at the receptionists and shouts,

" What's going on? Doesn't anyone pay their bills around here?

What do you guys make of this?


Pamela Wible, MD

3575 St. #220

Eugene, OR 97405


" (S)He is the best physician who is the most ingenious inspirer of hope. "

~ Coleridge

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